I Am a Wishing Tree

Chapter 18: Episode 18

The individual looked very embarrassed, carrying large and small bags of luggage.

Every person who is in a semi-conscious state when they come out will be immediately taken to the first boat and covered with an isolation cover. The soldiers received the boat and quickly returned to their own warships.

Even if everyone was eager to see, staring at the black hole vortex, until the vortex no longer continued to spit people out, and began to change the direction of rotation, only eight people came out of Huaguo.

Everyone knows what this means, He Ai and the others also know, they solemnly saluted the location of the isolation room, and after returning the salute to the generals, He Ai and others directly boarded below The sea boat on the sea, carrying a huge burden, plunged into the vortex without hesitation.

The soldiers of various countries who stayed on the warships and seaboats saluted the location of the vortex with a solemn expression, and watched their figures disappear into the vortex one by one until the vortex disappeared, The salute hand did not let go for a long time.

This vortex in the inaccessible waters appeared suddenly. One day, when a terrestrial animal was suddenly ejected from it, it was discovered by the military of a country that was conducting a submarine test nearby. They were curious. The corpses of those terrestrial animals were brought back to China, and they were planned to be studied.

has been blocked.

A big threat, let it go on like this, it is not an exaggeration to say that it can bring disaster to mankind.

After several attempts and studies, it was found that the black hole vortex appeared in this sea area every year, and then ejected some messy things, including animals, plants, and exotic items, all of which carried new viruses body.

It turned out that it was a different world, with mountains, water, sunshine, air, animals, plants, minerals, viruses, and some humanoids native creatures.

He Ai and the others are the main tasks.

Affected by the magnetic field of space, human scientific and technological items cannot be used at all in the different space. If you want to survive there, only your own powerful strength is the foundation, and the rest depends on luck .

Even if the sacrifice of the first three batches of people has been used in exchange for rich research results for human beings, it is possible to prepare some special drugs and other materials for them in advance.

Different space environments have a great impact on the human body, even if the preparations are getting better and better, each time they can persist until the expiration of five years, the number of people who return successfully has increased. , but the sacrifice rate is still shockingly high.

He Ai and the others had written a suicide note before they set foot on the warship, and were prepared to never return. The damage is serious, even if he can receive the most top-level treatment that gathers the power of the whole world, his lifespan will be greatly reduced.

These information have been disclosed to He Ai and the others after the mission officially started, including the map of the otherworld region explored by the previous predecessors, some animals and plants that have been studied, and Minerals, etc.

"He Ai is only twenty-two years old this year!"

Hearing Jiang Zhiheng staring at the vortex that had gradually disappeared, whispering these words, An Wenbo patted his backsliding.

"Huang Jie, the oldest among them, is only thirty-eight years old!"

An Wenbo's heart is also sour, but he knows that there is no way to do it.

"This is their destiny, and it is also our destiny. It is closely related to the destiny of all mankind. All we can do is to try our best to make their sacrifices more meaningful and to find and deal with them as soon as possible. Policy!"

, share some research results.

He Ai and his comrades at this time have come to another space. At the entrance of this passage, there are some simple buildings left by the predecessors. Humans from different countries are present. , a total of nearly three hundred people.

The twenty-five people in their country include colonels like Qin Kun and non-commissioned officers like Chen Jiu. Everyone has long been accustomed to getting along as teammates and sticking to their respective ranks.

Lieutenant Colonel Huang Jie is the oldest in their Chinese team. He has always regarded himself as the eldest brother. Even with Colonel Qin Kun, he will make arrangements directly.

"Qin Kun, you three groups stay here for the first time, let's explore the new map first!"

As long as it is not too bad luck and encounters large-scale attacks by native beasts and creatures, it is safest to stay in this human settlement where various fortifications have been arranged.

Even if they will take turns in the future, but staying here in the initial stage, after getting used to the environment here, and then going out to work, will appropriately reduce some risks, which is to take care of their team.

Qin Kun replied with a firm attitude, "No, our three groups are the strongest as a whole, so it's not our turn to stay, Brother Huang, this matter is not negotiable, this matter It's very simple, you four groups will cast lots, whichever group you catch will keep!"

Huang Jie glanced at He Ai, sighed and said, our five groups are also among the best in strength, we must go out, you three groups draw lots.

Finally, it was decided that the second group was left. The period when they first came in was the most energetic stage for all human beings. They had to collect as much as possible before the body began to appear abnormal. Various materials and supplies.

After downloading some information, they hurried on the road.

Unless all countries jointly established a treaty in a different world, infighting between human beings is strictly prohibited, they even have to guard against the desperados that some countries pay high prices to invite.

After all, not all countries can be like China. They can recruit a group of elites who are not afraid of death. They have to pay high prices to invite foreign aid, and these foreign aids are collected in different spaces All kinds of materials will be clearly marked and the price will be paid separately.

It has little effect on items such as Telescopes and flares.

the rate of erosion.

Li Haoxu suddenly said, "Do you think we are considered intruders?"

This is an issue related to morality and ethics, He Ai replied first.

"I think so! Even if it is a passive invasion because of necessity, or self-defense, it is a kind of invasion."

Li Changkuan held a different opinion, "We have neither the idea of ​​invading each other, nor the idea of ​​harming the native creatures in this world, nor the idea of ​​seizing territory, we are here only to collect some materials, Shouldn't it be an invasion?"

Liu Jie said from afar, "No matter how many reasons I stand for He Ai this time, it can't change the fact that we are outsiders. Do you think we humans will give up this territory?"

"I even think that when human beings have thoroughly studied everything in this world and found a way to allow human beings to survive here, they will definitely do something here!"

He Ai nodded and said, "Yes, I think so too, now we are paying and sacrificing for self-protection and righteousness, but I think that in a few years, when human technology advances At a certain stage, we can break through the magnetic blockade here and solve the threat posed by environmental differences to human beings, this place will definitely become a new battlefield for human beings, and we are the pioneers of the future invasion war!"

Li Changkuan said gloomily, "Listening to what you said, I don't have the energy to work anymore. I hate war the most, especially the invasion war, but I don't want to be this pioneer!"

Qin Kundao, who is holding the Wangyuan Realm to observe the surrounding environment.

, do your own thing well, put an end to the crisis of the invasion of the human world, in the face of the survival of the race, there is no right or wrong!"

Hearing the team leader's words, and thinking about the behavior of his own country, Li Changkuan felt at ease. Anyone could become that intruder, but he certainly wouldn't.

"Team leader, this is not necessarily our nonsense. If we want to avoid this war that is destined to come sooner or later, there is only one way to close the channel. Countries are not studying how to close the channel for an obvious reason!"