I Am a Master of Light Novels in Japan

Chapter 829

On a suburban road where there are few vehicles, a black arrogant motorcycle is speeding along the road, and behind is the supra that is clenching like a ghost.

The Headless Horseman seems to have realized that Li Yan and his car are not idlers, and have been paying attention to the movement of the sports car behind.

[Boom boom boom! ! 】

The two cars started a chase on a bright and dark track.

Soon, leaving the bustling metropolitan area, both sides went on the dangerous mountain road with few vehicles.


Li Yan realized this, and it seemed that the Headless Knight really didn't let him go, and planned to fight him here.

In front of him, the headless horseman with the golden helmet let go of the handle, and the motorcycle started driving by herself. She stood on the seat, her slender and graceful figure looking down at Li Yan in the gloomy darkness and moonlight.


Li Yan soon felt an indescribable burning sensation spreading from the palm of his hand holding the steering wheel.

In the darkness, supra began to burn the flames from purgatory, ready to fight with each other.

Looking down from a high altitude, on the gentle mountain road, a red flame chased the car filled with black arrogance, like a century-old showdown of road ghosts.

Supra started to crash quickly.

[Boom] With a sound, as if hitting a wall, the supra vibrated violently. Scraps of the motorcycle and parts of the supra were scattered, and it seemed that both sides were hurt.


Li Yan's wound was shaken, painful.

He noticed that his supra seemed difficult to subdue this ghost motorcycle, and the power he could finally rely on seemed to be difficult to work out.


The Headless Horseman didn't seem to expect that this car could compete with her motorcycle, and was stunned.

Suddenly, the headless rider and the motorcycle flew up with the help of the ramp, and suddenly rushed to the front of the supra.


Dark clouds in the sky rolled, like the end of the world.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, the cold wind was blowing across the vast forest under the mountain road.

In an out-of-town vehicle bound for Tokyo, a leisurely trendy young couple flirted in the car.

However, on the far opposite side, there was a rapid engine roar.

"Hey, what's the matter, are there street cars racing here too?"

The young man with dyed blond hair was taken aback and asked with interest.

"Really, street racing, I want to watch it, I want to watch it!" The hot girl-like girlfriend on the side seemed to feel very fresh, and said excitedly.

The blond young man smiled and said, "You haven't seen it yet. I've seen it many times in Gunma and Kanagawa. That scene is exciting, but I don't know the Tokyo side. To what extent will street races be played, the stereotypical Tokyoites are not worth seeing compared to cars."


Strangely, while the young people were still teasing the personality of Tokyoites, the car radio made strange noises.

Not only that, the camera part of the vehicle also began to snow.

The blond young man was taken aback, adjusted it a bit, and said, "It's weird, is it broken..."

Suddenly, around the corner, a white light appeared.

There was a rush of engine roar, a motorcycle burning with black arrogance, and a black Toyota Supra with burning wheels suddenly rammed into the Honda Accord at the corner.


A couple in the Accord car suddenly screamed with fright.

However, both cars seemed to have adjusted their operations at the same time, returned to their own lanes, and narrowly passed the turning Accord with rapid cornering and drifting.

However, after the corner, the two cars collided and flicked again, with a loud collision sound like thunder.

The Accord car parked on the side of the road.

The faces of those couples were pale.

"...Do people in Tokyo play cars like this?"

The blond young man looked at the sparks still burning on the road in the rearview mirror, and asked in a whisper to himself.

For a time, you came and I fought a lot of two Nether vehicles.

The spinning wheels didn't mean to slow down at all.

The headless rider's motorcycle in front is badly damaged.

However, supra's situation seems even worse.


Li Yan already felt the pain his vehicle had endured, and said distressedly.

However, supra's personality is just like him. The burning flame has not weakened. It understands that such a dangerous opponent will pose a serious threat to the owner sooner or later. It has been somewhat out of Li Yan's control, focusing on dealing with the ghostly rival black motorcycle And the headless horseman.

"What's the matter, where is this guy sacred?"

Li Yan looked at the black rider, secretly surprised, and thought.

However, his mind kept reverberating with Zhen Bai lying in the intensive care unit and Yui hiding behind the box. He still couldn't just let the tiger go back to the mountain like this.

The friction of the wheels is very harsh, and the stalemate between the two sides seems to be approaching the point of separation.

Upon reaching a cliff, the road seemed to become more tortuous.

For sports cars, Li Yan and Supra are in a disadvantageous position.

The headless rider jumped quickly again, this time a little different, the rider once again summoned a sickle, and instantly cut down the huge tree on the hillside.


Li Yan suddenly realized the danger, and he started to brake quickly.

On the dark ramp, huge trees rolled down suddenly, rushing towards the supra like a meteorite from the sky.