I am A Villain

Chapter 437: Attack again

"Okay, but even if it is cooperation, you will continue to find me the symbiotic information." Yang looked at Zac and said.

"No problem." Zack nodded and said, "But in return, you have to try asking about the 'garden'."

"I asked who to go?" Yang spread his hands.

"Zhou Wen." Zack smiled slightly. "You can come back from the headquarters of the Undead Bird Company safely, which means that you have contact with Zhou Wen and at least reached a certain agreement. Everything, so "

"Understood." Yang interrupted Zac.

"Happy cooperation." Zac extended his hand to Yang.

Yang looked at Zac's hand.

Then he shrugged and reached out to shake Zac's hand.

This is a very bland conversation, so bland as to chat after a meal.

But in fact, if Zac says something wrong, or shows a gesture that makes Yang feel uncomfortable, Yang may directly crush his head and dig out the chip inside.

Fortunately, Zack's performance is very good, or Tom Jones' performance is very good.

Yang just thinks that such a combination of biological and intelligent programs may play some unexpected roles for himself, but what he did not expect is that his decision today has shaped a threat in the future. Existence of rank

Of course, these are all afterwords.

There are still many messy things to be solved.

For example, the man in black who is now closed downstairs.

If it is not Yang who needs to get some information about Adam technology through this guy, he must directly let Johnny extract all the symbiotes in his body at once.

Three days.

It only took about three days.

Johnny directly transformed the laboratory holding the black man into a cell surrounded by a super magnetic field.

And in these three days, the man in black has been covered by the magnetic field, so the injuries on his body have not been completely repaired, only in an extremely slow recovery process, which has maintained life, but it is nothing more All are in a coma.

In addition, Johnny further began to study the strange bone spurs on the black man.

In scientific research, he can be fully responsible. After all, he was also the leader of the Klaus research base.

And within these three days.

The whole world has undergone tremendous changes.

Because the undead bird started again.

Just as the whole world was wondering which national power caused the Blue Ocean incident, the Undead bird attacked the Australian army.

This is the closest mainland location to the Blue Ocean event.

Like the last attack, the Undead Bird Company appeared at a rapid rate, struck several of Australia's largest military bases, and then disappeared again.

Everyone was stunned.

Is this a demonstration?

Before the national leader of Australia returned, the other party started again.

And why is it Australia?

They hate kangaroos or what?

Or is it the principle of proximity? Immediately after dealing with the maritime conference, he turned directly to attack the place closest to him?


all in all.

This attack caused great damage to the military, but the authorities blocked all news for the first time, and they did not issue any international statements.

However, from the perspective of satellites of other countries, it can be seen that the several attacked military bases are basically in ruins.

No survivors.

Barnes sat in the conference room of the ahb research center and looked at the satellite pictures of the military bases after the second attack displayed on the screen.

The Eagle is right, this is a new world war.

But the irony is that the other party has launched two large-scale military attacks, but so far, maybe 99% of the people do not know who the enemy they are facing.

"The first-hand information we have obtained at present shows that the troops that attacked the maritime conference before are all military weapons that have not appeared in the world at present, and no trace can be found." An ahb agent behind Barnes Said.

"Have you found Luoyang's tracks?" Barnes asked with a sullen face.

He guessed that during the last operation of the Undead Bird, Yang could be said to have emerged as one of the important characters. Then the second attack three days later, there should have been a figure of Yang.

But to his disappointment, the agent shook his head: "As far as the current investigation is concerned, there are no specific attackers at the attack sites of several military bases, and the large fighter planes completed the attack."

"Okay." Barnes nodded.

Agent ahb behind him withdrew from the meeting room.

Two days ago, after receiving an investigation, Barnes and his teammates quickly returned to the headquarters of ahb.

They also need to be reviewed after returning.

This level of military conflict has completely exceeded the scope of ahb's responsibilities, and also beyond their authority to interfere, but at the scene of the attack, they found many unnatural phenomena.

The solidified seawater and air

And Yang, an unnatural creature that can be considered an old acquaintance.

These are actually still targeted by the work of the ahb research center.

So, whether from a professional perspective or a personal perspective, Barnes has every reason to participate in it.

For Yang, this is out of personal grudges.

Even if he is not a member of the Undead Bird Company, Barnes will still catch him, and as far as the current situation is concerned, Yang is completely in the same camp as the Undead Bird Company, which is more in line with Barnes' wishes. .

Barnes looked at his broken arm.

The red mang in the eyes flashed inexplicably.

The next second, at the break of the elbow, a thin, translucent red line spread out, and within a few seconds, it was interwoven into a hand formed entirely of energy.

He grabbed the coffee cup on the table and drank the cold coffee.


"Come on, we are busy." Barnes stood up and said to No. 5 in the corner, who said nothing.

After the twin brother died, No. 5 became silent.

But his mental state is completely without any problems.

Barnes could feel some strange change in this guy, but he didn't go into it.

It ’s alive.

Now the whole team.

In a flash, only two of them are still fighting