I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 872: Is this the wisdom of the Son of God? (3

"Witch, why are there so many people in the tribe?"

Reunion after a long absence is most gratifying.

Of course, except for the enemy, when the two meet, nothing else will happen except for jealousy.

After returning to the tribe he had been away for a long time and seeing the people he wanted to meet, the smile on Han Cheng's face never disappeared.

The witches, big brothers and others who stayed in the tribe also did the same.

After a simple reunion, Han Cheng walked to the tribe with everyone, and then saw the slaves in the tribe who also came to the roadside.

He recognized everyone in the tribe, including the slaves in the tribe, except for the babies born during the period he was away.

But now, he suddenly found that there were many more slaves who were greeted by the roadside, and many of them were new faces. He was very sure that he had never seen them before.

Immediately he asked with some confusion.

At the same time, there were some murmurs in my heart. Could it be that during the period of time when they were away, how did the witches abduct a group of slaves?

It’s just too much, right?

At a glance, there are almost a hundred faces of these strange adults alone.

If you add minors to this, how many?

I'm afraid that the population obtained by attacking the semi-agricultural tribe is larger than before.

What happened in the tribe during the time I was away? What big news did they make?

"God, these are the people who attacked our tribe..."

Seeing Han Cheng's question, Wu, who was completely relieved, began to smile to Han Cheng and told Han Cheng that the people from the Black Stone tribe had come to attack the Tongshan residential area.

The big brothers and others who stayed in the tribe also had a look of joy, especially as if they had done something accomplished, and then said to their parents to listen to them, waiting for the parents to praise the children.

Amidst Wu's narration, Han Cheng and his party gradually returned to the main tribe.

Listening to what Wu said, Han Cheng was shocked. During this period of time when he and others were leaving, the tribe had encountered so many things!

The Tongshan residential area was attacked. Under the arrangement of Shang, the sparrow and Liutou rode the donkey to report the news in the starry night, and then everyone from the main tribe set off overnight and quietly set up traps behind...

These all sound wonderful. They played very well-organized. They didn't line up directly, and went out to fight with the enemy.

It seems that everyone in the tribe has also grown a lot in these years.

Among them, Han Cheng was the most pleasantly surprised by Shang's performance in this incident.

Wu is able to make people set off overnight to attack the invading enemy. After the elder brother can get in touch with Shang, he can turn to the back for ambushes and other things. These are all traces to follow. After all, the two of them are very decisive, and People who can't see their own tribe are wronged, the other is safe and will not take risks easily.

And Shang is a very combative person, especially when someone comes to attack his tribe, for him, it is simply intolerable.

But this time, he actually adopted such a method, which really surprised Han Cheng.

It seems that people will grow up, especially after leaving the shelter and starting a one-sided life, they will grow faster.

Just like Shang.

If Han Cheng, Wu, and Big Brother were to be left by his side when this incident happened, he would not have chosen as he does now.

He who proposes to face the attacking enemy fiercely, there must be him.

However, after hearing about the bark, Han Cheng's attention suddenly grew a lot from Shang, and shifted to the bark.

For this matter, Han Cheng really did not expect.

At first, the man who had lived in his tribe for a while, and then was expelled, suddenly did not die!

Not only did he not die, but he was still alive. In the end, he brought many people back to attack his tribe.

Fortunately, over the years, my own tribe has continued to grow and develop.

Not only has the population greatly increased, but the weapons and the combat quality of the tribes have all been greatly improved.

With so many people coming to attack, it would be extremely difficult to win.

This is not what surprised Han Cheng the most. What surprised him the most was how the bark behaved after encountering the bark.

At the last moment, kill the presence of the leader of the opponent, and then let everyone lay down their weapons and surrender.

And he himself took the head like a leader and walked to the front to surrender...

Such tricks and things were really made by the guy who was expelled from his tribe because he disliked his tribe’s hard work?

This is really unbelievable.

Sure enough, people will grow.

This method was basically able to meet the rest of the tribes, and the bark would not die. It was a pity that he encountered the Blue Sparrow tribe that had been taken a lot by himself.

And over the years, those who have been enemies with their own tribe, except for the female sacrificial circle of the semi-agricultural tribe, were left because they needed to warm their hands with the witch, the rest of the bone tribe leaders, as well as the witches of the Tengsnake tribe, have leaders, all Are all killed.

Under such circumstances, how can the bark survive?

Although he is not the leader, he can kill the leader and can also order one or two hundred adults who will become slaves to his tribe.

In fact, it is almost the same as the leader.

Of course, such a person cannot stay.

Even if the big brother didn't kill him at the time, after Han Cheng came back, he would definitely kill him when he learned something.

He was the one who was expelled by the tribe, and he had sent people to attack his own tribe. The most important thing was that through this incident, Han Cheng discovered that this man was already different from ordinary primitive people.

Become vicious, and still very mindful.

What do such people do in the tribe?

Let him be the rat **** who keeps doing things?

Seeing the opportunity to give your tribe a look?

Become an existence like an undead villain?

Only a thousand days are a thief, there is no reason for a thousand days to guard against a thief.

Han Cheng would not do such a thing. He felt that it was not very interesting, but it would make people uncomfortable.

Moreover, the current tribe is different from before. The Qingque tribe now has hundreds of adult laborers. Under such circumstances, there are less than ten or eight ordinary adult workers. There will not be too much impact.

In other words, just having a few more ordinary adult laborers will not be particularly beneficial to the tribe.

If Han Cheng is willing to spend more energy and thought on a person like Bark, he is still very sure that he can be suppressed.

However, the pay and the gain are really not proportional.

And if one fails, it may cause great harm to the tribe. After all, this guy is different from many people.

That being the case, why should you keep it?

The big brother chose to behead the bark at the beginning. Naturally, his consideration was not as far-reaching as Han Cheng. A large part of the reason was to follow Han Cheng's previous practice.

Although the beheading was too simple and rude, it was not like Han Cheng, who first accused him of many crimes, and then used him to attract a wave of captive hatred and transfer their hatred. The final value of the bark is also squeezed out and then beheaded, but overall it is still very good.

After all, the big brother is still relatively simple, unlike Han Cheng, the black-hearted **** son, who can play a lot of tricks.

Han Cheng agreed with the decision of the big brother after he knew it. In his opinion, cutting the bark to death would be more beneficial to the development of the Qingque tribe.

"You did a good job! You did a good job!"

After understanding the course of the matter in general, and seeing the results of the many extra slaves, Han Cheng praised the witch, the big brother and the rest of the tribe.

Such a just battle to defend the tribe really requires praise and encouragement for the actions of the tribe.

This can better cultivate the awareness of fighting among the tribes, and when the tribe encounters similar things again, the tribes can better defend the tribe and defend the rights and interests of their tribe.

Defeat those who attacked your own tribe, and then turn them all into slaves of your own tribe.

After hearing the affirmation and approval from the Son of God, everyone in the tribe became extremely happy.

After they fought a big victory, Wu Ren was even more happy to set a banquet for them to celebrate.

After all, after winning this battle and capturing so many slaves, everyone in the tribe has been looking forward to it. If the son of God returns, how will he react to the news and will he react to them? Be proud of your behavior and praise.

Now that the son of God is back, after learning about this, they really gave them such a praise, of course they were happy.

As for the people who went out with Han Sung and searched for the South, after hearing about these things, they felt a little regretful when they felt the same hatred. Just listening to this kind of game makes people feel very excited. They did not participate in the battle, and they failed to fight against foreign enemies and defend the tribe with everyone...

However, after remembering that they and the others had followed the son of God this time to find the south for the tribe, and they also found a house that was built and found rice and sweet millet, these people became happy again.

I and others are not idle. While the people who stayed in the tribe defended the tribe, they and others have made great contributions to the development of the tribe.

Han Cheng was also really happy, on the one hand for the growth and unity of the tribe, and on the other hand because of the more than two hundred adult slaves.

Before returning to the main tribe, he was still worried about the lack of manpower for the construction of Jinguan City, and was thinking about where to abduct some manpower back.

After the result came back, but suddenly got such a surprise.

After the Qingque tribe began to develop, this was the first time they had so many adult populations at once.

After realizing this, Han Cheng suddenly became fond of the timely rain on the bark.

He even raised the urge to resurrect him and then exile him, so that he would bring a large number of people to attack the tribe after a while, and send a large amount of labor to the tribe.

Of course, this is just such an idea. In fact, the experience of the bark is difficult to replicate and requires a lot of luck.

Not to mention the rest, just bark wandering in the wilderness alone without dying, it is very difficult to change to someone with a little less luck.

"After you came back, have you thought about this battle carefully, why can we win?"

After vigorously affirming and complimenting everyone's behavior, Han Cheng smiled and asked them aloud.

"I know! It's because the duo and the sparrow rode on their donkeys and ran back overnight and told the main tribe the news for the first time.

"I also know that it's because our tribe has tall walls and powerful weapons. These people can't hit us, we can hit them."

"It's the leader who hid behind and set up traps..."

After Han Cheng's words fell silent, everyone in the tribe immediately spoke about it here.

In the eyes of everyone, there were many reasons why his tribe was able to get rid of the people who attacked the Tongshan residential area this time.

Therefore, everyone in the world can say a lot without thinking about it.

Han Cheng didn't speak, but listened to the people talking in a smile here.

After a while, the people finally stopped slowly and calmed down, because they found that they had all said the reasons they could say.

Seeing this, Han Cheng smiled and continued to speak: "What you said is very good. It is right. Our tribe was able to win a big victory this time. It is indeed because of these and we did a good job. But, do you think However, in this process, what areas of our tribe are not doing well enough? If we improve what areas, we can do better, so that we can achieve better results?"

After Han Cheng's words fell silent, everyone in the tribe became a little silent for a while, and many people were shocked.

For this glorious result of the battle, everyone in the Qingque tribe is proud of it. In these days, in addition to missing and worrying about the son of God and his party, the people who remain in the tribe think most about whether this happened The battle too long ago.

Every time I think about it, everyone in the tribe will feel extremely proud and proud, and proud of their tribe’s reaction in this battle, it feels too ingenious.

As for what parts of the tribe did not do well this time, everyone in the tribe hadn't thought about it, because even the wisest witch recognized by everyone in the tribe besides the son of God was extremely satisfied with this matter.

The same is true of older brothers who have always been more cautious.

After all, this is an unprecedented battle for the tribe, and it has achieved such good results.

But at this moment, the son of God asked them this question.

Everyone felt shocked in their hearts. Yeah, this time I and others are just thinking about why they can achieve such a good result this time, just because they are proud of this battle, how can they forget to think about it in this battle? Among them, where did you not do well?

If these bad things can be corrected, will they be able to make the results of the battle even more glorious as the son of God said?

Especially Wu and Big Brother, who played a pivotal role in this battle, were more shocked.

"God, I thought of something that could not be done well, if we can rush over faster..."

"If Shang could make people sparrow and Liu Tau come back to talk about this sooner..."

"If the donkey runs faster..."

"If the leader of that tribe can be killed earlier, the people of that tribe will flee sooner, and the gates of the Tongshan residential area may not be attacked and opened. Those who attack our tribe will die even less. Some, our tribe can get more slaves..."

Under Han Cheng's heuristic question, these people in the tribe began to reflect on this battle. They no longer looked at the commendable places as before, and began to abandon these proud auras. , Carefully look for improprieties, and strive for excellence.

Seeing everyone's reaction and listening to what they said, Han Cheng smiled satisfied.

If I did this, what would happen...

This kind of operation like Zhuge Liang after the fact is not doing wasteful work.

Instead, through such a move, people can learn lessons from the last incident and sum up some points that need to be paid more attention.

Only in this way can we continue to improve and improve ourselves instead of staying in place.

Not only war, but many things are the same.

When Han Cheng said something, it was on the square between the inner courtyard and the outer courtyard, and the leader of the grass tribe, the new slave of the Qingque tribe, also heard it.

After a one-on-one day and night exchange for the past two months, in addition to a lot of work and tools, the leaders of the grass tribe have also learned a lot of Mandarin, and there is no problem with simpler communication in Mandarin.

Therefore, I can understand a little bit about what Han Cheng said. After asking the person next to her who was in a group and doing one-on-one learning, the leader of the grass tribe said what Han Cheng just said. Meaning, I understand more.

It was precisely because he understood what Han Cheng meant just now that the leader of the grass tribe was so surprised and unbelievable now.

The battle against the residential area of ​​Copper Mountain, which followed the leader of the Blackrock tribe and more tribes, left a great shadow on the leader of the grass tribe.

Such an encounter is simply a nightmare experience.

Especially after I came to the Qingque tribe and became a slave, gradually learned some Mandarin, and learned more about the battle at that time, the leader of the grass tribe became more afraid of that nightmare battle.

At the same time, they have a deeper understanding of the wisdom of the people of this tribe.

During this battle, the various reactions of the people of the Qingque tribe can only be described by the leader of the grass tribe with an idiom she doesn't know.

In her opinion, in this battle, the various operations of the Qingque tribe were very perfect, and even after it was suddenly cheerful and amazing, it would make people feel the urge to worship.

But now, it's just such a battle. The divine son who doesn't seem strong is still not very satisfied. People still need to think about what needs to be improved.

If something like this happens to yourself, you will definitely be very unhappy, and it is very likely that you will put the person who said this in a fight.

Because this is really good, how can you still ask for so much?

But unlike what she had imagined, these people from the Qingque tribe, these people who had done infinitely terrifying things to her, after hearing the words of the returning **** son, not only did not have any dissatisfaction, no anger, but also one by one. He lowered his head in shame, and really did reflect on what the **** son said there!

This is really too unbelievable!

After being surprised for a while, the leader of the grass tribe became even more shocked.

Because she suddenly realized the great significance of something that was happening.

After experiencing such a thing, this terrifying tribe is afraid that it will become stronger.

If you experience the same thing again, the leader of the grass tribe feels that he and others will lose more thoroughly, and that terrifying nightmare will become even more fearful!

This tribe is so strong, but they are still looking for their own shortcomings and want to make themselves stronger.

Look at the people in this tribe, and think about the performance of your tribe in the past after getting bows and arrows and fish cages. The leader of the grass tribe suddenly realized something, his tribe and even the powerful Blackstone tribe, why would they follow this tribe? There is such a big difference.

At the same time, I also understand some of the reasons why this tribe can come to this point.

Is this the wisdom from the Son of God? Is this the huge difference between having a son and not having a son?

The leader of the grass tribe, who was shocked, looked at the son of God who was surrounded by many citizens of the Qingque tribe, thinking with emotion in his heart.

While truly feeling the wisdom of the Son of God, ~lightnovelpub.net~ also felt his own insignificance.

"God, have you found the South?"

After some speeches of ‘what would happen if it had been...’, this reflection temporarily came to an end.

Han Cheng asked everyone to ponder over this battle in the days to come. Both success and improvement needed to be pondered.

After this matter came to an end temporarily, Wu asked about it.

Before the Son of God and the others returned, everyone in the tribe felt that as long as the Son of God and them could return, it didn't matter whether they could find a warm and suitable south for survival.

However, after the sons of God and the others returned safely, everyone was more concerned about whether they could find a suitable South for life.

Hearing Wu asked about this matter, the other people in the tribe all pricked their ears, wanting to hear what the **** son has experienced during this trip.
