I Am a Wishing Tree

Chapter 109: Episode 5 The Orphan of the Xuanwu World

This time, she has lived in the world of Wishers for more than 50 years. Qingyao's flowers have increased by nearly 20, and she herself has increased by three, bringing the total to eight.

Compared with Qingyao's efficiency, her poor three flowers are indeed a bit shabby, but she herself is very surprised, because it is more than she expected.

Different from wandering in the endless void before, although the star core is small, it has become a member of the tree protected by the wishing tree, so there is no need to worry about being attacked by those crises in the void.

And the False Refining Fire, which was refined by the Phoenix Soul by absorbing the tree spirit body's origin, has a natural connection with the tree spirit body. The body returns to the void together.

Because there is no source memory, He Ai does not understand the situation in the Void World, but she vaguely feels that the Royal Spirit World seems a little abnormal.

The strength of the venerable Jiuzhuan can clearly smash the void and turn the river into the sea, but the human beings there are restricted by certain rules, and the increase in lifespan is limited.

Ordinary practitioners only have a lifespan of about a hundred years. Only those with a cultivation base of rank nine or above can have the opportunity to break through to more than two hundred years old. This is actually not related to the strength of their cultivation base. Compatible.

And those spiritual deeds are also extremely restrictive, as if there is some mysterious power in the unknown level of that world, but she never really senses the existence of the other party.

After sighing again about the inconvenience of losing her memory, He Ai rested in the body, letting go of her thoughts like sleeping, shielding the voices of the countless wishers.

This is the first time that He Ai has stopped and entered a state of rest after becoming this wishing tree. The experience of the star core made her understand that as a wishing tree in the void, what is the responsibility of What kind of responsibilities and obligations are far from being as simple as letting her hang up.

A planetary world is her job.

Therefore, she began to try to learn to slow down, no longer blindly pursue flowering, and no longer want to become a human being so urgently, because even if she can become an adult, it will not change her. The fact of a tree can't get rid of the countless planetary worlds on its roots.

During this period, Qing Yao went back and forth, walked and returned, never disturbing He Ai who was half asleep.

When she officially woke up, Qingyao was not there, the income of the fourth world had not yet been settled, she did not understand the timing rules in the void, and she was not sure how much time had passed, it didn't matter.

It's just a life in the void, which is really irritable and boring. In comparison, He Ai prefers the fireworks of the world full of joys, sorrows and challenges.

He Ai quickly selected a wisher with the same name as her.

The body can shatter the void and fly to the upper realm.

The original owner was an orphan from the distant branch of the He family, a third-class family in the Qintian Empire.

It stands to reason that the He family where the original owner is located has little to do with the third-class family, but the original owner's grandparents don't think so.

A small landlord, but always considers himself a family origin.

As the saying goes, there is a dojo in the horn of a snail. The grandparents of the original owner had five sons and two daughters. , medium yard with limited area.

The original owner's father ranked fourth in this family, introverted and honest, a foolish and filial person who only knew how to blindly obey his parents' orders.

The father, who only knew how to show his majesty to his wife and daughter, also passed away due to an accident.

The original owner has been working with her mother since she was three years old, the only one who loves her, tries her best to take care of her, and protects her. The little maid sent.

Works the most, eats the worst, and gets beaten and scolded when the family is not popular. Not only does her father fail to protect her, she also joins others in accusing her of being disobedient and ignorant , will not do anything.

The original owner, who had already become numb, was very indifferent to his father's passing, and only wanted to escape from this home that had never let her feel any warmth since her mother passed away.

Unfortunately, in this world that attaches great importance to clan origin, in the environment where she has no relatives after leaving the He family, she doesn't even know where to go after going out.

This time, because of hearing the excited discussions of the cousins ​​and sisters at home, the patriarch suddenly sent a message to their family, making all children in the family under twelve years old and under fifteen years old. Go to the family to measure the root bone.

This is a great opportunity for all the He clan. The original owner who just turned 12 years old is also eager for this opportunity. In her opinion, this will be the only way she can An opportunity to escape the family.

Unfortunately, these so-called family members of her never considered taking her with them from the beginning to the end. To be precise, in the hearts of the He family, the original owner, who is **** his father and mother, is not at all. Not worthy of being their daughter.

The unwilling original owner summoned the greatest courage in his life and secretly followed the beast car sent by the patriarch's family to pick up people, but was found halfway.

After she reported her family and identity, the cousins ​​who would make her work, bully when she was young, and ignore her when she grew up, all of them insisted that they did not know her. Said she was lying and pretended to be their He family.

The patriarch's family sent someone to take care of the affairs and heard the words. They did not listen to the original owner's explanation, and pushed her aside directly, and strictly prohibited her from following the road.

After losing this opportunity, the original owner, who was so disheartened and despaired, would rather die outside than make up her mind not to go back to the He home that was not her home.

in a crack.

In the end, it landed on a large protruding rock below the crack. It was cold and hungry. After dark, the top was filled with the roar of wolves and beasts. The original owner who had no will to survive was like this. Under the circumstances, full of unwillingness and despair, he chose to jump from that stone.

Shatter the void, go to the sky to see.

When He Ai came over, the original owner was hanging on the branch below, and her body was not broken. She was desperate for death, which was the main reason for her death.

After receiving the memory of the original owner, He Ai was very curious about the fact that there was a big tree growing under the crack that was exposed by the earth movement in the gap where you can't see your fingers. .

The mind moved slightly, and the illusory refining fire that followed the tree spirit body appeared in front of her eyes, although only a faint blue fire light could be emitted, it was very dim, and the range that could be illuminated was limited , making it difficult to see.

The surrounding leaves are green, which means that this big tree does not belong to the kind of underground plant that does not see the sun all year round. This result surprised He Ai.

Not sure what the environment is like below, He Ai did not rush to climb down the tree, the original owner, who was only twelve years old, was thin and weak, and had no ability to protect himself. To force the end of this journey to another world that has not yet officially started, some caution is essential.

In the original owner's impression, it was extremely long, and the late night, full of hunger and cold, had indeed passed most of the time. It didn't take long for He Ai to come, and the sky began to brighten.

A ray of light shone in, allowing He Ai to see the surrounding environment more clearly. After confirming that the place below was really just an ordinary forest, she climbed down the tree with some doubts.

It was found that many plants in the forest were similar to the species she knew, which made He Ai relieved. It is a mortal body, and it must have necessary water and food.

After picking some familiar wild fruits along the way to satisfy their hunger, He Ai walked in this large underground space while making marks. The goal is the direction and position of the light source in this space .

He Ai also discovered later that in addition to the light coming from above the gap, there was actually a light source inside this space.

Different from the dim light above, the other light source below suddenly started to brighten, which is why He Ai quickly determined the approximate location of the light source.

After walking for nearly five days and walking about two hundred miles, He Ai successfully arrived at the location of the light source in this space.

In the past few days, she has encountered rivers and streams in this space, and she has also seen some birds and beasts, although the number is relatively rare, but they really exist.

If this light source is not very different from the sun, the sky above is obviously not the sky, but the foggy top. This space is not very different from the outside world.