I Am a Saiyan

Chapter 68

Ashe was about to continue chasing, when he saw Son Gohan appearing in front of him, blocking his way, he narrowed his red pupils: "Don't you understand?"

"I understand why this time, Brother Wuming called me an idiot Gohan!"

Sun Wufan said slowly: "A warrior, you should fight for what you think is right in your heart, instead of debating what is right or wrong with those who stand in your way! If you stopped in front of Uncle Vegeta just now, Uncle Vegeta only I will attack you immediately. If you stop in front of my father, my father will only say one sentence that I don't understand, and then fight with you! Only a big idiot like me can be led by your words... It almost caused me to get close People die for this!"

"This is simply unforgivable!"

Ash stretched out his finger, pointed at Sun Wufan, and said with a smile: "The unforgivable criminals who disrupted time and space, Sun Wufan, in the name of God, I order you to retire!"

Sun Wufan stared at Ash, the condensed anger in his eyes seemed to be melting the ice of reason and became hot a little bit: "I stand here with my will, in front of you!"

"Huh... don't think I won't kill you."

Ash smiled and said: "Even if you die, as long as you clear the distortion point of this time and space, you will be resurrected again, lose this wrong memory, everything will return to the right track, and all your actions are in vain."

lost memory?

I no longer know Big Brother Wuming who always likes to say he is stupid. I no longer know Xiaodong who likes to stay by Big Brother Wuming and act as Big Brother Wuming's translator. No. 21 who helped me study the theory of spiritual practice…

This guy is aloof, despising all the efforts and sacrifices you and humans have made to bring down the androids, and despising the will and ego of all people.

Xiaodong's angry words passed through his mind.

Yeah...that's it.

"I'm sure now, you are a worse guy than Frieza, and the Frozen Demons are all villains..."

Sun Wufan clenched his fists: "Compared to Frieza, you always seem to like to use high-sounding words to cover up your despicable viciousness!"

Ash's smile faded, he raised his finger and said, "I will solve you, it only takes half a minute!"

Son Gohan smiled, angrily.

"Maybe before, but now...let's try it."

"Drink ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The dazzling golden flame swept across the sky, like a beam of light running through the sky and the earth.

The crackling lightning swayed in all directions, the whole earth was shaking, buildings collapsed, the earth split into countless ravines, and the cumulus clouds in the sky collapsed layer by layer, revealing thousands of miles of clear sky!

The figure of Sun Wufan was looming in this beam of light.

Ash narrowed his eyes and looked at Son Gohan who reappeared after the beam of light disappeared.

More surging and turbulent golden flames enveloped the body than before, showing a jet-like state, and the arrogant flames burst out five or six meters high. From time to time, there were blue lightnings generated from too strong energy on the surface of the body, and the hair became denser and tougher, one after another. Standing upright in anger, only a cluster of long bangs hangs down his forehead.

In Sun Wuhan's green eyes, burning to the limit, he was calm and unusually angry.

If we collect the data at this time on the 21st, we will find that the intensity of Sun Wufan's qi is at least a hundred times that of the normal state!

"Oh... interesting, another form of Super Saiyan?"

Ash looked at Son Gohan with interest, this is what is called... A Super Saiyan beyond the limits of a Super Saiyan?

"I was once told that you can do anything as long as you are angry, and then I was told that anger comes with a price that cannot be repaid..."

"Despise my companion's awareness of fighting to the death for peace."

"Blame the kind people who reached out to me and pulled me out of trouble."

"Mock the human warriors who gave their lives to fight against the androids, and ignore the innocent humans who were slaughtered by the androids."

"Finally, deny everything I have experienced, erase my memory and experience, and let me follow your right and move towards the so-called happy ending."

Sun Wufan raised his hand and squeezed the burning golden flame with his fist. This action was a howling wind... However, this was also a manifestation of his uncontrollable strength.

"Then, when I have this memory, let me burn with anger! Until the body and soul are destroyed!"


Disappeared in an instant, shot in an instant, and an uppercut.

Ash is like a hanging meteor, breaking through the sky.

The belated gust of wind and roar blew everything away, and above the sky, the starry scene that was only found in the night sky suddenly appeared.

At this moment, the sun is shining with the stars.

Sun Wufan stared above, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.

Totally out of control.

The anger in the past, coupled with the lack of understanding of cultivation, paid the price of ten years of nowhere to go, but failed to use the power of that anger to defeat the android.

This time, I won't make the same mistake, the price doesn't matter, at least... to get the results that are worth the price!

Brother Wuming...

I can't hold on for too long, you have to find a way to escape as soon as possible!

The opponent looked...not an easy guy.

Sun Wufan raised his hand to wipe the blood on the corner of his mouth, and put the last fairy bean into his mouth.


Ash flew back from the atmosphere and rubbed his chin.

"That punch just now made me feel pain..."

Chapter 80 Trembling Pupils (34/200)

"Yeah, ah, ah!"


Two rays of light left sharp cracks in the sky.


The explosion of the collision was louder than the thunder, and the ground for thousands of meters below was in turmoil. The intertwined attacks constantly shattered everything around them, and the force moved the balance of nature. Before you knew it, the sky outside the battlefield was covered with clouds, lightning and thunder. Certain dormant volcanoes are continually reviving in shock.

What is this? What power is this? !

Ma Wen raised his head in amazement. At this moment, where he was in heavy rain, thunder flashed, but in the sky in the distance, it was a strange scene - the sun hangs high among the stars, and the night sky and the day in the perception meet. stack.

I can't see the shadow clearly, I can only hear the continuous roar, and feel a wave of air.

Someone is fighting! The aftermath penetrated the atmosphere, causing the sky to be full of stars in the daytime!

Son Gohan... Son Gohan...

Marvin suddenly remembered.

"That's how powerful! Son Gohan...is Son Goku's son! Son of the strongest man on earth!"

At this moment, Marvin was not at all shaken by the natural disaster-like scene around him. Instead, he was looking at the battlefield where he didn't know how far away he was.


The golden flame that pierced the sky disappeared in a flash, and Sun Gohan roared and punched Ash in the cheek.

Ashe tilted his head and flew, saliva splashing in his mouth, his body broke the sound barrier, bringing out circles of white air waves that spread, and the roar spread far away.

This seemingly extreme attack is actually proof that Sun Gohan can't control his power at all.

He couldn't control the power of roaring and rushing. Every time he raised his hand, he made the atmosphere vibrate, and he could shake the earth even from a distance of thousands of meters! Even a punch can hit Ashe into the atmosphere, and the aftermath destroys a piece of the atmosphere along with it!

The shaking of the world was not Sun Gohan's original intention, or even a situation he wanted to control, but... he couldn't control it at all!

The other party seems to see it, and has been dodging and fighting.

"Gohan! Look what you are doing? Are you going to destroy this planet? Are you going to destroy humanity?!"

Ash moved his body at a high speed to avoid the straight pursuit. He raised his hand to wipe the scar on his cheek, stared at the sun-like figure in the distance, and shouted loudly: "Is this your battle?! This is you Are you right?! Now the damage you've caused is beyond counting, but it's too late to stop! Stop! Give up the fight! Back on the right path!"

The golden light appeared in front of him.

"Then go to the top with me to fight!"

boom! Sun Wufan punched Ash's abdomen with a punch, grabbed Ash's face and rushed towards the higher sky with a loud roar!


Jin Yan continued to accelerate, the atmosphere trembled and screamed, and the strong wind pressure condensed the air into a tsunami-like shape, spreading out layer by layer in all directions.

"You bastard! Give me enough time!"

A powerful burst of qi broke out and forcibly broke free from Sun Wuming's shackles. Ash raised his knee and slammed into Sun Wufan's abdomen. The heavy attack and severe pain were completely suppressed by Sun Wuhan's emotions.

Seeing Ashe break free, Son Gohan punched him out of the kilometer with a backhand punch.

"Disobeying the gods, sheltering repeat offenders!"

Ashe opened his hands, his breath swelled, slightly inferior to Son Gohan, but compared to Son Gohan, he obviously had enough adaptability and control over power. In the name of justice! I want to judge you! Son Gohan!"

"It doesn't matter whether you deliberately bring the battlefield to the ground, or destroy the planet, or continue to say some correct words..."

Sun Wuhan tried hard to control the power, but it didn't work. He simply followed his anger and let the power continue to explode - angry! You need desperate anger! Only in this way, you will not look forward and backward! Only in this way, you will not hesitate!

"I'm not a hero who saves the world and protects everything! In front of you at this moment, I just give everything to defeat your warriors!"


The two punched each other, and then the figure moved at high speed in the sky, and every collision brought a heavy sound like a meteorite impact.


The basement of Bulma's house kept shaking, shaking off some dust from the ceiling. Trunks and Bulma had been persuaded by Liulidong to go to other places to take refuge - the time and space patrol's goal is them, stay with them, for Bulma. More dangerous for Ma and Trunks.

Although Trunks insisted on advancing and retreating together, Sun Wuming, who was impatient with the noise, directly silenced him with a knife.

"What a powerful qi, what a terrifying power..."

On the 21st, the group jumped in shock: "This... This guy Sun Gohan can be so strong... What kind of freaks are Saiyans?!"

A transformation, a steady increase of 50 times the energy intensity is outrageous, even if the transformation will consume gas and physical strength at a high speed, but after special training, you can persist in fighting for an hour, which is completely sufficient for most situations.

After all, the battle needs to be won, but now?

On the 21st, Sun Gohan's energy intensity is estimated to be at least a hundred times higher! This is abnormal to the extreme!

"Son Gohan is probably special. His potential is extremely strong. He completely relies on potential and anger to support him to forcibly cross a certain boundary! Just like Son Gohan forcibly transformed into a Super Saiyan eleven years ago, now... he It's just that the potential is stimulated with anger and forced to reach another realm again."

When Liu Lidong closed her eyes, she said anxiously: "The opponent is fighting with him, and it doesn't look like an enemy that can be easily defeated! This is very bad - Son Gohan's stamina consumption rate must be beyond normal! He barely made up for it. The price is to master the Super Saiyan normally! At this time, it directly exceeds the limit... Brother Wuming, are you still okay?!"

"No! There's a bad old man stopping me!"

Sun Wuming was a little irritable. From time to time, some gray fog appeared on the surface of his body. The gray fog disappeared invisibly, but there was no clear change in the surroundings, and Liu Lidong and No. 21 could not feel it.

He had a faint feeling, as if he was inside the TV, and a pink-skinned old man who was holding him was in front of the TV, his hands constantly suppressing the gray fog he released, so that the gray fog could not form a channel.

Liu Lidong frowned tightly, and there was nothing he could do for a while, that Ashe was too strong, and there were enemies locked in this time and space, and even interfered with the power of Wuming's younger brother... Oops, how to break the game? There seems to be no way out!

There are enemies outside to block the time and space, and there are strong enemies inside to chase and kill. If you can return to the original time and space, you may be able to draw Miss Te Meidou to help. Now...

Sun Wuming suddenly turned his head and looked in a certain direction.

"Idiot Gohan's anger... has dropped!"

No. 21 was a little panicked: "No, it's okay, right? Although it's lowered, at least it can hold up..."

Sun Wuming frowned, very irritable: "That's a battle!"

The decrease in Qi during the battle represents a decrease in speed, a decrease in strength, and a decrease in his own defense ability, not to mention that Sun Wuhan is forcibly bursting out this kind of power. Once it begins to decline, the impact on him will be more obvious!

Just like fighting with androids before, you can suppress it with your peak strength in the first few minutes. Once your physical strength drops or you get injured, your strength will decline and you will lose quickly!

After all, being injured in battle means that the enemy has created an advantage. If there is no way to reverse it, the enemy's advantage will continue to snowball and directly overwhelm him!

Gohan, the big idiot, is likely to die!

will die…

Sun Wuming's pupils trembled slightly, and those cells in his body that had been changed began to become active, and even began to affect other cells that had not been changed, and strands of gold passed through the trembling pupils.

Liu Lidong and No. 21 abruptly looked towards and continued to try to break the lock, but their aura was a little weird, as if the sea was about to roll back up Sun Wuming.