I Am an Editor at Marvel

v1 Chapter 144: Gin, ascended to heaven

When Frank broke into the winery and began to kill, Fina easily pulled the three people holding the communicator into the video channel.

Hui Yuanai looked at the small screen in his hand and couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

Is this really the gin she knew? The style of painting is not right, except that the head and face have not changed, there is nothing like it!

How can a killer and an assassin suddenly become a berserker!

"Frank, do you need our help?" Fina's voice rang in Frank's ear.

"No, this guy is probably using some medicine, his body is collapsing on its own."

Frank avoided the gin's attack by moving at high speed, his eyes swept over the inexplicably torn wounds.

"You quickly collect his energy. I think it was wasted when I look at it. How long can this be used for us!"

"I'm working hard, you continue to hold back."

Vernon in the shuttle cabin responded that under his control, clusters of very good growing thorns were piercing through the soil, piercing through the building, and moving toward the bottom layer.

The small thorns on the thorn bushes are like the crawlers of a drilling rig, pushing the soil and broken steel behind the drilled channel, accelerating the speed of penetration.

The material of the lowest layer is quite tough, it should be some special material, and there is no gap in the surrounding area to drill into.

After Vernon perceives it, he realizes that he can only enter violently. If some mechanism is triggered or the energy extractor is accidentally destroyed when the violent breakthrough occurs, it can only be blamed on bad luck.

As a result, the thorn vines surrounded by the last layer squirmed together, and dozens of yellow tubers spit out from the tips of the thorn vines.

The mucus of the tuber is extremely sticky, and it directly sticks to the outer shell of the building with a snap.

After a few seconds, these yellow tubers began to stick out their roots toward the surrounding soil, extracting nutrients from the soil.

But within a minute, one by one, long potatoes, like sliced ​​potatoes, clung to the shell tightly.

After the potato thunder had grown up, the thorn vines quickly retracted and became a ball.

boom! ! !

A huge explosion occurred in this small space, and the violent vibration caused the entire base to shake.

The explosion failed to directly destroy the materials, leaving them gaping, but it also destroyed the center of gravity of the base.

After the upper base began to shift, a small opening appeared.

Vernon immediately got in under the control of the thorn vine. Sacrifice as 9duxs.com Sacrifice as

Good guy, such a large space is full of stuff, and it's all parts of an energy extraction device.

This is several times larger than the machine that Hydra uses to extract energy from space gems, and from the perspective of efficiency, it seems to be inferior to Hydra's products.

Karasuma Renye, this copy has only copied a low-quality product.

The energy chamber was broken, low-temperature gas began to spurt out frantically, and the white mist directly enveloped the lowermost layer.

However, the perception of the thorn vine is not thermal or optical, so the low temperature only slightly limits its moving speed.

Storage device...Storage device...

Vernon was searching and talking, if they could find a storage device that had been in operation for decades, then they wouldn't have to worry too much about energy this time.

Even if the extractor of the black tissue is a hand-cranked generator, it has been shaken for decades, and the amount of electricity is not particularly small.

But after searching for a long time, Vernon didn't find a mechanical structure like a storage device. When he was puzzled, he felt that the surrounding materials were a bit wrong.

The weight of the base above is so heavy, and the small hole the size of a finger has not been enlarged after pressing for so long. What kind of material is this...


"Frank! Push him! Let him increase the use of energy!" Vernon said loudly on the channel.


Frank gave an order, slammed the brakes, and stood on a piece of building that hadn't melted yet.

After they played for so long, the metal around here was melted into colloid. It would be nice to find a place to stay.

[Command received successfully... Unlimited firepower mode turned on... Potion injection! ]

The concentrated medicine flows into Frank's body from the blood vessels, and under the influence of the energy in the medicine, his eyes become red-white.

"Accept the trial from the Holy Light!"

Frank roared and jumped directly, the bullets ejected from the two guns circled around him, and the dense barrage shot directly covered all the sight of the gin.

Ruthless pursuit×3!

Under the speeding auto, the distance between the bullets is further reduced, and the barrage becomes denser.

Gin raised the sticky gun in his hand, directly inserted it into the ground under his feet, and pressed the switch!

An endless stream of energy spewed from the muzzle, forming a three-hundred-sixty-degree protective shield around him.

At this moment, through the perception of the thorn vine, Vernon found that there was a rapid flow of energy in the walls of the extraction room.

"I withdrew my original idea. This person is a genius in a certain way."

Vernon sighed, the surrounding materials are all compressed efficiently with energy, and the distance between the particles is rapidly shortened by the world's energy.

This is equivalent to a way to store energy ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Just lift the restrictions and return to normal, and a large amount of energy will be released. Minus bxW*x

Thinking about it this way, the hole shouldn't be exploded. It is probably the deformation caused by the energy extracted from the gin.

In addition, although this method may be relatively expensive, it is also convenient and concealed enough. If the average person destroys the base, he will not care about the damaged building. Maybe he will still have the opportunity to recycle it.

But now this opportunity is gone!

But there is a question before Vernon, so many of this stuff...how to get it away? Release the energy one by one and store it again? Unless the countries on this planet are blind, they will definitely find out.

Forget it... I won't consider this for now...

Vernon shook his head and transferred control of the thorn vine to Fina, she was in charge of this.

Soon after Fina took over, Gin, who was still fighting Frank, suddenly noticed that the alarm of the energy gun went off.

The surrounding energy shields disappeared after a flash, and still did not understand what had happened, a few holy light bullets passed through his body directly, blasting out a few large holes and igniting the remaining body.

Huhu~ Frank stopped, his mask bounced off, and retched twice. Mi He Mi

The side effects of the mature version of Ouroboros medicine are much smaller than that of the Hydra medicine imitation by the Black Organization, but they still exist.

After taking a few breaths, the mask closed again, and Frank walked to the corpse of Gin. The corrosive effect of the medicine on the corpse had not stopped, and the pus dripped through the flame and fell to the ground.

Play with enthusiasm!

The flame of the holy flame from the right gun directly vaporized all the residue of the gin, and it was super-completely completed.

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