I Am an Editor at Marvel

v1 Chapter 124: broken! I'm a stand-in!

Although these soldiers were tough enough not to be afraid of death, and their qualities were good enough, they were still losing ground under the joint hands of Frank and Natasha.

And this picture was also projected to various places except Asia by the well-prepared eagle sauce, and it was displayed on hundreds of thousands of big screens at the same time. The main purpose is to make the hidden Hydra. Seeing this scene, the secondary purpose of course is to let the world see their power.

"Mr. Lin Zhengying, you don't need to prepare. If they find their own solution, we won't intervene."

Li Xiaoyao, who saw the satellite signal in the office with Guan Jia, called Lin Zhengying and said.

There was no mysterious figure such as a prophet who came back from the clock tower. I thought I could help when I was done, but I don't need it now.

On the other side, this is a scheming, but this kind of scheming can only be used on the Eagle Sauce and the Clock Tower, and can only be used once, after all, the price of this kind of tactics is the director of SHIELD.

Yingjiang was also lucky. This time he used Hydra to show his muscles. Incidentally, some people who didn't know the truth thought that the relationship between the clock tower and Yingjiang was similar to the relationship between Tianting and China.

In this case, its reputation as a world policeman can be used for a few more years, and countries like China that know the inside story will not expose it. After all, the disintegration or collapse of such a huge country will be unimaginable for the current world. It is now stable. Occupy absolute priority!

When Li Xiaoyao and Guan Jian looked at the image on the screen, Frank had already dealt with the soldiers, which was nothing but a surprise to him, while Natasha was fighting with Pierce.


Frank yelled to remind Natasha to speed up. If the fighting time is too long, it will be too much. As a top agent, Natasha killing Pierce shouldn't take too long in the eyes of the public.

As for the identities of Natasha and himself, Frank doesn't need to know the identities of his own. Eagle sauce is expected to announce the identities of him and Natasha soon. Of course, they will definitely be adulterated.

Pierce seemed to understand the meaning of Frank’s words faster than Natasha, and the strength in his hands was a bit weaker. From the outside, it was Natasha punching his defenses, and then stabbing Pierce directly into the body. among.

After inflicting fatal injuries, Natasha immediately moved away from Pierce through the shadows. After leaving for less than a second, Pierce's body slammed on the ground and exploded directly, lifting the surrounding ground directly into the sky.

Natasha, who came out from Frank’s side, moved her fingers. The stab that had just returned to her hand felt wrong. The first time it was not the sensation of piercing into the flesh, it was a mixed material that pierced that layer of material. It's the physical feeling.

This should be the only flaw, but as the body exploded, this flaw disappeared completely.

The moment Pierce fell, missiles flew from the ground of various countries in America and Europe.

This is Hydra’s revenge plan. When Pierce’s life ends, these set missiles will be launched to the capitals of multiple countries at the same time.

Frank and Natasha did not panic at all, because besides Hydra, there are people in this world who can do this kind of attack. Nick Fury is one of them. He holds the long-range missile launch authority of S.H.I.E.L.D. bases. , As long as the settings are good, and with the eagle sauce, the simulation is not too difficult.

At this time, on the Aerospace carrier, Pierce frowned and came out of the secret room. Just now the president suddenly hung up the phone.

When he came out, he just saw the scene of multiple missiles flying off, and he immediately rushed to the front of the screen.

The Hydra who has been staying in the command room is a bit stupefied. Pierce's death revenge is a secret to be publicized inside Hydra, in order to prove the strength of the Hydra to the Hydra below.

"Rewind the video!" Pierce yelled, no one responded, he had to control the screen himself.

After watching a short video of less than ten minutes at multiple speeds, Pierce slammed into the chair.

There is only one line in my mind, "It's over! I'm a stand-in for myself!"

The surrounding Hydra also looked at Pierce suspiciously.

Could this person be a substitute for Pierce who was hypnotized?

Pierce was shocked when he saw this, and stood up and slapped his subordinates, "Can the stand-in have the authority of the air carrier?! I am Pierce! The one inside is Pierce pretending to be Nick Fury!"

"Yes! Sir!" the subordinate saluted in response.

Pierce can feel that his authority is rapidly shrinking. If these Hydra soldiers who have been following him think so, what would the resisting Hydra soldiers outside think?

Pierce didn't dare to think about it anymore!

Nick Fury is so ruthless, really willing to use his life to make a trick, and he is so true!

It was true that Pierce wanted to prove that he could only wipe his neck and let the missiles from the Hydra base be launched, but what was the point, he was still dead!

Now I can only hope that Nick Fury is self-defeating, and Pierce is staring at the missiles on the screen while thinking.

Just when these missiles were about to reach their destinations, a wave of fluctuations directly enveloped all the target countries of the missiles except John Bull, and all the missiles instantly misfired and lost their effect.

Hemerdinger shook his head and used the crude equipment on the earth to enlarge his field. The side effects were still a bit high, and his head was a little bit painful.

As for the country of John Bull, a river of light swept across the upper part of the country, and the missiles immediately disappeared from ashes.

"It's over... It's over..."

Pierce lay down on the command chair, and now he was dead, and he couldn't prove his identity even if he split his stomach.

"Drive the Aerospace carrier directly to Washington! Hurry up! What are you stupefied!" Pierce yelled ~lightnovelpub.net~ Sir, the various passwords given by Pierce are invalid..." A soldier ran to the Aerospace aircraft carrier Said the original conductor's ear.

The commander nodded, then threw Pierce down the chair, patted the Hydra costume on his body, and looked at the others in the command room.

"This is a stand-in with a problematic brain. Everyone! Follow my orders! Target New York! For Hydra! For Pierce! Revenge! Revenge!"

"For the Hydra! Revenge!"

I thought of the slogan in the command room. Pierce was lying on the ground. The original commander could put him down with a few tricks, but what's the use?

I really became my stand-in...

At the bottom of the aerospace carrier, Jace looked up at Victor who was tinkering with something at the bottom and yawned, "It's not okay, no, I will go straight up and take the adaptive mechanism to kill them."

"Rugged man." Victor replied coldly, "I have changed their guidance and other systems so that they can directly drive the ship back to the temporary research institute? Isn't it necessary to repair the ship if it is broken?"