I Am a Master of Light Novels in Japan

Chapter 804

"By the way, teacher, what's the news about the game?"

By the way, Akamatsu Yui, who seemed to care about the result of the game, looked at Li Yan shyly, squeezed his small hands tightly, and asked in a low voice.

Li Yan looked even more embarrassed. He looked at Yui Akamatsu erratic, not sure what to say.

This matter still left Li Yan with no idea about how to solve it. Looking at these longing and anticipating eyes, Li Yan really couldn't look directly at it.

As a teacher, he naturally cannot accept such a result. If the student's writing level is not as good as others, he has nothing to say, but the marking teacher used [superficial] and [plain] to describe this piece of work written by a child with heart, and it really gave him a night Both were annoyed and couldn't sleep.

But what exactly should he do to reverse this bastard's stubborn education world.

"Actually, Akamatsu..."

Li Yan confided a few words, but didn't know what to say next.

A silence that lasted like years passed slowly between the pair of teachers and students.


Yui raised her head and stared at Li Yan blankly. Her bright and clear eyes blinked. But soon, the little girl smiled cheerfully and said to Li Yan, "Ah, if the teacher doesn’t know yet, I will Say hello again."

Li Yan was taken aback.

Yui said with a smile: "Actually, I also think that my composition should not be ranked. After all, it is a full-level competition. I have never won any awards."

"However, I am very grateful to the teacher. The teacher supported me. It is the first time Yui has been praised by the teacher. It is enough."

Yui bowed, as if she was not depressed by such a thing at all, she said to Li Yan.

Li Yan could hardly speak, staring blankly at the petite, lively and sunny children.

"No, Akamatsu, it's not over yet..."

Li Yan lowered his head, looked sad and didn't want to give up the trust of the students, and said.

The little girl was taken aback for a moment, but didn't quite understand what Li Yan said.

Li Yan knelt down, looked at this student with a faint smile, and asked, "Do you like the composition you wrote?"

"...Yes, I rarely write such a happy composition personally."

Yui hesitated for a moment, then nodded, showing a cheerful smile, and replied.

"Then wait for the teacher for a while."

After Li Yan heard it, he said to her.

It was the first time that Yui saw the eyes of this foreign teacher so close. It was indeed as legendary, the eyes were too harsh and a little scary, but the quiet eyes looked so soft.

Li Yan stood up and walked towards the office of the Academic Affairs Office.


Yui was taken aback for a moment and looked at his back in a puzzled way.

Ashamed, I once said to Zhenbai them the silly words of [students have worked hard, it is the teacher's turn to go all out].

Ashamed, he didn't know how to protect his students.

Ashamed, the teacher in this school is still putting responsibility on the shoulders of students for performance, arbitrarily distorting a child's understanding of peace!

He still couldn't help but see that his student's efforts were trampled on by a guy who didn't understand anything.

In the early morning, the teachers did not come together in the office.

But the judge responsible for reviewing this competition, the dean of academic affairs is here.

The door of the office was opened, attracting the attention of the dean who was drinking coffee this morning.

"Oh, good morning, Teacher Li."

The dean of academic affairs saw Li Yan, hesitated for a moment, and greeted him.

However, it is strange that Li Yan, who was standing at the door, did not walk in. He was wearing a shirt, his focused eyes fell on the director, and he seemed to be looking for him for something.

"Director, excuse me, I have something to discuss with the director."

Li Yan said.

This sentence quickly attracted everyone's attention, including Hachigaya Hachiman, who just put down his briefcase.

Higiya Hachiman found that something was wrong. He had never seen the friendly senior Li Yan with such an expression and asked someone to discuss it, feeling that something would happen.

"What's the matter?" the director asked with some alertness.

"Regarding the student essay competition, I hope to review the transcript evaluation of the work written by my student Yui Akamatsu."

With a serious expression, Li Yan took out the paper he unfolded after being crumpled into a ball and said to the director.


Class E for 3 years.

The first class was originally a Mandarin class, but for some reason, the math teacher from the first class in the afternoon came over.

Everyone is very surprised, what happened?

"Okay, the class will start now, and I will start the roll call now."

The math teacher opened the list and began to speak.

"That, that!"

Suddenly, a girl in the class couldn't help but raised her hand and asked timidly.

"What's wrong, Akamatsu?"

The math teacher asked.

The eyes of the whole class began to gather on Yui's body, and this girl who had not been very much noticed in the class was suddenly on his back.

"Please... Teacher, isn't Teacher Li going to the first class? Why did the class suddenly change?"

Yui's face flushed, and she plucked up courage, but she closed her body slightly, and hesitated to ask.

This seems a little strange, because no students in Class E really care about the trivial matter of the underworld teacher changing the course, but no one has objections to this question.

"Ms. Li went to a meeting..."