I Am a Wishing Tree

Chapter 156: Extra 02

With the activation of Godhead, strange and familiar powers instantly flooded the whole body. In this strange place, it is obviously inconvenient to carefully sense and be familiar with the control of these powers.

Faced with the welcome from the two teams of gods, He Ai nodded indifferently in response.

"Thank you, priests!"

At the same time as Qingyao expressed her thanks, a flower of merit suddenly appeared in her hand, which instantly scattered into petals, scattered in front of the gods, and accepted by them with joy.

The leader of the **** who received the last half of the flower of merit, with a smile on his face, had to offer a scroll of divine slips.

"Thank God for the generous gift, a little care, not respect, please accept it with a smile!"

At the same time that Qing Yao took over the Jane, she thanked her again.

"The priest has a heart, the master has not returned for many years, and this thing is missing, thank you!"

After sending the two of them away, God will be happy to collect the petals of merit and gossip.

"The envoys received by the God of the Void this time are very good, tsk tsk, such a good baby is not our turn in the past, this trip is worth it!"

"Yeah, this envoy of Qingyao is very good at coming, right? General Le Fang."

General Le Fang looked at the back of the two leaving with a complicated expression, nodded casually, and sighed casually.

"Yeah, I just don't know that the angel she received this time will be a blessing or a curse!"

"General, do you have an old relationship with the Void God?"

General Le Fang did not answer directly, but replied ambiguously.

Someone leaned forward and questioned in a low voice.

"General, that Void God doesn't seem to be very accessible, and she doesn't seem to know you?"

General Le Fang pushed him away.

"On the other hand, before the gods were punished to go to the realm, he killed himself, not to mention this unknown person, she has returned to the realm of heaven, and no one knows her!"

Therefore, in the scroll carefully prepared by General Le Fang, not only the images and brief introductions of some important figures in the heaven, as well as the relationship and current situation of important figures, but also some people's experiences in the past and the void The relationship between gods, even if it is only a brief introduction with a pertinent attitude.

It is also very helpful to He Ai, who is returning to the heaven for the first time.

After reading it, Qing Yao handed the divine slip to He Ai and sighed.

I prepared this carefully, no wonder you are always willing to do some favors, I will have to learn something in the future."

He Ai replied indifferently.

"I don't intend to be a good old man who likes to give favors this time. I can't leave an old impression on people. When I'm taking advantage of it, it's a good plan!"

After the sealed divine power is unsealed, why does Ai provide a lot of convenience, at least no longer need to be like a novice, don’t know anything, and need to ask Qingyao for help when encountering anything.

Divine Sense quickly swept through the contents of the Divine Slip, and after writing down some news that had been circulating in the heavens in recent years, as well as the brief introductions of important people from all walks of life, He Ai held it in the palm of his hand, and instantly It crushed God Jane to pieces.

"The content in simplified Chinese can only be used as a reference. When we come back this time, we need to use our own eyes to understand everyone here, and don't be influenced by the information provided by others."

Hearing He Ai's seriousness, Qing Yao nodded quickly, "Okay, I remember!"

As the ninety-nine-meter doors in front of them opened one after another, He Aimu walked in with Qingyao without squinting, letting the pressure behind each door increase. As she got stronger and stronger, she was overwhelmed, but she always looked calm and straightened her shoulders and raised her head, as if she didn't feel anything.

After stepping through the fifth gate, Qing Yao, who was already unable to bear it, saw her performance, and gritted her teeth and insisted.

However, as the two of them passed more and more thresholds, Qingyao still couldn't understand. After passing the four thresholds, he has already performed outstandingly and was conferred the title of God Venerable.

Now, looking at the woman in front of her who has taken her to the seventh threshold, but her speed has dropped significantly and her posture has never changed.

Persevere to the end.

Meeting He Ai is the greatest chance she has ever had in her life. As long as she can follow He Ai to step through another threshold, she will have the opportunity to climb to a higher position, this is her only chance .

As the two successfully entered the eighth threshold, in the vast and quiet hall of the gods, all the gods had different expressions on their faces.

They all came for the return of the God of the Void. Some of them came in person, and some just came in avatars. At this moment, they can clearly see the scene of the two walking down the dirt road.

In addition to the three supreme gods at the top of the high seat, there were ten or so gods, more than fifty gods, and hundreds of gods and gods who could only stand around.

Looking at Qing Yao, who is comparable to their cultivation, even if she is already unable to support her, she can enter the eighth gate with her strong willpower. The envy is beyond words.

"It seems that after many years of experience in the lower realm, the Void God has gained a lot!"

Supreme Qingxuan's emotion attracted everyone's unanimous approval. Being able to successfully enter the eighth gate of shedding dust means that He Ai's potential has greatly increased. more power.

But in the eyes of the gods, although He Ai has not given up now, she has reached her limit. There is no chance that an open door will be opened.

The moment she reached the threshold, Qingyao fell to the ground before she took a step. No matter how strong her willpower was, she could not resist the instinct of her body in this environment. In response, blood was oozing from her facial features at this time, and her body was a little cracked.

He Ai finally stopped, and subconsciously bent over to help Qingyao, but stopped when she reached out her hand and did not directly touch the other party. The pressure she was bearing at the moment was something she had never experienced before people, it's hard to imagine.

In such a situation, touching the other party will not only fail to help Qingyao, but will make Qingyao's situation even worse.

, you can definitely pass the ninth threshold, you can definitely do it!"

Seeing the anxiety and expectation in the eyes of the other party, and the firm confidence, He Ai replied firmly.

"Since you are willing to stay with me, I will not leave you, no matter where I can go!"

Speaking, He Ai suddenly formed a seal with both hands, and then a very pure green energy group emerged from her forehead, in the subconscious resistance of Qingyao, it went straight into her forehead During that time, her already severely injured body recovered in an instant.

"He Ai, do you know that you won't be able to pass the next level by doing this, and this is your last chance!"

Under the pressure, He Ai couldn't even make a wry smile.

"You'd better save your energy and go with me!"

In this way of shedding dust, the only thing that can be used as protection is the most precious divine essence of the gods. What He Ai distributed to Qingyao is her own divine essence, It is rich in extremely powerful vitality.

But her own consumption is even greater now, even if she knows that she has little hope of going to the ninth gate, the chance of wanting to pass the ninth gate is almost impossible.

However, the gods couldn't help sighing when they saw her move that was tantamount to cutting the way forward.

Supreme Hongyuan, who was sitting high, sighed even more.

"After so many years of experience in the lower realm, Xu Nian has never changed her kind and generous nature, even though she has been smashed into the past, I really don't know whether this is a blessing or a curse for her!"

The Supreme Being of Qingxuan said, "She was born to follow the thoughts of all beings, and it is her duty to be kind and generous. If she loses this duty, how should she handle herself?"

Another Taixiao Supreme replied directly without opening his eyes.

"What is the duty? If we really want to talk about it, all the gods like us should have the duty of kindness and generosity. After all, when all beings are in trouble, they all pray to the sky, so we can have the opportunity Everyone who inherits the destiny has a duty to benefit the common people, if someone had not borrowed the righteousness and used this so-called 'duty' as an excuse to force her to go too far, the **** of the void would not have been punished to the lower realm, and he chose to kill himself."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the already solemn and solemn temple was condensed. Big boss fights each other.

Supreme Venerable Qingxuan snorted coldly, and was about to speak, Supreme Venerable Hongyuan first made a smooth talk.

"In any case, the God of the Void has returned after all the calamities and can enter the eighth moat, which is a blessing in disguise. Those who were right and wrong in the past even let go of herself, and I will wait and see again. Why bother with it."

Supreme Taixiao had a cold face and replied lightly.

"I and others all know what happened to the people of the time of the God of the Void. How can we take it for granted because of her kindness, generosity and generosity? This is too deceitful, she After returning this time, if anyone dares to take advantage of her again, don’t blame the old man for being rude, I am a chaotic line, and I will not allow anyone to calculate again and again!”

The powerful words swirled in the vast and empty hall, causing the gods to bow their heads and listen to the instructions.

Have great achievements in protecting the world, and was named the promise of the **** of the void. It can be called the embodiment of merit and can provide them with a lot of help in various aspects.

The more people will think about taking advantage of her.

Supreme Taixiao is now making a public statement that she must protect the emptiness of the gods, lest she repeat the same tough attitude, which is bound to regenerate the long peaceful heaven.