I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 29: The clay kiln opens and the pottery beco

   The sun showed a face, changing from big to small quickly, which makes people very enviable that it can get rid of the big face plate at such a speed, and become a small face plate, and the face-lift succeeded.

   The breeze was blowing gently, the mist was floating, and in the still cold morning, the early bird catching insects screamed happily, and a crowd of primitive people walked out of the opened cave.

Today is a rare day. They have been looking forward to it for three days. They didn’t even eat the food they crave most, so they went out of the cave together and walked along the path out of the forest to the river. go with.

   Han Cheng, who is calm on the surface, is also very excited in his heart. In addition to being excited about the upcoming pottery, there are also some who are worried about the unsuccessful pottery this time. If this is the case, it will be a little embarrassing in public.

   It is precisely this feeling that Han Cheng deeply understands the correctness of this sentence.

   The mud on the soil bag by the river has already dried up, and some small cracks are still emitting smoke.

   Looking at the semi-circular mound on the ground that was still smoking, Han Cheng suddenly remembered a sentence from later generations—green smoke on the ancestral grave.

   The scene in front of me is so fitting!

   He thought slightly amused, reaching out his hand to touch the dried mud, feeling the temperature, the temperature was quite high, a little burnt.

   lay down on the ground and looked inside through a small hole, a piece of red inside.

   This is a sign that the fire has not burned out.

   "No way."

  Han Chengqiang resisted the urge to rip the mud kiln away now, glanced at the expectant people, and slowly shook his head.

   Everyone who had been looking forward to hearing this news for a few days could not help but feel disappointed, and the disappointment was beyond words.

   "Go back for dinner, and come back after dinner."

   Han Cheng also wanted to see the results, and seeing everyone so disappointed, he gave a time period after thinking about it.

   When he heard about eating, many people remembered that they hadn't eaten yet, and the hunger came on, and their stomachs screamed very cooperatively.

   Although everyone was a little bit disappointed, after Han Cheng suggested Wu to speak, they went back to eat.

   A few little guys who participated in the whole process of making pottery went to the end of the team and turned around one step at a time.

   Compared with other people, they have higher expectations about this matter.

   Breakfast is done faster than ever before, um, it’s a small barbecue.

   Big gold chain small watch, three small barbecues a day, Han Cheng is now half of his life.

   There are no big gold chains and watches, but small barbecues are eaten every day, but two meals.

   It’s the food that makes Han Cheng feel a little bit awkward. So now, he often can’t finish the food distributed to him by the big brother. In the end, he learned how to be a witch and distributed it to the little primitive people in the cave.

   These little primitive people don't understand what the **** child does. They don't understand why the **** child doesn't like to eat such delicious food.

   They have to fill their stomachs with as much food as they get, even if they're eating them, they have to stuff them into their stomachs.

   The people in the tribe, except Wu and Han Cheng, eat very fast, and eat faster this morning.

  While everyone was waiting, Wu had eaten the last bite of meat, and Han Cheng divided the remaining half of the food to Xiaomei and Xiaoli, the twin sisters Hua and Xing. They had not been given it several times before.

   Everyone left the cave again and headed to the river.

   As before, Han Cheng stretched out his hand and touched it for a while. The temperature was lower than before. It seemed that the fire inside was almost on.

   Looking at the people who were full of expectations, Han Cheng, who had long wanted to know the result, decided not to wait, because according to his memory, burning for so long should be enough!

  He took a wooden stick from the lame hand beside him, and then knocked it on the dried mud shell.

   The previous slime became a bit harder after several days of roasting, and the sound of the stick knocking on it seemed a bit crisp.

   But because the firewood underneath had been burned and emptied, it was not very strong, so a hole was punched out by Han Cheng's two sticks.

   The scorching heat mixed with the burned grass ash gushing out from the breach. Han Cheng evaded back and prepared to knock, but heard some crisp ‘click’ from inside.

   is not the sound of mud shells falling.

   Han Cheng's heart couldn't help but sink, this pottery must have cracked!

   He sniffed, walked forward, looked inside through the hole, and saw that a pottery had been torn apart...

   It's not good to be a teacher.

   Before the mud kiln sank and opened, I saw the broken pottery first.

   There is no way. It is the first time to make pottery, without experience, and some damage is inevitable.

   Han Cheng comforted himself like this, and then went to knock on the mud shell.

   Mud shell fragments fell, and the soot radiated lightly and the heat dissipated around. From time to time, I would think of one or two sounds different from other ‘click’.

   Whenever there was such a sound, Han Cheng's heart couldn't help but twitch, especially after seeing the binaural clay pot he made cracked, UU reading www. uukanshu.com he was even more distressed and uncomfortable.

   The mud shells were all knocked open, revealing the scene inside, and a piece of pottery sits among the grass dust.

   It’s just that they have changed a lot from when they were first put in.

   Not only did the color become black, but it also became a stone!

   It was warm to the touch and with the hardness of a stone, but not as heavy as a stone. When it was knocked up by hand, a slightly crisp sound came out.

   This amazing change has amazed even the most knowledgeable witches and the most knowledgeable masters in the tribe!

   As for the children who participated in the production with Han Sung from the beginning, they were surprised that they couldn't close their mouths.

   They held these pottery, either intact or broken, and kept tapping and touching them. The eyes looking at Han Cheng were not only puzzled, but also admiration from the heart!

   These people who have never seen pottery, after witnessing the mud turning into pottery, were stunned by this miraculous transformation.

In particular, Wu picked up a bowl, poured out the ash in it, and came to the river to scoop a bowl of water, which proved that Han Cheng said that it can be used to hold water without breaking, and that this light and small bowl After they contained more water than their bulky'stone bowl', they opened their eyes in surprise.

   This is a miracle!

   Only God can know such an amazing method!

   "The Son of God!"

  Witch put down the pottery bowl in his hand, put his hand on his chest, and respectfully bowed to Han Cheng.

Other people who were learning witches and took pottery to scoop water by the river also came back one after another, put down the pottery in their hands, followed behind the witch, and greeted Han Cheng in the same way as the witch, praising: "The Son of God ."