I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 875: Those who dare to question the joint res

For meteorite iron, Han Cheng has great hopes. After all, before the tribe can produce high-quality steel, it is impossible to obtain better high-quality materials to make tools.

And the tools carefully crafted with meteorite iron will definitely be better than the bronze tools, in many performances.

Since this is the case, Han Cheng would naturally not let go of such a good thing.

Since these tribes can have so many meteorite weapons, maybe there will be meteorite near the tribe.

It is a must to let people search in the past.

What's more, in addition to looking for meteorite iron, Han Cheng had to send someone to bring back the remaining population there.

Bringing those people back is not only beneficial to the Qingque tribe itself, even for those who were brought back, it is also a good thing.

It's not that Han Cheng was shameless, he put gold on his face to whitewash what was going to happen.

It’s because, after losing so many strong adult populations, it’s really very difficult for the remaining people to live in peace and stability. It’s better to say something in the usual season. Once it comes winter, it’s really hard. It's a disaster.

Especially when Han Cheng learned that the people who came to attack his tribe and were captured were not from one tribe, but were composed of people from many tribes, he became even more convinced of this.

If he didn't send someone to take all the remaining people to his tribe before the heavy snow fell, it would be very good for these people to survive with two percent.

With the creation of the second tribe of Qingque in Jinguan City, the Qingque tribe also needs a lot of manpower.

After Jinguan City is built, it is definitely going to emigrate there and live there.

After all, only a built courtyard is not enough. Someone needs to live there and operate for a long time before it can be called the second tribe.

For the immigrants there, it is natural not only to relocate strong people, but also to relocate some older minors and some people who are not very healthy.

You can let them do things that they can do without a strong person.

In this way, the available manpower on the main tribe will be reduced, and the production and life of the main tribe will be affected.

As long as those people receive their own tribe, this vacancy will be filled.

Of course, when the time comes to emigrate to Jinguan City, it must be mainly the elderly hands in the tribe.

Because these people have lived in the Qingque master tribe for a long time, they have been completely assimilated one by one, and have a high sense of identity with the Qingque tribe.

Separating them from the main tribe and migrating, there will be no things that will be forgotten by the main tribe after a while.

As for these people who are new to their tribe, they naturally stay in the main tribe in large numbers, continue to accept the assimilation of the main tribe, the melting pot, and then slowly become members of a true blue bird tribe.

Holding his daughter and leading his daughter-in-law to walk slowly on the ridge around the tribe, Han Cheng at this time looked very much like an old wealthy landlord patrolling his own fields.

Don't mention that kind of satisfaction.

Especially when he met Little Pea and others who were catching grasshoppers there, Han Cheng put down Little Myolie, joined the ranks, and quickly caught a few big grasshoppers, and attracted little Pea and the others cheering and admiration. Han Chenggong is more satisfied...

As night fell, the Qingque tribe returned to quiet after a busy day.

The slave courtyard between the outer wall and the inner wall was also in a state of silence at this moment. Except for the movement of teeth, farting and snoring, there was no other noise in the room.

After a day's work, everyone was tired, and soon after lying down, they all fell asleep.

However, among the sleeping people, the leader of the grass tribe is not included.

At this time, the leader of the grass tribe, lying on the kang, opened his eyes in the darkness, and did not sleep.

This is not because she can't sleep because of the noise around her, but because she is thinking about things in her heart.

After coming to the Blue Sparrow Master Tribe, the grass tribe leader’s idea was to rely on the fish cage as a fishing artifact to gain a position in the Blue Sparrow Tribe, and then learn the magical skills of the Blue Sparrow Tribe until they learned all these skills After almost, I took the time to find the opportunity to take the people from the tribe to leave here and return to the original tribal life.

But after seeing a better fish cage from the Qingque tribe, her idea of ​​using the fish cage to improve her status was completely bankrupt.

The current leader of the grass tribe is no different from the rest of her tribe in the blue bird tribe.

This was not the reason why she couldn't sleep at night. The real reason why she couldn't sleep was that she found that she seemed unable to leave the tribe.

After coming to this tribe, she and the people of her tribe were separated, and they had one-on-one groups with the old people of this tribe.

Although I can see those in the tribe every day, I rarely say a word in a day.

Moreover, the people of this tribe did not allow them to speak the previous language. If they found someone who spoke the previous language and grouped her with her without the use of others, they would beat her without hesitation.

All conversations can only use the very complicated language of the Qingque tribe they are learning.

Regarding this situation, the leader of the grass tribe felt a little worried, but what worries her more is the changes that have appeared in the people of their tribe.

When I first came to this tribe, the people in the tribe were very excited when they saw each other.

Although there are few opportunities to communicate with each other, people in the tribe will unconsciously look for themselves when they are working and resting.

After seeing their figure, they would feel at ease, and she could still feel that these people in the tribe wanted to come to her very much, just like they were in the tribe before.

But as the time spent in the Qingque tribe slowly grew longer, the leader of the Cao tribe suddenly discovered that the people in the tribe had changed.

They don't always look for themselves as before, and they won't feel anxious if they can't see themselves and the people of the same tribe.

Even, I was able to talk and laugh with the elderly hands of the Qingque tribe, and the relationship with those elderly hands seemed to exceed the relationship with the people of my original tribe.

Such things made the leader of the grass tribe feel terrified.

After discovering this, she has always wanted to make changes.

She found as many opportunities as possible to walk in front of the people in her tribe, and if she had the opportunity, she would use the language of the Qingque tribe to communicate with them.

But the effect was not good. As time went on, things that scared her continued to happen.

So that even now, even if you meet someone in your tribe, the tribe will no longer be as excited as before.

Treating yourself is almost the same as treating others.

Even, they are far from getting close to those who are grouped with them one-on-one.

The leader of the grass tribe used to think that as long as she learned a certain magic method and found the right opportunity, she could leave with her tribe, but now, she didn't dare to think so.

She even felt that as long as she said these things to the people of her tribe, she didn’t need the people of the Qingque tribe to find out that the people of her original tribe could arrest herself and deal with the people of her tribe. Said the tribe.

Although she was frightened by the people of the Qingque tribe, she never despaired, but now, a deep sense of powerlessness has completely enveloped her.

Because even if you have learned many magical skills, what can you do? What if I can leave if I find an opportunity?

Without the people in the tribe to follow, just relying on oneself, it is impossible to go so far and return to your tribe...

What kind of tribe is this!

Why do people from my tribe, after living here for a while, have such a big change?

The leader of the grass tribe didn’t quite understand, but because of this, she felt more entanglement and fear...

I don't know how long it took before the leader of the grass tribe finally fell asleep.

But she didn't sleep peacefully, and it didn't take long before she woke up in sweat.

In the dream, she dreamed that she finally found the right opportunity, and happily went to find these people in her tribe, wanting them to leave the Qingque tribe with her and return to the place where she was waiting for her original life.

As a result, after I had just said this to the people in the tribe, these people who had been in the same tribe with him pressed themselves to the ground, and used a **** for hoeing to **** their heads. After coming down, even if he was struggling desperately and shouting that he was the leader, it was of no avail.

The leader of the Cao tribe wiped the sweat from his head, reached out his hand to touch his neck, and couldn't help taking a long breath.

It feels so good to be alive...

The sky turned bright, and a new day arrived, and everyone in the Qingque tribe continued to work, doing things that looked very similar to the past.

In the inner courtyard of the Qingque tribe, the furnace built long ago to get some ironware out of iron bacteria for use was already on fire.

If it is left unused for a long time, it will not work even if a stone slab has been placed on it, and the stove is a little damaged.

But yesterday, it had been repaired by the two brothers and Heiwa.

At this time, under the blazing fire, the newly filled mud had already lost its moisture and dried out.


The simple wind grum made by Han Cheng at the beginning was pushed up and down by the black baby, and it spun up quickly, sending bursts of air into the ironing stove.

After each blast of air enters, the fire in the furnace will rise a little.

It is Heiwa who grumbles by the wind here.

Although he is the father of four children, Heiwa still has a very high enthusiasm for things related to or similar to making pottery.

After many years of experience, Heiwa not only has extremely high skills in making pottery and making molds, but also in the related kilns and furnaces.

So after learning what the second brother wanted to do, he came to burn the stove very consciously.

The charcoal burning in the stove is also a kind of good charcoal carefully selected by the two seniors. When they collide with each other, they will make a very crisp sound.

When the iron beads made by iron bacteria were used to make iron tools a long time ago, the second brother learned through Han Cheng that the charcoal burns even hotter.

At this time, two black meteorite irons were placed on the burning stove, and they were being burned by the fire.

I rushed to see the lively Han Cheng, and the second senior who was carrying a large bronze hammer, all waiting for the meteorite to turn red.

The second brother at this time seemed to be particularly vigorous at this time.

For today’s iron, he didn’t even touch any of his three spouses last night, just to do this thing...

In the Qingque tribe, while these things were going on, at the Longmen Inn 120 miles from the main tribe, a group of five people fastened the door of the Longmen Inn, and then led the donkey to the west along the bronze highway. Face to go.

This group of people set off from the Qingquezhu tribe yesterday morning and went to the Tongshan residential area to tell the people in the Tongshan residential area that Han Cheng and they had returned safely, and they also found the south, and the green rice and sweet millet stems. Sparrow master tribe messenger.

The people in the Tongshan residential area knew that Han Cheng went south to find a place suitable for the tribe to live in.

Now, they have returned safely and have brought back the rest of the good news. Naturally, they want to send such news to the Tongshan residential area, so that the people in the Tongshan residential area can be relieved earlier and will be happy together... …

"Boom! Boom!"

Within the Qingque tribe, after a long period of burning, the two meteorite irons placed in the furnace finally turned red.

The second brother used a bronze braze to clamp a piece out, put it on a large piece of bronze cast cushion, and then asked another person to take the bronze pliers and clamp the meteorite to fix it, while he lifted the hammer and burned it. The red meteorite was hit with a violent hammer.

It is impossible to melt things like meteorite with the current fire in the tribe, but it is still possible to burn it red and soften it.

After all, there is a huge gap between melting and burning.

After the second brother went down with a hammer, some places on the meteorite iron were flattened, but there were also some marks on the bronze hammer.

This kind of thing was something that the second brother did not expect.

After taking a few breaths of cold air, the second senior brother quickly became excited.

Because this meteorite iron is so hard and harder than bronze, the tools made must be the same as the gods said, and they are better than bronze tools.

So he picked up the hammer and dropped it several times.

After it can't be smashed, put it back into the furnace to continue burning and heating.

And after putting this meteorite iron back, Han Cheng and others discovered that the bronze square ingot underneath had also been exposed to many potholes.

"First strike a hammer out."

Han Cheng said to the second brother.

At the beginning, they were going to use this piece of meteorite to create an axe, but after seeing the miserable appearance of the bronze hammer and the bronze ingot below, Han Cheng could only change his mind.

For Han Cheng’s proposal, the second senior approves very much. He also found that it would be too great to rely on the bronze hammers in the tribe to process these meteorite irons without first producing a meteorite hammer. Too difficult.

After putting this meteorite iron into the furnace and continuing to burn it, the second brother found a large meteorite iron with a relatively flat surface and placed it on the bronze ingot to serve as a cushion.

With this meteorite mat as a primer, when the red meteorite is beaten, the speed will be faster.

Han Cheng watched here for a while, and after seeing that these meteorite irons could be processed by a stove fire and then beaten, he left here.

What he worries most is that the meteorite iron is too hard, and it can't be helped in this way.

Now, since it is certain that it can be processed in this way, there is not much to do here. The second brothers and the others will slowly beat out what he wants to make with meteorite.

And he, after leaving the place where the iron was struck, went to hunt for witches and the big brother.

Send people north to take the remaining people from these tribes to the tribe, and let people go there to look for meteorite iron. You need to tell them two, and then arrange manpower to do this.

Han Cheng's idea is to arrange manpower to do this thing as soon as possible. After this thing is done, he can take people south to build Jinguan City again.

It’s not impossible for the two things to happen at the same time, but Han Cheng is worried that the people going north will take too long and won’t be able to come back by the autumn harvest. In this case, it will definitely affect the autumn harvest in the tribe, and some food will even be affected. And can't get it back.

After the people from the north came over, he brought another group of people down to avoid this.

Because, if the people who go north fail to come during the autumn harvest, they can do the autumn harvest in the tribe.

The witch is also carrying a **** in his hand, but his **** is different from those of the tribe’s labor force. The tribe’s labor force hoeing is very important. When witch hoeing, it is Go up and down twice in this piece of land, then wander into another piece of land and go up and down twice.

Speaking of hoeing the ground, in fact the most is still wandering around to see the crops in the ground.

But that's good. If you really **** the ground seriously, Han Cheng really wouldn't let him hoe, and it wouldn't be worth it if you really tired him out.

The big brother is also hoeing the ground, the kind that looks motivated.

After Han Cheng came to **** the land a few times, he sat beside Wu on the edge of the ridge. He also sat down, facing the field full of rows of grains with Wu, and shouted at the place where the big brother was. voice.

The field where the senior brother is located is a little far away, and Han Cheng's voice cannot pass.

But don’t worry, the rest of the people working in the fields consciously acted as microphones after hearing Han Cheng’s greetings, and the sound came out one after another, but it was just a moment’s effort. The elder brother knew that he had learned that the son of God had summoned him, so he picked up his **** and moved towards where Han Cheng was.

Before the big brother came, Han Cheng sat on the ground and talked with Wu about the growth of some crops in the field, and compared them with the crops at this time in previous years.

After the big brother came over, he began to tell them about sending people to the north.

Naturally, Wu and Big Brother would not have any objections to what Han Cheng put forward.

After Wu heard that if the trip went smoothly, he would get at least hundreds of people and some meteorites that were better than bronze, he smiled and bloomed.

Senior brother even more simply, expressing that he is willing to take people north to do this thing.

Now that the son of God has returned, and the tribal wizard is still there, with the two of them, the big brother can lead people out with confidence.

After thinking about it, Han Cheng agreed. The big brother has always done things steadily. This trip, Han Cheng led by him is still very relieved.

However, to be on the safe side, so as not to let the seniors and the others get lost outside, Han Cheng thought for a while, and made the decision to let the living map-like existence of Miao follow the seniors.

In this way, even if they have gone the wrong way and there is trade, they can return to the same path safely.

However, the trade will be hard. After returning from a long journey, he must set off again.

This time, Mao went out with the elder brother and the others, so he must be specially equipped with a donkey to ride.

A person like Mao is definitely a rare talent. In this era when there is basically no road, when leaving the tribe for a long journey, it is like a life-saving talisman, but it really can't exhaust him.

After making the decision to let Mao follow the elder brother and them on a long journey ~ lightnovelpub.net~ Han Cheng made such a decision to improve the treatment of the company at the moment.

There is no objection to Han Cheng’s decision. Wu and Big Brother have no objection. After all, both of them are aware of the hard work and important role of trade. It is reasonable for Han Cheng to equip him with a donkey to ride this time. Things in.

However, Big Brother and Wu agreed, but some people disagreed, thinking that Mao should not be equipped with donkeys.

The one who dared to question the decision made by the three giants of the Qingque tribe was either the other person or the deity.

Only he himself declined to dare at this time.

"It's okay. There are more than 30 more donkeys in the tribe. It's not a busy time for farming. Donkeys are not needed in the tribe. You must ride this trip, otherwise you will be too tired."

Han Cheng smiled and patted Mao on the shoulder, and gave Mao a death order.

Mao felt a bit bitter in his mouth, he really didn't want to ride a donkey...