I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 290: Beast's son

The leader of the sheep tribe is hunting with some strong adults in the tribe.

He has been back from that tribe for several days, and now his heart has stabilized a lot.

Lucky today, the sun has not yet turned west, and it has already caught a lot of prey, which is almost enough to eat this evening and one day tomorrow.

He was thinking so beautifully in his heart.

At this moment, a deer was stunned, and the leader of the sheep tribe condensed his mind, and together with the others, carrying a weapon, he yelled and surrounded the deer.

After chasing for a while, he came to a hill not far from the river. The deer was firmly surrounded by the people of the sheep tribe, and there was no way to run.


A member of the sheep tribe screamed, raised the spear in his hand, the desperate deer fought hard, and ran in the direction of the leader of the sheep tribe.

The leader of the sheep tribe was a good hunter, and the deer hadn't had much energy to chase him. At this time, it was no different from looking for death.

You only need to lift the stick and fall, and this deer can't live.

However, something unexpected happened.

The leader of the sheep tribe ended a little late at this time, so he emptied himself and let the deer ran out.

The others were a little dazed, but didn't think much, yelling and chasing after the deer, the leader of the sheep tribe, who came to their lips, but stood there without moving.

Following his gaze, I saw a few wooden boats in the river slowly sailing from the downstream to the upstream...


The wooden stick in the hands of the leader of the bone tribe fell to the ground, and his eyes were fixed on the wooden boats on the river. After a while, he made a toothache-like inhalation sound.

It wasn't until the other people in the tribe came over happily that he carried the deer, that he could be regarded as slowing down some gods.

Someone found that something was wrong with him and asked out loud.

The head of the sheep tribe told them what he had just seen.

Hearing this, the people of the sheep tribe didn't understand it at first, and they thought that the people of that tribe could float on the water on the big wood. They had already seen this.

Although it is more surprising, there is no need to make such a fuss.

Thinking about this, someone realized something, suddenly his face changed, and his eyes showed unbelievable eyes.

Some people still didn't realize the difference here, and looked strangely at the tribe people who had become a little bit nagging.

It wasn't until later that I asked the leader that these people who realized afterwards showed a look of uncertainty.

They thought that the people of the bone tribe were beaten so badly that the people who left the rich tribe had returned.

And just now, the talents of that tribe drove into the tribe on wood.

After understanding the meaning contained in it, it would be strange if they were not surprised...

It started to rain, and it was like pearls.

There is no roof installed on the small boat, and in rainy days, it can only be resisted by wearing a fur coat and a hat.

Han Cheng had already thought about the rain, so the people of the Qingque tribe put on their robes and hats.

They had already sailed into the Red River, and they could get home in more than half a day. Everyone didn't mean to stop, they just wanted to get home in one go, so they shook the oars more vigorously in the rain.

When she found that the sun in the sky was blocked by clouds, the milk tea girl's heart was full of sorrow.

When the rain fell, she worries more.

Because it is in the wild now, there are no caves for shelter from wind and rain.

You will get sick if you get caught in the rain.

She didn't know this before, and she understood it since picking wild vegetables in the rain some time ago.

Her worries soon disappeared, because all the people in this tribe were wearing things she had never seen before.

Although I haven't seen it, I can see that this thing is used to cover the rain.

Nineteen people, nineteen suits and hats.

No one could have imagined that this time I would pick someone up when I went out, so the milk tea girl was left empty.

Seeing all this happening before her eyes, reaching out to touch the cool raindrops on her face, the milk tea girl was both happy and a little worried.

Happily, no need for everyone to get in the rain, but worry that she will get gonorrhea again.

He cast his eyes on the Chaihu planted in the jar, and his anxiety was relieved a lot.

But some sad emotions needless to say, after all, everyone has something to shelter from the rain, so she is left alone.

Her emotions quickly disappeared, because Han Cheng came over and pulled the primitive girl who was standing here stupidly into his arms, and covered it with her clothes.

The dress he was wearing was an adult, and it was not too difficult to wrap him with a milk tea girl who was thinner than him at once.

But the two need to hug each other tightly.

I've seen it more than once, and it's too pediatric for Han Cheng.

Besides, he is still a child, and the milk tea girl is also a child who has not grown up...

Han Cheng thought very calmly, and then after a while, the expression on his face became a little weird, and then he twisted his body a little awkwardly.

Damn, why is this guy getting a little eager?

This can't work!

She is still a child, and the milk tea girl is not as big as her own, and her **** have not grown...

A certain **** child wailed in his heart, but some uncontrollable guy was still stubborn.

The milk tea girl who was completely hiding in the clothes and holding Han Cheng tightly didn't know if she felt the threat from the gun, she twisted her body slightly...

The rain tends to get bigger and bigger. On the small boat, people sometimes scoop out the water stored in the boat with a bowl.

Han Cheng hugged the milk tea girl and looked at the rain with a ugly expression. After a while, he finally gave the order to stop the ship and dock.

The big brothers are still a little reluctant~lightnovelpub.net~ because they are not too far away from the tribe. According to Han Cheng's algorithm, it is only about 20 miles. They only need to work harder to return to the tribe.

After listening to what Han Cheng said that the water might rise, thinking about the horrible scene of the boat being overturned, after all, he did not dare to go hard.

Looking for a suitable place to dock, he dragged the canoe ashore.

Looking for a high ground, he leaned the canoe against a relatively steep rock and stood there upside down.

This can prevent rainwater from continuing to collect in the boat, and more space can be found under the boat to avoid wind and rain.

It didn't take a long time to do this before the rain stopped.

The elder brother and others who are eager to return home couldn't help cheering, and they could still return to the tribe if they set off at this time and arrived before dark.

They cheered and came to Han Cheng to tell them they were about to set sail, but they were stopped by Han Cheng again.