I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 879: Future cause, today's result

After the two things, the donkey saddle and the donkey stirrup, were proved to be practical and useful, in the following time, the carpenter's room led by lame speeded up the production of both.

Because of the previous successful experience, there is no need to explore, just follow the previous specifications and styles to make, so the production speed of these two things has risen suddenly.

Of course, another reason is that with the axe and chisel made of meteorite, people like them are very motivated to do things.

The morale bonus is simply not too good.

Under such circumstances, four more donkey saddles and donkey stirrups were built in the carpenter's room in a day and a half.

The only thing that makes Han Cheng regretful is that the tribe has not yet opened the steel smelting technology tree.

Otherwise, he could have someone get the horseshoe out.

Of course, it will be transformed into a donkeyshoe like a saddle and stirrup.

In this way, after equipped with such a three-piece suit, everything becomes perfect.

The meteorites in the tribe can meet this standard, but the number is too small, and it is impossible to update the important things in the tribe, let alone make donkeyshoes for the donkey.

However, at this time, the donkeys of their own tribe will not run long distances during the rest of the time unless they encounter a situation similar to the situation in the Tongshan residential area last time. In the case of normal walking, it is not a problem without nailing a shoe on it.

With these five donkey saddles, the big brothers have become more stable on their trip north.

Five donkeys with donkey saddles are certainly not enough for everyone to ride, but they can be used for emergency.

Anyone who can't hold it can ride on the donkey for a while and rest.

But don't underestimate the effect that this kind of rest can play. At critical times, the effect of such behavior can really exceed imagination.

In the process of making these two things in the carpenter's room, the rest of the tribe were not idle, doing various preparations on their backs.

Backpacks, leggings, food, weapons, medicinal materials, clothes, tents and other things needed to go out were all prepared in the busyness of everyone.

In the early morning of the blue bird master tribe, the sky was not bright yet, and there was still some mist that had not dissipated around the tribe, and the blue bird master tribe was already lively.

This is the second day of the successful production of five donkey saddles.

Because of the good use of meteorite weapons, and Han Cheng still wanted to take people south to continue building Jinguan City, the people of the Qingque tribe couldn't wait for this trip to the north.

For this reason, everyone was ready to set off the next morning after the donkey saddle and donkey stirrups were completely manufactured.

"Be careful on the road, don't rush too fast, Jinguan City is very warm, you can work in winter, and you can also carry out construction.

Don’t worry about the crops in the tribe. We will take care of them. "

Above Qingque Square, Han Cheng looked at the seniors wearing leggings and backpacks, they said with a smile, and asked.

Last time, he was a traveler, but this time he changed his role and became a farewell person.

The senior brothers all nodded their heads, indicating that they had firmly remembered the words of the son of God in their hearts.

"Let's go! Go early and return early!"

After making some exhortations, Han Cheng smiled and said to them.

The big brother bowed and bowed to Han Cheng, and then turned around. The rest of the people also bowed and saluted Han Cheng, the **** of the Qingque tribe, like the big brother, then turned around, and under the leadership of the big brother, headed towards the courtyard gate. Go outside.

As soon as they left the courtyard, the smaller bluefinch flag carried by the team was lifted up and slowly fluttered under the blow of the morning wind.

After leaving the tribe, the group walked towards the west of the tribe under the guidance of the blue bird flag.

After a short while, he embarked on the Bronze Expressway.

Because the Heishi tribe and others arrived at the Tongshan residential area first, and then the main tribe when they came, so this trip to the north also needs to follow the Bronze Expressway to reach the Tongshan residential area, and then go north through Baziling. .

The big brother and his group are much longer than when Han Cheng went south.

In addition to the fifty citizens of the Blue Sparrow tribe, there were also seventeen new slaves. At the same time, the old slaves who had been divided into one-on-one jobs with these new slaves also followed.

The reason why so many people came is because the purpose of the big brothers is different from that of Han Cheng.

Han Cheng and the others went to the south mainly to find a warm and suitable south for life. There was a lot of uncertainty. There were too many people with them, but not too good.

But the big brothers are different this time, they are going to the north to pick up people.

Judging from the number of these newly acquired slaves in the tribe and the number of those who were killed, we can know that there are many people left in the tribe.

More than one hundred is certain, and even more than two hundred or three hundred is not too unusual.

With such a large number of people, there is less going, it is not easy to suppress, and it is easy to make trouble.

Although there shouldn't be any problems from the performance of these new slaves in the tribe, but the human heart is really difficult to grasp.

Just like piranhas, it's not enough to just pick up one of these things and put them in the water, but once they are in groups and have a large number of partners, they immediately become fierce.

Han Cheng worried that these new slaves in the tribe would do the same.

After going north, I returned to the place where I lived before and saw the rest of the people in the tribe, and immediately raised some thoughts that shouldn't be there.

Sending more people to the north will allow these people to weigh and deter them when they may have some undesirable thoughts.

Moreover, once such a thing does happen, there will be more people in the tribe to ensure that the people in the tribe are less or not harmed, and the rebellion will be quickly suppressed.

Han Cheng himself knew that such a thing was not very likely to happen, but it was not wrong to be careful.

As everyone watched, the team with the blue sparrow flag drifted away along the bronze high speed, and finally disappeared in front of everyone.

After sending away the elder brother and his entourage, the people who remained in the tribe began to disperse, and worked on their own.

Compared with the trip that Han Cheng went out, the tribe people seemed much more relieved about the trip of the big brothers, unlike the trip that Han Cheng went out, everyone was in a sense of no bottom and panic.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, Han Cheng has an irreplaceable position in the Qingque tribe. Without him in the tribe, everyone always feels inexplicably flustered.

On the other hand, it was because Han Cheng's last trip had too many uncertainties, and the big brothers and the others had clear destinations for this trip.

So everyone seemed very relieved.

On the Bronze Expressway, following the bluebird flag at the front, after walking for some distance, the leader of the grass tribe, like everyone in the team, couldn't help but look back from time to time.

Watching that tall tribe gradually become smaller, and finally disappeared.

It's just that, unlike the sadness and perseverance of everyone in the team, the leader of the grass tribe felt a moment of relief after not seeing the tall blue bird tribe.

It seemed as if he had escaped from a huge prison, and it seemed that a big rock pressed in his heart was suddenly lifted.

Driven by such a mood, she even wanted to sing a song in the Qingque tribe during this period of time to learn "Sister on the Bow" to express her excitement.

However, such an impulse was finally suppressed by the leader of the grass tribe.

Not only that, she also showed reluctance, just like the others.

Because she knew that if the rest of the people discovered her true thoughts at this time, it might not be certain that these people would beat herself, but what is certain is that she would definitely show herself to death.

Once such a thing happens, then my trip will be totally in vain.

"Go fast!"

The big brother who was walking in front turned his head and said to everyone.

Although the son of God had explained before departure, there was no need to rush, but the big brother still felt that it would be better to go faster.

Because after returning to the tribe earlier, you can do other things earlier.

At least this year's autumn harvest cannot be missed.

This is what the big brother has already had in his heart after deciding to take people north.

So after walking along the bronze highway for a while, he started to urge and increase the speed of travel.

Everyone followed the big brother to increase the speed of travel.

When the sun was slightly westward, their group had already reached the Tongfu Inn.

After resting here for a while, eating food and adding some boiling water at the same time, everyone started walking again.

Time passed slowly as everyone walked, and the sun had already fallen to the distant horizon without knowing it.

However, the leading elder brother didn't intend to stop and set up camp, and continued to walk.

"When you arrive at the Longmen Inn, you will rest. There are houses, Kangs, and courtyards."

The big brother turned his head and shouted to everyone.

Today he is going to catch up more, and it doesn't matter if he walks for a while, anyway, they are well equipped so they are not afraid of encountering beasts.

In this state, it can only be the beast that is worried about meeting them, not that they are worried about meeting the beast.

Moreover, there is a bronze highway, and there is no need to worry about getting lost. Under such circumstances, it is completely possible to go on a night road.

Everyone was looking forward to heading to the north earlier, so after the big brother's move, they all refreshed their spirits, speeded up their pace, and walked along the bronze highway.

As the people walked, the sunlight completely disappeared, and the twilight shrouded, making the already reckless world even more reckless.

The group of people kept walking in this way, and after a period of darkness, the Longmen Inn, which had been silent for a few days, welcomed new visitors.

Some of the waterfowls closer to the Longmen Inn were shocked by the movement and flew to other places with flapping wings. The sound of their calls seemed particularly loud in such a night.

"Boiling water, soak your feet in a soak before going to bed. God son took us to do this, it's very easy to use."

The courtyard door was closed from the inside, and inside the Dragon Gate Inn where the fire was lit, the voice of Trade rang out, telling everyone what he had learned from the Son of God.

After hearing that Mao said that this was a method learned from the son of God, everyone did not dare to neglect, and they all started to learn about it.

I soaked my feet vigorously with hot water. Everyone felt that this method was good. The feet seemed to become much more comfortable all at once, and the whole person became energetic.

A large part of this is of course psychological.

Although this thing of hot water, things in later generations have developed into a seemingly incurable existence.

I have a cold, drink more hot water, dry throat, drink more hot water, stomach upset, drink more hot water, stomach ache, drink more hot water, girls also drink more hot water during menstruation...

And using it to soak feet can indeed relieve fatigue, but the effect is really not as good as the people of the Qingque tribe feel.

After eating dinner, soaking their feet, and arranging a manned night watch, everyone began to sleep.

People who have been walking for a day are already too sleepy. When they lie down here, there is soon a snoring sound. The Longmen Inn, which has been noisy for a while, is quiet again...

In the early morning of the next day, everyone had their breakfast and then proceeded westward along the Qinggu Expressway. In the afternoon, when the sun was slightly westward, they reached the Tongshan residential area.

People in the Tongshan residential area saw a large number of people from the main tribe headed by big brothers, and they were naturally overjoyed.

"First arrange for people to cook, and it will be simpler. The sooner the better. After eating, we can continue northward."

After arriving at the Tongshan residential area, the senior brother had just met the garrison here, and he quickly explained this way.

After hearing about it, Shang did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly arranged for the people in the Tongshan residential area to cook and eat with them.

"Chief, what are you going to do?"

After arranging the cooking, Shang began to inquire about the purpose of their trip.

"Go north and take all the remaining tribesmen of these people to our tribe..."

The big brother looked a little excited and said to Shang, quite the joy of my wife.

After understanding what the big brother and the others were going to do in this line, Shang also became excited, with some regrets in the excitement.

If it wasn't for the need to stay here in the Tongshan residential area and couldn't leave, Shang would want to follow the big brother and the others.

"These are donkey saddles and donkey stirrups, which were made by the gods who let them limp. With such things, the donkey rides particularly comfortable..."

Several donkeys with donkey saddles and donkey stirrups looked particularly conspicuous and easily attracted the attention of everyone.

With a smile, Mao explained to everyone in the curious Tongshan residential area.

After listening to Mao's explanation, everyone's eyes suddenly brightened. Now the bun head, which is as famous as the sparrow in the tribe, is rubbing hands, and it seems a little impatient to ask Mao whether he can ride.

Of course, such things are accepted.

Moreover, before starting to ride on the head, Mao first demonstrated the head and explained the trick to get the right leg from the right side.

The habit of getting the donkey down from the right side just stayed in Tongshan residential area.

And for the first time to ride this kind of bun with the addition of donkey saddles and stirrups, like a sparrow, I was so excited that I didn't even want to get off the back of the donkey.

"The son of God said, after a few days of lameness, they will make more of them, they will be sent over..."

Mao smiled and said to the grenade who looked at the donkey's saddle equipped with donkey stirrups and other people who like to ride donkeys.

After hearing what Mao said, Liu Tou and the others immediately became happy, and couldn't wait for that day to come.

There is no way, these two things are really too powerful for people who like to ride donkeys, and they are no less attractive than meteorite axes and chisels for lameness.

In this discussion, the meal has been prepared. After the seniors and Mao and the others have eaten the lunch provided by the Tongshan residential area, they did not stay too much, so they set off again and left the Tongshan residential area to the north. Go.

On the way, in several fields in the Tongshan residential area, the millet grows particularly strong. In the millet, some bones can be vaguely seen.

These bones were all left by the Blackstone coalition forces who had come to attack the Tongshan residential area.

Once, they wanted to break into the Tongshan residential area, but they are still outside the Tongshan residential area.

It's just that they have used their remains to make up for the crime of trampling on the farmland of the Qingque tribe that day.

The stronger grains in the ground are the best witness.

Everyone went all the way, along the road set aside in the field, to the Baziling.

The Baziling at this time, compared with the previous days when the dense thorns had not fully grown their leaves, it seemed even more insurmountable. The growing leaves blocked all the gaps, and it looked dense. The airtight feeling.

On the narrowing side of Baziling, the traps previously excavated have now been destroyed and roughly sealed.

However, you can still see the traces left behind and find the location of the trap.

Once again, the leader of the grass tribe walked into the Baziling, looking at the airtight thorns on the Baziling, watching the traces of the trap that had not been completely filled, and involuntarily remembered that he and others were defeated that day. Blocked in the Baziling.

The strong fighting power of the people of the Blue Sparrow tribe and the seemingly peaceful leader at this time, holding the black stone weapon and cutting off the bark's head without any hesitation, also appeared in her mind.

Some fear couldn't help rising from her heart, causing her to shiver.

Originally, the heart that had become firm, wavered at this time.

Regarding what he wanted to do next, the leader of the grass tribe fell into a deep wave of uncertainty...

After the team got out of Baziling, the speed of their march slowed down.

In this regard, the big brothers are not familiar with where they need to go next, and they need to let these new slaves distinguish, which takes more time.

On the other hand, there are no smooth roads for the rest of the journey. Many places need to be cleaned up with an axe and a sickle to get better...

"Where to look!"

A few days later, the evening came again, and the gorgeous sunset clouds spread over the western sky, magnificent and colorful, and with the tranquility of the evening.

Among the marching team, someone suddenly shouted in surprise.

The person who shouted was the old primitive man from the Feng tribe who had no old legs and was running fast.

"The cave where we used to live!"

He shouted in surprise, wanting to tell the people around.

Hearing what the old primitive man said, everyone was happy, because it means that they don’t need to set up tents tonight. They only need to smoke the cave where the old primitive people lived, and then check it. You can move in at once, saving a lot of trouble.

At this time, it was time to camp, so the big brother ordered everyone to go to the cave where the Wind Tribe originally lived.

After a while, everyone came to the front of this cave, which seemed a lot barren.

The big brother instructed everyone to stop, put down the backpack and waited for these, and looked for some firewood, and then smoked the cave after lighting it.

Soon, thick smoke rose from here.

On the open space outside, people set up simple stoves, boiled water for cooking, and fed their fellow animals.

After everyone had dinner, the smoke in the cave had basically disappeared.

So people cleaned the ashes left by the burning of the cave mouth to the side, lit a fire and walked into the cave, where a fire was raised.

The fire light brightened the cave.

Under the bright light of the fire, some people found that there was a pile of burned ashes not too far away from where they lighted the fire, which did not seem to have been too long in the past.

After being surprised for a while, a new slave in the tribe spoke, saying that they had lived in this cave when they went south.

After knowing that these ashes were left by them, everyone was no longer surprised, and began to concentrate on picking up the cave and preparing for a while to sleep.

The old primitive people of Yuanfeng tribe also came in with some hot water, and sat on a rock to soak their feet.


He put his feet in the basin of hot water, and made a loud shout, which attracted the attention of everyone.

This was of course not because the water was too hot to make him hot, but because he suddenly remembered something.

If they didn't leave and joined the Qingque tribe and become a real Qingque tribe, but continued to live and live here, would it be over?

The number of people who attacked the Tongshan residential area was so large at the time, and they were also so cruel. I am afraid that it will be difficult to survive when I wait for others to meet them here...

After this idea came up ~lightnovelpub.net~ the old primitive man was afraid and fortunate, and at the same time felt even more proud of the tribe leader who had agreed to join the Qingque tribe.

After listening to the old primitive people, everyone also felt happy and grateful for the old primitive people.

As for the new slaves in the tribe who understood what the old primitive people were talking about, it was expressed there that only the leader of the evil Blackrock tribe and the hacked bark would do so.

As for them, there is no such thing...

What they said was the truth, because they had encountered two small tribes on the way to the Tongshan residential area.

Then, under the order of the leader of the Blackrock tribe, they took action one after another and attacked the two tribes they encountered one after another, and then the people of these two small tribes disappeared...

At the beginning, when seeing this empty cave, the leader of the Blackrock tribe, and many people in the Blackrock Alliance, regretted why this was an empty cave...