I am A Villain

Chapter 840: The lost

Zhou Wen just casually mentioned this little experience in the past, but gave Yang a very strange feeling.

"Yes, the timeline has never been as simple as you think, only before and after, in fact, every thing happens, every thing has many different possibilities, then after any choice is made, it will There are countless kinds of results. It ’s like a combination. Three numbers. There are three ways to combine two or two. What about converting these three numbers into every detail of every moment in life? All these things can be combined freely. How much time is the fork? "

"Every change will have a bifurcation, and each bifurcation will be followed by countless bifurcations. I always say the timeline timeline, but time is never a line thing, it is more like A net, or a tree, with countless lines on it, no one can understand the secret of time, even me, it is not good, I am just a cautious roamer, in many places, I have never dared Set foot, because I am afraid that one day I will also become a madman in another timeline, and when I see people pulling them and begging them to take me home, it would be too sad. "

"Why can't that person find his way back?" Yang asked.

"He forgot." Zhou Wen shook his head and said: "When you have experienced many similar things, to a certain extent, your memory will be confused, and you can't figure out which one of so many choices is. The world you really belong to, because for roamers, the feeling of standing in different timelines is real, you ca n’t feel any difference, everything depends on your own memory to distinguish, when you ca n’t remember When you have experienced everything, you are lost. "

"In the end, you will forget where you came from, and you ca n’t even remember exactly where you were originally, because you have walked too many time points, and any place has your footprint, At this time, the lost person wanted to find and authenticate. He went to a certain point in time and saw himself at that point of time, proving that he was still at this time at this time, so he must go back, but wait for him When he comes back next time, he will see that besides the original timeline, there is another one who has come to seek certification. This situation will continue to stack up. After the crazy stacking up, the wanderer ’s memory will increase. The chaos is coming, his footprint is full of the entire timeline, and among all branches, he can find himself, and he no longer knows which branch he belongs to. "

Yang was a bit spine-chilled by Zhou Wen.

He can imagine that feeling.

It's not as simple as getting lost. At least even if you get lost, then you are still on land, no matter how bad you are, you are still on the earth. You are still within a limited range.

And the kind of loss that Zhou Wen said is a loss without borders.

If you ca n’t find it, you wo n’t be able to find it. Your confusion will only get worse with the increase of time bifurcation, you ca n’t find where you belong, and you ca n’t figure out where you should go because you are everywhere Have yourself.

In this case, people are not crazy and can't justify it.

Zhou Wen is right.

Time is a tree without borders, or a net.

Any thing may change differently, it will form a branch.

Form a diversion of time.

Informal time domains are also one type of diversion.

"In the end, not all shunts can continue. Ninety-nine percent of the shunts will eventually disappear and collapse, such as the line we are in. If you do n’t go back to the first battle to fill that. If the battle is blank, the timeline will eventually be annihilated, and most of the time diversion in the time tree will eventually be annihilated. Those lost roamers cannot know what is wrong with the timeline they are in, and when the problem erupts At that moment, at the time of annihilation, he was at this time. Although he did n’t belong here, but time annihilated, he would naturally be gone. This is the death method of the wandering man who was finally lost. Of course, there are a few others. The lost timeline has always been old, but it is a few, very few, more died with the annihilation of the timeline where it is, or because of the timeline to which the ontology belongs, that is, the annihilation of his hometown And death, there will be no sign of this kind of death, and he himself will not have any feeling, that is, pure disappearance, no consciousness, Instant attributed blank, without leaving any trace. "


Zhou Wen explained to Yang the story of the lost.

Having said so much, his only purpose is to tell Yang that he should never lose himself.

He doesn't want to let a lost madman appear in the multi-world tree.

But Yang did not think so much.

He looked at Zhou Wen strangely, and asked a question that Zhou Wen was also slightly surprised: "Then, do you belong to this timeline?"


Zhou Wen was silent.

As a roamer, someone once warned him not to run around in the timeline indiscriminately, plus he has no ability and energy to shuttle the timeline, so he has been very careful to maintain the timeline. The continuation, which involves time diversion, is only those short and informal time fields, and never dare to step into other real large-scale time diversions, because that is equivalent to another world.

Therefore, Zhou Wen always feels very stable.

He belongs to this timeline, and has been working hard to maintain the continuation of this timeline.

However, suddenly Yang was asked such a question, Zhou Wen was still a bit ignorant.

Although he has always kept himself awake all the time, and has never been confused, but who can guarantee that everything that happens in time is changing rapidly, and no one can guarantee everything, including Zhou Wen.

Maybe one day he made a time leap in his sleep?

Maybe one time he ignored a branch of time?

"Well, at least I think I belong here, so I want to maintain the timeline completely. This is the responsibility of every roamer for his own timeline. It is inescapable."

Zhou Wen looked at Yang very calmly and said such a sentence.

This is the responsibility of every roamer.

The lost roamer has only one ending, which is annihilation.