I Am a Wishing Tree

Chapter 39: Episode 17

"He Yu, you are a daring villain who deceives the king, and you don't release the concubines and the others quickly, and dare to offend the royal family, you are a heinous crime!"

Wang Cheng did not take the threat sent by He Ai to heart at all, because he firmly believed that He Ai would not really dare to attack the family of others, whether it was imprisonment or escorting back to Beijing After all, as a member of the royal family, the generosity and care of the emperors of the past dynasties to their own family members is not only clear to them, but also known to the world.

However, He Ai not only dared to lock his family in the prison car in a humiliating way, but also let everyone, including his old mother, all dressed in prison uniforms with disheveled hair. Binding up, even if he only saw him from a distance at this moment, he was crying and begging him to help him quickly.

"Prince Cheng, are you sure that you are a traitor, and you are still a member of the royal family. Are you qualified to be a royal family?"

The question of qualifications is the deepest thorn in the king's heart. Hearing He Ai's words, he was even more annoyed, and pointed at the position of He Ai with the whip in his hand and shouted loudly.

If you insult our royal family members, you can destroy your nine clans!"

He Ai smiled lightly and replied, "If you and your family are really members of the royal family, this general may still have some scruples, but as a fish-eyed traitor, what qualifications do you have? Claiming to be a member of the royal family!"

"Send the arrows! The generals obey orders and kill me!"

Those who were stunned by He Ai's words for a long time heard Wang Cheng's hoarse roar, but they hesitated subconsciously, but He Ai said loudly at this time.

"Cheng Wang, when his life was revealed, he became angry and angry Bloodline traitors have no future at all, if you want to survive, you will make me guilty, and kill these guys who instigated you to rebel, this general promises not to hurt you and your family!"

In King Cheng's roar and denial, He Ai's voice was very indifferent, but it seemed more convincing, "First kill those few for me to sacrifice flags!"

"He Ju, Shuzier dares to swear! This palace is a first-class concubine! You spit out your blood, insulted my son's reputation, and ruined the reputation of the royal family, and now you still want to hurt..."

Waiting for the old woman who still looks graceful and moving, although she looks embarrassed and full of white hair, the old woman who still has the charm of her youth will finish speaking, those who only obey He Ai's order The soldiers dragged King Cheng's sons who had been frightened into a pool of ooze to the front of the battle, and dropped their knives, ignoring King Cheng's threat, and quickly slaughtered them all.

He Ai drove a horse to the prison car where the old woman was, and sneered with a playful sneer in his cold eyes.

When the truth becomes king, do you think about this day?"

"He Ju, you kill my grandson, I will never share with you!"

I saw with my own eyes that my beloved grandchildren were killed one by one, and the old woman no longer had the grace and calmness she never left behind even when she was in prison, and the whole person looked like a madman He cried out mournfully, and stared at He Ai with even more bitter hatred.

"Don't worry, old lady, I'll make your son uninterested, and we won't have to live in the same world soon!"

It's not that He Ai has no sympathy. He Ai really can't feel the slightest sympathy for the suffering old woman in front of him, even if the other party has a great reputation in Sichuan and Shu, almost It is said to be the embodiment of loyalty, kindness, beauty and love.

"Tsk tsk! Actually, I'm also very impatient to coexist with you. After all, what you've done is really inconsistent with the general's three views. Magpie's Nest, enjoy the wealth and glory of the palace, it is not enough to complete the palace, and it is not enough to promote that any woman should be virtuous and virtuous. An old man who doesn't do anything!"

"Have you thought about it? This general's patience is limited. Quickly kill King Cheng and the wicked people around him. This general will not take the blame, otherwise, don't blame this general for being rude! "

As soon as the voice fell, after knowing that there was something wrong with King Cheng's life experience and that he was not a serious clan son, those soldiers who were already shaken in their hearts saw He Ai and his men kill Cheng The princes and grandsons of the palace looked unrelenting, and they felt even more guilty.

They followed King Cheng to rebel, if they were successful, they would definitely not be treated badly. Inciting excuses.

At this moment, I found that King Cheng and Ben were unreliable, their family members were still in the hands of the ruthless general opposite, and all of them were cavalry, although the number was small, against their infantry, but All can exist as one block ten.

No matter how urged King Cheng and his die-hard generals, these already timid soldiers hesitated and dared not go forward. At this moment, they heard He Ai's shouting again. Whoever shot his own generals suddenly with arrows, and someone shouted at the same time, those soldiers who were hesitant, quickly rushed towards the generals in their own formation.

I watched this scene in disbelief. No matter how much Princess Cheng cried loudly and threatened with curses, she could only watch helplessly as her grandchildren were all killed. His true love's son was also hacked to death, heartbroken, and hated to the sky, he couldn't do anything.

Zhang Wuquan and Han Xun were also a little confused at the moment. They were already preparing for a fierce battle. As a result, the tens of thousands of troops on the other side actually killed each other in front of their eyes. The strategy of defeating the enemy without fighting is displayed vividly.

"No wonder the general always teaches us that it is very important to have information, to know ourselves and to know our enemies, and to be safe in a hundred battles. This is really reasonable!"

He Ai, who had just come over with a horse, said lightly.

"This time is just the doomed result of many coincidences, no matter at any time, one's own strong combat strength is the foundation, if you don't see that we are all imposing cavalry, you can If you take down the Chengwang Palace, and turn those high and mighty people into embarrassed prisoners, first of all, you will make those ordinary soldiers feel fearful, and the effect will not be so good!"

What He Ai didn't know was that while she let people kill those princes who used to be aloof, while laughing and provoking the old concubine Wang, she showed the kind of ruthless, murderous attitude , which impressed the people of the opposing camp even more, and no one wanted such a scene to happen to their own.

Chengwang and the rebel generals were all hacked to death by the savage swords, and the remaining soldiers who disarmed and surrendered. The food and forage were quickly transported to Feng'an City.

When the prefect of Fengzhou opened the city gate to welcome He Ai's army, he took everyone in the city and knelt directly to the ground, thanking He Ai and the army he led for saving lives.

Since the battle with King Cheng's army, they have been defeated, and finally retreated to Feng'an City. It has been more than a month, and the food in the city is about to be cut off. Fortunately, He Ai and the others arrived immediately and recovered. The disaster of Cheng Wang's rebellion.

He Ai personally dismounted and helped Yang Haohui, the prefect of Feng'an.

"Master Yang doesn't have to be so polite, everyone, get up, this general has been ordered by the Holy Order to come to Sichuan and Shu to quell the rebellion. Thank you so much!"

An official next to me wiped away tears.

"General, don't you know that the nearby state capital has also received an edict to send troops to rescue our Fengzhou, and even at the beginning of the rebellion, we sent people to them for help, but they They are all perfunctory and evasive, and everyone is afraid of the prestige of Cheng Wangfu."

He Ai respects those who would rather risk her life than be unyielding, so she is very patient with these people.

"Okay, King Cheng has given his head, and the entire land of Sichuan and Shu has been recaptured. You officials and people are united, and it is also a great achievement that you can work together to hold Feng'an City, and this general will be faithful. Report to the Holy One!"

"Thank you General!"

The king's food and grass will last for a few days, and this general has ordered food from other places, and the problem of the city's lack of food will be completely solved in a few days!"

Received the good news that He Ai sent people to send a fast horse to the capital city. Before that, he had received the witnesses and material evidence that He Ai sent people to **** back to Beijing, and he knew the foundation of the current Chengwang Emperor Mingjing Surprised and excited.

When the ministers in the court killed He Ai to become a prince and heir, and incited the rebels to civil unrest, they impeached He Ai on the spot and tried to provoke the dissatisfaction of the clan, However, he found that not only Emperor Mingjing was reluctant to mention more, but even those clans who had always been the most protective of their shortcomings and often fought together with the enemy, this time they kept silent collectively, as if they had changed their personalities overnight.

It was not until a vague news came out from the land of Sichuan and Shu that the ministers in the court knew what was going on, even if the clan and the emperor never personally admitted it.

What no one knows is that if the emperor had not threatened to expose the true identity of King Cheng, those people in the clan would not want to spare He Ai so easily. Death is the identity of the royal family.

Comparatively speaking, the clan still pays more attention to the reputation of the royal family, and does not want this appalling scandal to be confirmed, so it has to choose to settle down and reduce losses.

In spite of the obstruction of the court and officials, Emperor Jing of Ming insisted on appointing He Ai as the governor of Sichuan and Shu and Xuanzheng, and began to clean up some inside and outside the court and the public who got the management of the palace, deceiving the superior and the inferior. The minister who opened the door to the King's Mansion.

The local officials who refused to lead troops to support Fengzhou during the Chengwang rebellion were of course also cleaned up.