I Am a Nobleman in England

Chapter 209: �第�

Emo Alamudin never thought that the law and order in London would become so bad.

On the way home from get off work, she just got off the taxi ahead of time, stopped to buy a cup of Starbucks, and could get home as long as she crossed a block. However, because of this small road, there was a problem.

I met a group of teenage street girls in hoodies. At the time, Aimo Alamuddin, who was low-hair texting, was severely pulled and pushed into the alley before he realized what was going on.

Listening to all kinds of discriminatory abuse, Aimo Alamudin, who looks exotic in appearance, saw the unkind eyes of these female gangsters, she knew that she had encountered a group of zuism, especially when she noticed it. She was very scared by holding an iron rod in her hand.

Even if she was a lawyer, she couldn't deter these rebellious teenage children at all. She was about to be beaten. Aimo Alamuddin was so frightened that she immediately began to shout for help, hoping that someone could save her.

"What are you doing?"

At this moment, hearing a stern shout shocked everyone, including the frightened Aimo Alamudine who fell to the ground, and everyone looked in the direction of the alley at the same time.

I saw a tall and burly young man sitting on the bicycle, pointing his finger at them, and then another equally burly man stood in front of the young man.

When everyone was a little dazed, the tall young man got off the bicycle and rushed into the alley without hesitation. The female hooligans saw this and were so scared that they immediately greased the soles of their feet, dropped their iron rods and turned around and ran. . The young man refused to give up, picked up the iron rod, and ran after a few steps.


Aimo Alamuddin looked at the tall back of the young man. At this moment, she was really grateful to each other. In fact, if you changed anyone, if you waited for help in a dark alley, you would find a brave who rescued yourself. Will become the brightest knight in his eyes.

"Are you okay? Those little bad guys have run away, are they hurt? Do I need to take you to the hospital?"

Just as Aimo was in a daze, the tall young man had already ran back quickly, squatted down to support her, and asked very concerned.

"Thanks...thank you, I'm fine, thank you so much, I really can't imagine what would happen without you. Hiss..."

Aimo Qiao's blushing face allowed the young man to support herself, and she said thankful words to her with great gratitude. However, as soon as she stood up and stood firm, she was sucked by the sharp pain from her feet. With a sigh of relief, Hua Rong faded, and almost fell over again.

"Be careful!"

The young man quickly grabbed her waist and hugged her. He heard the other person say: "Your ankle may be sprained, don't move, so let me take you out and get a taxi in front , I will take you to the hospital."

"Thanks...thank you."

Before he finished speaking, Aymo, who was blushing, was picked up by a princess Arthur and walked quickly out of the alley. The bodyguard Bell, who was standing in the alley, was now looking at the eyes of his boss.

"Is it all right?"

"It's okay, this lady's ankle twisted, you go to the front to stop a taxi, I will take her to the hospital." Arthur blinked his eyes a few times and said.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Without a word, Bell turned and stepped on the bicycle, making a few gestures in the distance, and then ran to the intersection ahead.

"There is no need to go to the hospital, my apartment is on another street not far away. I can go back to the apartment and contact my personal doctor." At this time, Aimo's beautiful eyes flashed, with red clouds on her cheeks. Said the voice.

"That's it... It's okay, I'll take you back." Arthur looked at the beautiful exotic beauty in his arms, the two of them looked at each other, smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, thank you very much for your help. My name is Aimo Alamudin. I am a human rights lawyer. Haha, it is ridiculous to say. I have been running for human rights, but today I am besieged by a group of zuism people, a lifesaver. , Can you tell me your name?" Aimopu fanned her slender eyelashes, her eyes were bright and dazzling.

Aymo looked at Arthur because she felt very familiar when she saw Arthur's appearance, but she didn't remember where she had seen it.

"Hello, Miss Alamudin, my name is Arthur Bolling. You can call me Arthur. Friends call me like that. Don't be a savior. I didn't expect them to disrupt public order so badly." Arthur said with a consciously bright smile.

"Arthur Boleyn?" When Aymo heard the name, her black eyebrows couldn't help but frowned, and she whispered softly, "This name is so familiar..."

Hearing Aymo's muttering in his arms, Arthur couldn't help but chuckle and said, "I think you should have seen it in the newspaper. After all, this name has often appeared in the media during this time."

"By the way, I remember, Arthur Bolin, aristocrat, the youngest billionaire..." Aymo's eyes suddenly lit up, and after a few words, he saw Arthur shaking his head and looking at him with a smile. Looking at her, she couldn't help but apologize and said: "Sorry, Honorable Earl Arthur Boleyn..."

"Hehe, don't call me that, but call me Arthur. I saw the taxi..." Arthur pretended to smile helplessly, and when he saw the taxi stopped, he couldn't help speeding up. .

"You are a real gentleman." Aimo's face was a little pale, but still showing a charming smile, said softly.

"Thank you." Arthur said with a smile, and then he came to the taxi with the open door in his arms, put her in the car carefully, and then sat in the co-pilot and said to Bell: " I will send this young lady home safely..."

"Okay, boss, you go first, I'll be there later." Bell whispered.

"Yeah." Arthur nodded, then turned around and smiled at Aymo: "Aymo, tell me the address."

Aymo nodded and told the driver the address of the apartment. The driver immediately started the car and drove to the block ahead.

Bell, the bodyguard standing in front of the bike, shook his head and laughed. The young boss of his own is really YAN. He was thinking about the other party before. Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that he met again and staged a heroic rescue. Beautiful classic drama.

"Bell, where's the boss?"

At this time, Rolls-Royce and the full-size luxury SUV Escalade stopped in front of Bell, and the two bodyguards got out of the car and looked at Bell and asked.

"Haha, the boss went to pick up girls... Okay, let's not say, is the boss's bike loaded?" Bell asked while pushing his bike to the front of Escalade.

"In the car." Another bodyguard opened the trunk as he said, and helped Bell lift the bicycle and put it in the trunk.

Closing the trunk, Bell got into the Rolls-Royce co-pilot, took out his mobile phone and checked the actual location of the location tracker, and said to the driver: "Let's go, the street ahead."

. . . . . .

"Be careful..." After paying the fare, Arthur hurried around to the other side of the car, opened the door, and just about to get into the car, took Aimo out, but Aimo in the car had already stretched out his foot and stepped on the ground. .

"It's okay, you can help me, my foot is okay." Aimo Qiao blushed, and she was outside the apartment where she lived. She was really embarrassed to continue to let Princess Arthur hold and send herself upstairs. As a result, it will definitely cause many misunderstandings.

As if seeing Aimo’s concerns, Arthur didn’t force it. Instead, he smiled and carefully helped Aimo get out of the car, and then he held Aimo without shy away, and walked carefully to the front door of the apartment building. .

"Be careful... or I will hold you up."

When she was walking up the steps, Aymo's injured foot was stressed again, her eyebrows frowned in pain, Arthur hurriedly stopped and suggested with a worried expression on her face.

Aymo, who was a little pale in pain, didn't say a word, just glanced at Arthur shyly, and Arthur was not a little white with low EQ, aside from a word, he straightly bent over, and a princess hugged again. He was tall and slightly thin. Aymo.

"Miss Alamudin, what's wrong with you?"

When the security uncle of the apartment saw Ai who was held by a tall young man, he hurried forward to ask.

"Good evening, Peter, I sprained my ankle, and my friend sent me back." Aymo's pale face showed two faint red clouds, and explained with a smile.

"OMG, this is really bad, I hope you can get better soon, I'll go and press the elevator for you..." The security uncle said with regret, and turned quickly to the elevator.


"Thank you." Arthur held Aimo in his arms, smiled and nodded to Uncle Security.

"You are welcome, Miss Alamudin, I hope you can recover soon."

"Thank you, Peter."

When the elevators closed, Arthur looked at Aymo in his arms, his eyes met, Aymo's eyes dodged, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little weird. Arthur had nothing to say and said, "Does it still hurt?"

"It's much better, as long as it doesn't work, it's okay, but depending on the situation, I can only rest at home tomorrow." Aimo smiled helplessly.

"The most important thing is to heal the injury first. This kind of sprain can't be supported, otherwise it will be very troublesome..." Arthur exhorted with a serious expression.

"Thank you~lightnovelpub.net~ Thank you very much. If I hadn't met you today, the consequences would be really disastrous. When I get better, I will treat you to dinner and thank you again." Aymo looked at Arthur. Said very sincerely.

"Haha, okay, then I'll just wait for your call, it's best, you inform me in advance so that I can save my appetite and eat you hard." Arthur joked.

"Glitter... Okay, what kind of food do you like, Italian or French?" Aymo was amused by Arthur's laugh, which also dilutes the embarrassment that the two had just had.

"Why don't you ask me about British food?"

"Hehe, then I will treat you to English food!"

"Ahem, forget it, British food has the saddest fate, because the British will kill them twice... the first time is to take their lives, the second time is to take their taste."


Aymo was amused by Arthur's humor, and her beautiful eyes shone brightly.