I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 45: A male rabbit panicked

   After confirming that the ‘two-legged hooligan’ outside was really gone, the couple started to get busy.

First, the male rabbit went into the jar for inspection, and then solidified the grass inside. After he came out, together with his wife, he rounded his belly and held them *unwilling to let go. Each dipped into the jar and began their happy life of a family of seven.

  Han Cheng was extremely happy, and asked Xiaomei and Xiaoli sisters to get some grass back. Don't take the yellow leaves. After carefully selecting them for a while, they put them in the rabbit circle.

  Be more careful than before.

   When he added grass to the inside, only two big rabbits could be seen in the circle. Needless to say, they knew where they hid the little bunnies.

  Han Cheng now looks at these two rabbits more and more pleasing to the eye. Although the male rabbit looks at him with some alertness, for fear that Han Cheng will **** his wife, Han Cheng is still extremely happy.

   This is a good start.

   Planting and breeding, these two things are the two basic conditions for people to move from primitive to ancient times.

  If you want to solve the food problem, fishing and hunting alone will not work, because the food obtained in this way is too unstable!

   When you are lucky, you won’t be hungry, and there will be some remaining. If you are not lucky, you can’t even catch a single animal’s hair.

   Not only that, but life is always in danger, and the relationship between hunters and prey is constantly changing.

   Take the Qingque tribe as an example, it is common to get injured by prey while hunting, and people in the hunting team are often injured.

   Fortunately, during the time Han Cheng came here, they only suffered some minor injuries. No one lost their lives, and no one left a big hidden illness like lameness.

   But this kind of thing often happens by the river, and when there are always wet shoes, the best way to reduce this kind of thing is to reduce hunting.

Planting and breeding can not only obtain a stable source of food, but also greatly liberate productivity, liberating the strongest people in the tribe from the busy hunting activities that cannot be stopped, and they can be used in leisure. other things.

   Of course, planting and breeding are equally difficult, but compared with the easy life-threatening and unstoppable hunting, it is still much better.

   At the very least, planting crops is divided into slack farming and busy farming. It is enough to feed livestock a few times a day. Unlike hunting, there is no fixed free time.

  Of course, the Qingque tribe nowadays has not even taken steps on the road of planting and breeding. At this time, hunting is still the main food source of the Qingque tribe.

   But relying solely on hunting, the tribe cannot last long, and the tribe cannot grow into a scale of tens of thousands of people. To rely on hunting, it cannot support such a large tribe.

   Although the issue of rabbit giving birth is small, it represents a great deal. This is why Han Cheng is so happy to be like this.

   These children have been familiar with Han Cheng for a long time, but they still can't understand why the **** child is so happy.

   These two rabbits, plus a few new bunnies, are not enough for the people in the tribe.

   The leader and they brought back one sheep and two wild boars at a time, and they had never seen the son of God so happy.

   It is not only that they are puzzled by Han Cheng's contrasting performance, but even the wisest witch in the tribe and the wisest seniors are equally puzzled.

   But Wu is better than others. He vaguely perceives some of Han Cheng's intentions, but this feeling is too vague and he can't grasp the point.

   Regarding this, they came together to inquire and ran to the rabbit ring when it was all right, to spy on Han Shenzi who was feeding the rabbit.

   There is nothing to hide, after all, this is for the sake of the whole tribe.

   Moreover, Han Cheng wants to develop the domestication of livestock as soon as possible. It is a procedure that must be followed to explain the significance of this matter to Wu and the master.

  Only in this way can the power of the entire tribe be mobilized and used to one place.

   This discussion did not take place in the inner cave where the witch lived as before, but beside the rabbit circle.

   The male rabbit is panicked now, because the number of people peeping at his daughter-in-law's breastfeeding has changed from one to three, and the eyes of these three ‘two-legged beasts’ looking at his daughter-in-law are getting brighter.

   It is very worried that they will come in at the same time and compete for milk for its children.

   Although his daughter-in-law’s milk is sufficient, there are five cubs to be fed. If three such big “two-legged beasts” are added, then his children will only be hungry!

   It moved back again quietly, covering the hole behind it better, watching the three thief-sparkling two-legged beasts vigilantly and nervously.

  Wu was really excited, he didn't expect that things could still be done!

   Putting aside the groups of prey that the son of God said, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com and others wanted to eat it, so they just slaughtered one. There is no need to go hunting for this wonderful thing.

Just raising some of them in the tribe, and being unable to hunt in bad weather like heavy snow and heavy rain, or when there is no prey on that day, killing some and eating this one is enough to make him startled. !

   Big Brother can become the leader of the tribe. In addition to being strong, his own wisdom is not low. Hearing Han Cheng's description at this moment, the whole person is in a state of excitement.

   I can't wait to take people out to hunt again now, and bring back some living prey.

At the same time, I was a little upset. The sheep today could actually be brought back alive, but I was afraid that it ran away and was also brought back for convenience. So I killed it. I knew it had such a major effect. Will bring it back alive.

   Big Brother has secretly made up his mind, and after hunting, he will try to stay alive.

   Han Cheng saw the big brother's thoughts, waved his hand quickly, and told him that in the future, after hunting, he had to catch enough prey for the tribe to eat for a day, and then think about catching alive and bringing it back.

   Moreover, it is not that all prey must be caught alive. For example, tigers, leopards, foxes and other meat-eating guys are not necessary. After encountering them, you can hide or hide. If you can't avoid it, you will die!

   The ones that need to be kept alive are the animals that eat grass, such as pigs, horses, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese.

   Of course, the prerequisite for doing this is to ensure that the people in the team are not harmed. If it is possible to be injured and life-threatening, no matter what animal it is, how precious it is, you must give up immediately!

   For Han Cheng, nothing is more precious than the lives of people in the tribe.