I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 698: As long as the **** is swung well, there

People from the trade team will certainly not say that when they go to this tribe, we have dug your mine near your tribe. Now we will give you some compensation.

People at this time are not so strong in this concept. In their understanding, as long as they don't go to the caves of other tribes to **** them, or rob other tribes to kill their prey, there is no problem.

Stones, things that cannot be eaten or worn, are different from such things as fruits and animal cubs.

Fruits and animal cubs are exchanged by the tribes. After discovering usefulness, if you want to obtain them from these tribes, you still need to use salt in exchange, but for stones, you don't need them at all.

Regardless of whether it is useful to the tribes or not, after exchanging them once, when they are obtained again, they will never be exchanged for things with these tribes.

This is because the people in the Qingque tribe will come to mine in person instead of exchanging them from the hands of these tribes as before.

People from the trade team went to this tribe at this time, only to conduct a normal transaction in the past, and use canned food to nurture the relationship with the tribe’s minors.

After all, this tribe hasn't come for a long time. Now it is very necessary to come to mine nearby stones and do something like this by the way.

The arrival of the Qingque tribe trade team has brought a lot of joy to the people of this tribe, especially those minors who are eating sweet and sour canned food.

These minors ate happily, and Shang, Mao and others laughed equally happily. Looking at these minors, they were full of smiles, looking at their silly sons.

In a place not too far away from the stream, the trade team members of Mao and another part of the trade team swung their hands and put a copper axe to chop down trees.

With the copper axe, they cut down the trees much faster.

Trees were cut down by them, and then cut into lengths of more than three meters.

These tree trunks and some relatively thick branches are tied together with relatively flexible branches to make a raft.

These rafts are used to hold rocks.

This is what Han Cheng thought of.

Before the construction of serious roads and the construction of two-wheeled or four-wheeled deer carts or other heavy-carrying vehicles, such things as stones, relying on land for movement is a very labor-consuming task. .

Han Cheng had realized this as early as when he led people to transport ore back and forth from Copper Mountain.

Now the place where the limestone exists is close to a stream, and the flow of this stream is not bad, and it is connected to the lower stream of the river in front of the tribe. If Han Cheng didn't know the waterway, it would be too much.

It is a very good thing to cut trees and make rafts here. When you come here, the trade team people don't have to drag many rafts all the way back and forth, which can save a lot of hard work.

Secondly, these rafts that transport themselves back with the stones are also very useful.

Some are tall and straight, and the thickness is appropriate to be used as beams and other building materials.

Some not so good can be used to burn charcoal, even if it is charcoal, it can also be used to burn fire and cook, and then the burned ashes can be used to make the field.

The accuracy of the calculations, the words and phrases such as catching two sticks of mud and getting up after falling to the ground, can be applied to Han Cheng at this time.

Before Shang entered the trade team, what he did most in the Qingque tribe was to mine stones, so at this time, let him return to his old business and do it exceptionally smoothly.

After transporting the scattered and easy-to-carry stones to the side of the stream, under his leadership, another group of people began to burn the stones with fire. After they were piping hot, they poured cold water on them.

When they were doing these things, there were many minors in the middle who ran before and after.

Or follow Mao and others to get branches.

Either holding the clay pot and following the others to get water from the creek to the side of the stone, waiting to pour the water on the stone, or holding some small stones together to transport to the side of the creek...

Not only them, but even the female primitive people who stayed in this tribe to dig wild vegetables or spear fish to eat, most of them come here to dig wild vegetables.

In the gap of digging wild vegetables, people from the trade team would stand by and watch for a while to do these strange and organized things.

Some primitive females with more lively temperament, like these minors, sometimes join in here.

There are men, women, and some lively children. It seems like a tribe.

These minors, like this kind of life, like getting along with these kind people.

I like watching them cut down a big tree quickly, like watching them cut down the trees that they could break for a long time, bundle them side by side and put them in the stream.

Such things will not sink to the bottom after being placed in water, and people can stand on them.

Standing on the surface of the water without sinking, this incident surprised them.

What surprised them was not only that, the beautiful tool that was so sharp that it could quickly cut down a tree also surprised them.

The most amazing thing is not this, the most amazing thing is the stone that cracked in the diffuse smoke and heat wave!

Such a solid stone can actually be opened in this way, which is really amazing!

Even if many of them have participated in this event, they still feel excited and surprised every time they see this spectacular sight.

Through this contact, they learned more about the Qingque tribe~lightnovelpub.net~ It turns out that in addition to being very wealthy and friendly, the people of this tribe actually possess so many amazing things.

The more I understand, the more I yearn for the Qingque tribe.

After participating in these labors and experiencing the life of the Qingque tribe, these minors, even including many adult female primitive people, unconsciously compare the life of the Qingque tribe with the life of their own tribe.

The result of the comparison is that the boring and repeated life of my own tribe is more desirable than the novel lifestyle of the Qingque tribe.

Although they didn't know why people from this tribe cut down trees and made so many rocks.

At noon, the members of the trade team started to eat lunch, which basically did not exist in this era, and the minors and women of this tribe would be divided into some.

Shang Hemao and others don’t feel distressed at all about the food distributed, thinking that when these people come to the tribe, they will grow more food...