I Am a Nobleman in England

Chapter 173: Start the fence first, then hit the wall

According to statistics, among the top 500 companies in the United States, there are 75 foreign CEOs, and 10 of them are Asanyan, while the Chinese are not on the list. The CEOs of Google and Microsoft are both Asan. This has to be said, Asan is really good. . .

There is a story circulating in the IT industry, that is, an IT company recruited three interns, namely the Celestial, Asan and American. American interns just want to get things done and leave as soon as they get off work. He can talk about some problems even though he knows a little about them, and he can talk about problems that can be finished in one minute, and he can talk in five minutes.

Tianchao interns work hard and do the best work, but they don't like to talk too much.

The work of Asan interns is not as fine as that of Tianchao interns, but it is not bad. Although he speaks with an accent, he loves to ask questions and is good at expressing himself. During the internship, the students who learned the most things were from the Celestial Dynasty, but in the end, the one that people remember most was the Asan student.

Arthur also admitted that the world needs capable people, but the world is led by those who can speak well and knowledgeable, but he still would not choose to hire Asan, because he did not want to suddenly find out that his company is full of TMs. They are all curry-flavored Asan. . .

To be honest, as long as there is one of Asan, they will support each other. The fact of holding together is indeed worth learning from certain ethnic groups!

However, for start-up companies, ethnic Chinese are definitely the first choice. Not only do they have real skills, but they also endure hardships and stand hard work. In this regard, Arthur sees more thoroughly than anyone. Therefore, he is considering a new company, the head of a mobile game studio. At that time, he chose Edward without hesitation.

"...Edward, are you familiar with Apple's IOS system and Google's Android system? Can you develop software or games based on these two systems?" After calling Edward, after a little greeting, Arthur went straight Ben asked the subject.

"No problem. After the two companies released the SDKs, I downloaded them and tried to develop a few small applications. It was not difficult. However, I have not been in contact with developing games before."

"SDK?" Arthur asked in a daze, well, for him, a pure user who only uses IT products, he really doesn't understand IT terminology. However, there is no need to pretend to understand. I don't know, he doesn't mind asking.

"Ahem, sorry, boss, I'm used to it. SDK refers to application development kits."

"It’s okay, hehe, Edward, it’s like this. I’m going to set up a mobile game development studio. The birth of the mad mobile phone is undoubtedly an epoch-making. The development trend of the mobile Internet, needless to say, trust you professionals, It is clearer and better than me. However, I firmly believe and conclude that the future belongs to the era of mobile Internet.

Therefore, I want to try to participate in the huge market created by this technological change. Entertainment is undoubtedly the best and easiest entry point. I want you to come and help me organize and manage this mobile game studio. I attach great importance to it. this project.

I have prepared a start-up capital of 5 million pounds for you. I have prepared the studio office for you. I even have the first game idea to be developed. I hope you will arrive in London as soon as possible. , Hire staff, start work, and launch the first mobile game as soon as possible. Is there a problem? "

Arthur smiled and said that in the face of the serious financial pressure that may be generated by various future acquisitions and mergers and acquisitions, he has to consider creating a cash cow for himself.

And he rummaged through the memory of his brain. The business model of small investment, fastest speed and stable cash earning seems to have only thought of the mobile game project. He knows better than anyone the number of smartphone users worldwide in the future. How bright is the future of mobile games.

Thinking of those small companies that can be valued at more than one billion dollars with a mobile game, Arthur is jealous.

Can you not envy jealousy! Because whether it's "Plants vs. Zombies" or "Minecraft", these two games he himself has been addicted to for a long time in his previous life. Before he passed through them, they had been developed, put on shelves and sold. All over the world.

Especially "Plants vs. Zombies", which went on sale in May, with its exquisite graphics and refreshing creativity, Xunsu has become the company's xi golden weapon. What is even more eye-catching is that after landing in the Apple App Store, it is It set a record of breaking 300,000 downloads in 9 days, becoming the fastest paid application in the Apple App Store to earn $1 million in revenue.

When Arthur saw these news, he was almost jealous. Originally, he also wanted to start a game company immediately and move "Angry Birds" out ahead of schedule. However, the location The original company of this game in Finland has been opened and is ready to go public. . .

If you don't want to be bankrupted by the infringement, you can only copy other ideas honestly. In addition, he was eager to earn the first pot of gold at the time, and he temporarily put the game company aside.

It wasn't until he felt that the money was not enough to spend, that he once again remembered the mobile game, a nai cattle project that can generate a lot of cash flow.

On the other side of the phone, after a brief thought, Edward said, "Okay, boss, I will hand over the work of the website, go home and clean up and rush to London."

"Hehe, okay, then I'll be waiting for you in London. Send me the time to arrive in London before you leave, and I will send someone to pick you up." Although Arthur knew that Edward would definitely agree, but for him so quickly Arthur was very satisfied and pleased with his decision.

After all, Edward and his family just settled in Southampton because of work, and there was another phone call by themselves and dragged him to London, which was indeed a bit unnatural.

However, Arthur doesn’t care about these. This is a chance for him to be alone. For Edward, this is a good opportunity for his career to reach the pinnacle of his life. If others want this opportunity, he won’t get it. May be missed. After all, only people in a foreign country really know that survival is not easy, not to mention this kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After hanging up the phone, Arthur squinted his eyes slightly and began to think about it. Although he just said on the phone that he had prepared the game idea, it was just a casual talk. Of course, it opened up to him in terms of creativity. In terms of hanging up to hanging 13, it is not difficult to be a porter in the creative world. On the contrary, because of too many choices, he hesitates and entangles which one to choose as a masterpiece, and it is easier for his game studio to burst overnight. red!

Picking up a signature pen from the pen holder on the desk, and pulling a stack of printing paper, Arthur took the lead in listing the mobile games he had played in his previous life.

Those such as Angry Birds, which are already in development, naturally want to avoid "creative" crashes. Although Arthur does not remember the specific time to market for some mobile games, the games he spent the most time playing at the time were still Can be determined.

For example, he can guarantee his own ‘creative and original’ for several games such as "Stupid Birds Fly", the originator of parkour games "Temple Escape" and so on.

Therefore, Arthur finally decided to take out his deadly "Stupid Bird First Fly" as the pioneering work of the game studio. After all, the production and development of this game is simple. The author of the previous life was developed by Du Li alone, and also It can be guaranteed to be listed as quickly as possible.

Of course, more importantly, this game is pitted enough to give players all over the world an extremely deep and unforgettable "impression", allowing them to make their own game in the midst of hysterical madness in the chagrin, resentment and abuse. The name of the studio has spread all over the world!

"Haha, tusk, still need a resounding company name..." Arthur looked at the game catalogue he had listed, with a smirk raised at the corners of his mouth, and muttered.

"Da da da--"

Arthur, who closed his eyes and tried his best to give his company a name, kept tapping the desk with the pen in his hand, making a very rhythmic sound.

"Yes!" Arthur opened his eyes~lightnovelpub.net~ There was a bright light in his eyes, and he used a pen to write a line of letters on the paper.

"ReadyPyerOne!-the number one player!"

"Tsk tusk, it's a good name..." Arthur smiled with great satisfaction, proud that he could think of such a loud and appropriate company name.

With the company's name, Arthur started to write down the game ideas of "Stupid Birds First" with simple lines, and began to outline some scenes in the game with simple lines, and he considered the difficulty, levels, and so on. I wrote all the helpful content, after all, this was the first time he wrote creativity for the game.

At the same time, he did not forget to drew the names, LOGO, and game images of all the games he listed, and wrote down the general idea.

First started on the wall, and then blocked, the chicken thief's Arthur, prepared to register and protect this pile of ideas, names, LOGO, and images. At that time, it was too late to develop and was crashed by other companies. He can sue the other party for bankruptcy!