I Am an Editor at Marvel

v1 Chapter 310: Stairs have become priceless? !

On the night Altria returned to Earth carrying the equipment, the first ever fire broke out in the Hogwarts School of John Bull Country. Fortunately, because of Gawain's timely arrival, there were no major casualties.

"Can you tell me, what the **** did you do?" Gawain looked at the stairs that were burned to ashes, then turned to look at Leona, the "arsonist" standing beside him.

"This staircase will move!" Leona swayed with both hands, simulating the picture of the stairs she saw, and she spoke in a panic, "Wherever I go, it will turn away from there. It happened several times!"

"So you burned the stairs?" Gawain scolded. If Leona was for this reason, he felt that it was necessary to educate Leona.

"No..." Leona narrowed her mouth, looking aggrieved, "I just built a bridge."

"A bridge? How to build it?" Gao Wen could hardly imagine what bridge could cause a fire.

"Like this." Leona flicked her fingers in the air, following the direction of her fingers, an arch bridge built by the fire of the sun slowly appeared in the air.

Hey, Gawain slapped his face with a slap. He now knows how this happened, and he can imagine the scene at that time. These stairs are just a curse, as a kind of puzzle game for students. What the **** is Leona doing this.

"I have to teach you some common sense in advance, you come with me." Gawain took Leona to the outside of the castle. He felt that without a lesson first, Leona would become a teacher and become the whole Hogwarts. The biggest scourge is.

Outside the castle, the sky is extremely clear, the bright moonlight illuminates the earth, and the shining stars hang in the sky, making the whole sky look less monotonous and at the same time simulating the most beautiful picture in the world.

"You should know, in Renlian, what is the biggest rule for every mysterious person." Gao Wen asked after thinking for a while.

"I know." Leona nodded, then recalled, opening her lips slightly, "Every practitioner must remember that when foreign enemies invade, they must stand in front of mortals and protect every mortal. Even if he is a criminal!"

Gawain walked to the railing with her hands behind her back. Leona had almost said what she meant, but it was obvious that she just memorized it by rote and didn't understand it deeply.

"Then do you know why this rule was born and why it was followed spontaneously by everyone?" Gao Wen looked up at the sky, his thoughts seemed to have returned to the era of chaotic growth.

Leona thought for a long time, "Because we are strong?"

"This is just a representation. The essence is that we have used a lot of the resources of this civilization. Whether it is you, me, or any mysterious person, the resources consumed by a mortal are in amounts that a mortal can use in a lifetime." Gao Wen said very seriously.

“The more you use it, the more responsibilities you have. At the same time, every mortal is the cornerstone and future of civilization. Without them, we cannot support a civilization alone.” Gao Wen continued, “This These are a few words that I have realized for so long."

"Are there anyone who doesn't follow this rule?" Leona asked curiously.

"Not anymore." Gao Wen's tone was a bit of a solemn scent.

Indeed, there is no more now, because that kind of people have long since died in the Great Purge. It is precisely because of that Great Purge that the Federation of People can truly be called a positively developing civilization.

Leona nodded, expressing that she understood. Although she still didn't understand it very well, she also took Gawain's words in her heart.

"Do you know how big the loss was today?" Gawain continued after seeing Leona's feelings.

"Hmm..." Leona was a little silent, she was a little scared now, did she cause a lot of waste of resources.

"Don't worry too much. In fact, those things are not too precious, but they are still priceless in the mortal world." Gao Wen comforted, his purpose is not to make Leona scared so simple.

As for the words priceless, there is nothing wrong with it, because now Renlian’s mysterious side and non-mysterious side have not been able to establish a suitable trading channel, and there is no price, so it is naturally priceless.

As we all know, most countries on the earth now have a credit system, and the gold standard has been completely eliminated many years ago, because the gold resources on the earth simply cannot keep up with the development of the commodity economy, and it is no longer suitable for calculation as a general equivalent. .

As for what gems, diamonds and the like to replace, it is even more nonsense. Diamonds, which seem to have high individual value, are placed in front of the country and civilization. That is an ordinary stone, which is sold through marketing. The added value generated is only useful to specific individual personnel.

This is also the reason why several international appraisal agencies do not issue certificates to the large diamond mines on Maoxiong's side. The minerals are too large, and there are several carats spread on everyone's head. You can maintain this at will. After so many years, the diamond market has completely collapsed.

The topic is a bit far off, and it returns to the current currency situation of Renlian.

At present, the internal currency of the Renlian Federation is relatively chaotic. The Heavenly Court and the Clock Tower implement a planned economy system. The actual internal quality of the points, incense and other measurement units issued by the two is the same, which is a calculation based on expected resources and current personnel. Assignment only.

At the same time, internally, points and incense are exchanged in a one-to-one ratio for unlimited exchange. So in fact, these two things have the same meaning, but the names are different due to different regions and different cultures. The most important thing is that they can all be exchanged. The real exchange of equivalent resources means that resources with one point will have one point, and there will never be more.

To the mysterious side of formal professionals with a total population of less than 500,000, planned economy is a very suitable economic system, but for a planet with a total population of 7 billion, it is not very suitable.

The credit currency implemented on the earth is a currency system that is guaranteed by national credit and is not directly linked to any precious metal. To put it bluntly, it can be over-issued, and its own value is far lower than the value of the currency. This is also the eagle sauce. The foundation that can transfer economic pressure to the world through printed currency.

Then when the People's Union was established and the credit currency and non-credit currency existed at the same time, the question arose, as to what can be traded as the new general equivalent.

Yingjiang once licked a big face to recommend US dollars, but before the mysterious side spoke, people from other countries directly cursed.

Yingjiang promised that they would never print U.S. dollars indiscriminately, but who would believe their promise, they really wanted to use U.S. dollars as a general equivalent. They absolutely started the money printing press and tried their best to get the resources on the mysterious side.

The U.S. dollar is not suitable, and other credit currencies are not suitable either. At least for now, it cannot be simply linked. That will directly overwhelm the mysterious side and force the mysterious side personnel to directly deny the so-called credit currency.

Credit currency cannot be used, so return to the original and use the gold standard?

No, gold is indeed a rare element in the universe, and its own value is also very high. It plays an irreplaceable role in various industries on the earth's mortal world or on the mysterious side, but again, gold It's not enough.

Most of the gold on the earth is in the mantle and crust and cannot be mined. Needless to say, the mineral veins in the surface layer can't support the commodity market of a large country, let alone add the mysterious side.

As a result, with the joint efforts of many people, a temporary one-way exchange channel was barely born.

That is, based on direct transactions, supplemented by indirect transactions and credit transactions.

To put it simply, direct trading means bartering. Some refined items that are recognized by the mysterious side are given new values ​​and can be directly exchanged with a part of the basic more sufficient mysterious side resources.

The indirect transaction is also very simple, that is, adding gold to it, and purchasing other commodities by converting the gold into points and other mysterious currencies. Similarly, the types of commodities are limited and the number of purchases is limited.

Credit transactions are a bit simpler. Most of the transactions are carried out within the earth, and the obvious manifestation is the exchange of various credit currencies to gold.

However, this fragile and difficult to maintain long-term trading method is still in the pilot phase, because it is really difficult to make overall planning.

The emergence of the mysterious side is to protect the safety of civilization while enhancing the happiness of ordinary citizens within the civilization, not to kill everyone.

For example, now there is an alloy that can be produced by the earth is included in this trading system, then everything on the alloy production line starts to increase in price, and social labor and production materials are also gathering in these industries, and the change has weakened other industries and other industries. The intrinsic value of the commodity.

As a result, the production volume of other commodities began to decrease, and market prices also began to increase. However, because the overall development speed of productivity cannot keep up with this change, it will eventually become more expensive and less expensive, causing extremely outrageous inflation, and a lot of money will start to lose money. valuable.

The hard-earned assets of the people who cannot get online with the special alloy begin to shrink inexplicably. Naturally, the quality of life of the people begins to decline. This is an outrageous vicious circle.

Because the resources on the mysterious side are absolutely scarce for all countries on the earth, the decline in the ratio of alloy exchange points cannot stop this trend, and it is naturally impossible to reach an ideal balance point, or to reach a balance. By the time we order, everyone is finished.

Fortunately, the mystery and the leaders of most countries are still sober, so this kind of thing hasn't happened on the bright side, but it's not quite right behind the scenes.

The most obvious example is the price of gold. Non-state gold trading venues have completely disappeared in recent years, and the price of gold has risen to more than one gram of 500 yuan, but in fact, it is difficult to describe it by adding a zero to the end. Intrinsic Value.

This is still the case of the mystery side in the case of the policy of emergency suspension of gold exchange in the middle of the pilot, which also led to the closure of trading channels other than direct transactions that had just started.

Then, in direct transactions, the inner psychological value of commodities also began to change, countless bald actuaries also brightened their heads, and the value of various commodities began to be re-estimated.

All in all, in one sentence, these things that Leona has destroyed are difficult to obtain from the outside world through trading, because under the current trading system, no matter how you calculate it, both sides will lose money. The next wave of Renlian education resources will be allocated.

Hearing this, Leona’s little head was already a little dizzy. In her cognition, Gawain seemed to mean that the things she destroyed were of low value and high value at the same time, which contradicted People can't understand it, just like Schrodinger's cat.

"If you really can't understand, just remember one thing, don't waste things in the future, especially don't waste things related to mysterious resources."

Gao Wen reminded him that he himself didn't understand these things very thoroughly. He only knew that there were many mysterious people who were about to scratch their heads because of the world.

Now, if you increase the exchangeable limit a little bit more, it must be signed and confirmed by the three relevant persons in charge. Moreover, if this amount is a little larger, it will be directly re-discussed. Finally, a legend will follow up in real time. Once something is absolutely wrong, stop it first.

Leona was at a loss, but Gawain didn't care much anymore, as long as Leona remembered this sentence.

Others, even if she breaks an aircraft carrier, it is not a big problem.

Don’t forget, there is a passage between Renlian and Resident Evil. The population on that side has dropped sharply. I don’t know how many abandoned aircraft carriers are. There are more raw materials. Like opening transportation channels, it’s temporarily unavailable, but a couple. A restricted replacement is no problem.

"Um...Professor Gawain, or else, I will lose this time first." Leona shook her head, trying to throw the things she couldn't understand from her brain.

"Forget it, wait for next month, and then it will be deducted from your salary." Gawain waved and said, after all, Gawain knew that Leona had just come out of the sun.

Gawain estimated that apart from the artifacts associated with it, Leona has nothing of value. As for the trading of artifacts, are you tired of life and crooked?

Such a deception of the legend is not something that can be carried by improper gains. The accusations that have been accumulated all the way, Zhang San has to call the expert when he sees it, and Luo Xiang has to cry when he sees it, and yells that I will not Do.

"No, I really paid for it." Leona brushed out a three-legged golden crow feather.

As soon as it was taken out, the surrounding temperature began to rise, and the huge light was like a ball, illuminating the entire school.

Fortunately, Leona put her things away in time when Gawain was so shocked that she could not speak.

"Legendary material?!" Gao Wen swallowed, "Where did you get it."

"Um..." Leona buttoned her nose, her eyes flickered, her heart was very guilty, "My brother gave it to me."
