I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 885: Would you like to be a real blue bird (3

Seeing those people from the Xi tribe with a happy face after coming out of the tribe’s crops, Han Cheng kept thinking about things in his mind.

This is not to calculate how many fields these guys can fatten up and how much food production can be increased.

Rather, it is considering how to dispose of the kaolin that appeared near the Xi tribe.

This kind of thing must be brought to his own tribe, Han Cheng is very sure about this, and will not waver at all.

These good things can only display their value when they reach their own tribe.

It would be a great waste to stay with the Xi tribe, who can't even make pottery.

What he is considering now is how to get these kaolin to his tribe.

The ideal thing is that people from the Xi tribe join their tribe, and then their tribe can establish a third tribe there, specializing in the production of porcelain.

In fact, it is still very good for the Xi tribe to become the third tribe of its own tribe.

Because in addition to the kaolin that was just discovered, there is a large amount of limestone in the Xi tribe, which is very rich in mineral resources.

It really became the third sub-tribe of the tribe, and it is entirely possible to build a special workshop there to make porcelain and lime.

In addition, there are streams connected to the tribe’s creeks in the Xi Tribe, which is fully capable of allowing rafts to pass.

Through the waterway, the things from there can be transported to the tribe of Green Sparrow.

Then you can pass the Bronze Expressway and use donkey carts to transport these things to the Tongshan residential area.

It is equivalent to not having to build any roads to connect this third tribe with the main tribe and the first tribe, and can use tools to transport large quantities of materials.

The location and mineral resources are very good.

But it is not easy to achieve such a thing.

Having been here for so many years, I have come into contact with a lot of tribes, and Han Cheng also knows a lot about these tribes.

Know that these tribes are generally reluctant to join the rest of the tribe.

Otherwise, after seeing the wealth and strength of their own tribes, as well as the various benefits, these tribes will more or less take the initiative to join.

As for using strong...

Han Cheng gave it up after thinking about it.

The surrounding tribes, under the continuous influence of these years, have a lot of favors for their tribe.

Although he has not yet reached the point of actively joining his tribe, Han Cheng believes that as long as the young generation of these tribes has grown up, it will be natural for these tribes to join his tribe.

This kind of thing seems to be very slow in a short time, but if you look at it after a longer period of time, you will find that it is not slow at all.

After a certain period of fermentation and accumulation of completed quantities, these more than 20 tribes that have been continuously influenced by their own tribes will definitely join their own tribes in a relatively short period of time.

At that time, the population and strength of his tribe will surely get an explosive growth.

Moreover, unlike the kind of tribe attacked by one tribe, those who join their tribe in this way naturally have a centripetal force and cohesion with their tribe, and they can easily turn into real bluebirds. .

It is more conducive to the development and unity of the tribe.

Han Cheng has been doing this kind of thing for many years, and the effect is very good, and he is moving in the direction he expected day by day.

If at this time, I suddenly used a strong force on the Xi tribe, then I spent such a long time in the layout and implementation of all these things will be in vain.

Of course Han Cheng would not do such a big loss.

Even in the past few years, Han Cheng will not develop these kaolins and try to make porcelain.

Apart from letting people from the Xi tribe join his tribe, and then establish a sub-tribe there, Han Cheng considered two other ways.

One way is to send some people to the place where there is a large amount of kaolin near the Xi tribe, just like when mining and transporting limestone from the Xi tribe before, to excavate the kaolin there, and then load it on a bamboo raft. Along with streams and small rivers, they will be transported back to the main tribe for making and firing.

Another way is to outsource the transportation of kaolin to the Xi tribe and let them transport kaolin to their tribe.

This is very simple. You just need to tell the people of the Xi tribe that you can use this white soil to exchange for salt, food, pottery and other things in your tribe, and the people of the Xi tribe will definitely transport them to your tribe.

But the premise is that these people need to get enough food for their stomachs by transporting kaolin to their tribe.

Otherwise, they will not be able to do this for a long time.

Not because they don't want to do this, but because transporting kaolin will inevitably delay the food for their tribe.

Under the restraint of their stomachs, it is impossible for them not to do so.

In other words, your tribe needs to spend a lot of money to rely on the stream tribe to obtain a stable supply of kaolin.

Calculating this way, it would be more cost-effective to let people from your own tribe go there to dig it out.

When Han Cheng calculated back and forth like this, the leader of the Xi tribe, whose face was full of joy and gratitude, brought all the people from the Xi tribe who had come to Han Cheng.


He yelled like this, then bowed down to Han Cheng, and also prostrated on the ground.

It was the same as when they rushed to the ground and lay down on the ground with hope, begging the wise and kind **** son to drive them out of this terrible disaster.


The rest of the people of the Xi tribe, after their leader shouted at Han Cheng in this way, all shouted, and, like their leader, lay down on the ground, paying respect to the wise and kind **** son.

Such behavior, they do it willingly.

Before they came to the wealthy and powerful Qingque tribe, before they saw the wise and kind **** son, they were all full of fear, always worried that they and others would die like old primitive people in pain.

But after seeing the Son of God, all their fears disappeared.

The wise and kind-hearted sons of God are still as wise and kind as before, and because they are outsiders, they will not be treated.

During the treatment, he didn't ask for anything from himself and others, nor did he ask for food or anything else. Instead, there was not much to say, no extra hesitation, and he was immediately asked to treat himself and others.

Through these methods of the Son of God, all the white mud that he could not get out after he waited for someone to eat it came out.

The stomachs of oneself and others don't hurt or swell, and they no longer have to worry about dying in pain like old primitive people.

Such a wise and kind-hearted son of God, who is still thinking about paying such a visit if he and others do not pay such a visit?

At this moment, all the people in the Xi tribe bowed to the ground and were convinced.

People in this era are far from having so many flowers and bowels, most of them belong to the kind that you are good to me, and I treat you well, simple and lovely.

It is not uncommon to see such a scene at this time.

"No need to, you all get up."

Han Cheng was taken aback by the behavior of these people, and then asked them to get up with a smile on his face, and it took a long time for them to stand up.

The people from the Qingque tribe such as Witch, Stone, Junior Sha, Tietou, etc., looked at the people of the Xi tribe who stood up, and they were all very happy. Compared with the previous time, they looked much more cordial.

It's the kindness from the heart out.

This is not only because under the guidance of the son of God, they cured all the people of these tribes, but more importantly, the people of these tribes know that they are grateful. The son of God whom he and others respected fell on the ground.

Such a thing, for everyone in the Qingque tribe, is more comfortable than eating honey.

They like to see people from the rest of the tribe, crouching in front of their most respected **** son.

"We are members of the Qingque tribe, and you are also members of the Qingque Alliance."

Han Cheng smiled and turned around, pointing to the flying Qingque flag on Qingque Square, and said to the leader of the Xi tribe and the people of the Xi tribe.

They might not understand Han Cheng's words, but they understood Han Cheng's actions.

They looked in the direction pointed by the kind and wise son, and saw the flag fluttering high in the wind, and the blue bird on it was spreading its wings.

This is something unique to the Qingque tribe, and now it has become the symbol of the Qingque tribe.

With such a flag, the Xi tribe felt cordial when they looked at it.

The son of God is right, his tribe is also a member of the Blue Sparrow Alliance!

"Would you like to join our tribe and become a real green bird?"

Seeing the reaction of everyone in the Xi tribe, Han Cheng suddenly asked such a sentence.

Facing these people in the Xi tribe, Han Cheng did not hold much hope that they could join his tribe at this time, but this did not prevent him from asking such a sentence.

After all, he was just asking like this. These people didn't agree and wouldn't cause too much loss to their tribe. It is even less likely that things that would be evil to their tribe because of their words.

But if they really agree to it, then their tribe will make a lot of money.

Not only can I get dozens of people who have a great affection for my tribe, but also the establishment of the third tribe of Qingque in the Xi tribe has also been settled.

Moreover, the kaolin, limestone and other things contained there have all naturally become the things of their own tribe.

Well, it's the so-called two strokes with dates and no dates.

After Han Cheng said that he invited people from the Xi tribe to join his tribe, Wu's eyes immediately brightened, and the whole person seemed extremely energetic.

The things he considered were naturally not as far-reaching as Han Cheng, but he was very happy about things that would increase the population of his tribe.

After all, in this era, the criterion for judging whether a tribe is strong or not is in addition to whether there is sufficient food, the size of the population is also an extremely important condition.

If there are more people, the power of the tribe will be greater.

Regarding the Xi tribe joining his tribe, the witches and the rest of the tribe would not have any opinions, on the contrary, they are very welcome.

This is not only because the Brook Tribe is a member of the Blue Sparrow Alliance, but also close to and familiar with their own tribe.

More because of the actions these people just made.

The actions of the leaders of the Xi tribe that they bowed to Han Cheng for the sake of gratitude made the citizens of the Qingque tribe increase their appreciation for these people and feel cordial.

After the translation by a person in the Qingque tribe who had studied fancy translation with Trade, the leader of the Xi tribe and everyone in the Xi tribe understood the meaning of what Han Cheng had just said.

The leader of the Xi tribe who understood Han Cheng's heart beat a little faster and hesitated.

There is no tribal leader who wants his tribe to die.

Although they do not particularly understand the meaning of their tribe, they will instinctively resist it.

However, compared to the hesitation of the leader of the Xi tribe, the people of the Xi tribe who heard the news became extremely excited and impatient.

They are not leaders, and they don't have the feelings of leaders, so they can express their desire to join the life of the Qingque tribe without any secret.

The strength, wealth, and kindness of the Qingque tribe, as a member of the Qingque military alliance, are all deeply moved.

Living a life like the Qingque tribe is something that many people dream of.

Now, the wise, kind and respectful son of God has personally sent an invitation to join the Qingque tribe.

As long as the leader of his tribe nods, he and others can live such a life!

All of them looked nervous and expectantly at the leader standing in front, silent, hoping that their leader would not do anything that disappointed them too much.

The leader of the Xi tribe made a decision without hesitating for too long.


He took a deep breath, turned his head and shouted to the tribe people standing behind him.

After such a sound was made, everyone in the Xi tribe who was waiting nervously breathed a sigh of relief, and they couldn't help cheering, jumping and jumping.

The leader of the Xi tribe, who was a little worried about making such a decision for himself, immediately relaxed after seeing the reaction of the people in his tribe.


He shouted again to the people in the tribe, and then these people in the Xi tribe, under his leadership, fell to the ground one after another, just like the actions they had made not long ago.


The leader of the Xi tribe crouched not too far away from Han Cheng, speaking loudly with some Mandarin mixed to express his willingness to join the Qingque tribe.


The people of the other Xi tribe followed behind their leader and shouted together, and there was a burst of joy in their voices.

Looking at these people from the Xi tribe who were lying on the ground, Han Cheng, who was an invitation to them to join, was a little startled.

For a while, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

When he sent an invitation to the people of the Xi tribe, he really only came with the thought of having two shots, and basically he didn't have any hope for it.

However, reality gave him a great surprise.

This kind of surprise is not enough to describe the jujube shot from an empty jujube tree, it is just a durian shot from above, and it is still very large.

Sure enough, there are surprises everywhere in life!

Like Han Cheng, the son of God, the leader of the Xi tribe who was lying on the ground was also excited.

Bringing people from the tribe to join the Qingque tribe, he had actually thought about this a long time ago.

As for the life of the Qingque tribe, he, like the people in the tribe, had long wanted to live it.

But unlike the people in the tribe, he is the leader. Although he knows that the Qingque tribe is so good, but because of some reasons that he can't say too clearly, he just can't take such a step.

Just today, not long ago, after seeing the strength of the Qingque tribe and the wisdom and kindness of the **** son once again, the leader of the Xi tribe once again hesitated.

And it is the kind of unprecedented intensity.

The leader of the Xi tribe knew that if he hesitated like this, he would continue to hesitate and would not produce any results until he took the people from the tribe and left the Qingque tribe and returned to his tribe.

It was at this time that the wise and kind **** son sent him an invitation to join the Qingque tribe.

I just asked people to invite many people in their tribe to the rescued, kind and wise God’s son. It’s like a sharp bronze dagger, and suddenly the invisible, but always existent, has caused itself. The blocking thing was broken.

Let him stop hesitating so much and not think so much.

Before he prostrated on the ground, he was still a little nervous.

Now that he took the person and leaned in front of the **** son, the fear of the leader of the tribe disappeared, and the whole person became extremely relaxed.

It was easier than he thought before.

From now on, I don't need to worry about everyone in the tribe going hungry.

Don’t worry about the people in the tribe being frozen, don’t worry that there is no salt in the tribe, let alone which evil tribe will come to attack your tribe...

There is a wise and kind **** son, and there is no need to worry about these things.

At this moment, the leader of the Xi tribe even regretted his previous actions.

I knew it would be so easy after taking such a step. I had already done this with people in the tribe...

Han Cheng, who was smashed by such a gift from the sky and happy, didn't know what the leader of the Xi tribe thought at the moment. If he knew it, he would definitely think of such a picture-a handsome man with one arm around can be more than three He wants to be a sturdy woman who is taking selfies with some intriguing expressions.

There is also such a sentence on the side-another fellow brother can't hold on anymore, he chose to fight for ten years...

Of course, the Xi tribe who joined the Qingque tribe is much luckier than the brother, because the Qingque tribe can definitely be counted as an alluring and rich woman.

It is not as simple as ten or twenty years for the Xi tribe that has joined.

But for hundreds of thousands of years!

It is also because of this that the people of the Xi tribe, headed by the leader of the Xi tribe, are so happy, rather than the process of being full of intriguing faces like the brothers in that picture.

Now that the leader of the Xi tribe announced that he was leading the tribe to join the Qingque tribe, the next thing was of course to kiss the He Meimei family.

The people of the Qingque tribe immediately raised more than one level in their attitude towards the newly joined Xi tribe.

Not even refused to let in the gate, they directly welcomed them into the courtyard of the Qingque tribe.

Then let the enthusiastic elders of the Qingque tribe take them to bathe as men and women.

Tie Tou and other people who acted very vigorously before, also seemed to be embarrassed to put things like dung scoops and dung jars back into the toilet.

I knew that these guys would join their own tribe and become their own people. They were a little restrained before, at least those who have not eaten kaolin will let them go...

Today’s Qingque tribe has developed a certain sense of private ownership, but because the tribe has not developed in a short time and the degree is not high enough, it is still based on the common ownership that everyone is used to ~lightnovelpub.net~. People who belong to a tribe are very kind.

When taking these newly joined Xi tribe people for bathing, the men in the tribe not only took out soap for the leaders of the Xi tribe to use, but also took it out and cast it in bronze and then carefully polished it to become A sharp razor taught them how to shave their lips and cheeks with this kind of thing.

Shaving the beard can not only make people look clean and energetic, but also effectively eliminate the lice hidden in the beard.

As for where the women in the tribe are, it is more harmonious.

Women seem to naturally like to chat together, no matter whether the two parties can understand or not, they can talk very lively.

In this process, the female primitives of the Xi tribe washed their body and hair with the fragrant and slippery soap that they envied before, and the whole person became fragrant, with a good smell.

The old man from the Qingque tribe took out his own comb and combed the hair of these newcomers.

Hair that has been washed with soap and combed is fragrant and smooth.

After they took a shower, someone smiled and took a few stacks of made linen, and gave them a smile.

Sackcloth is very light to wear on the body, and it is also ventilated. It is not like fur. It will make you sweat if you cover it on your body, and you will get prickly heat after a long time.

But if you don't wear it, you will get panicked.

There are people from the Xi tribe standing by the water, looking at the twisted braids, the red head ropes on them, the reflections in linen clothes, and the smell of the fragrance coming from them, the whole person seems to be dreaming.

The life I dreamed of waiting for people before, now I live like this...

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