I Am an Editor at Marvel

v1 Chapter 315: Voldemort listened to the expert

"Killing Curse!"

When Sirius was safely hugged into the duel club, the sound of a killing curse exploded in his ears.

Sirius was stunned for a second, then began to struggle frantically in Daniel's arms.

Damn it! ! ! Someone uses the Unforgivable Curse at Hogwarts! Is Dumbledore dead? Is the Ministry of Magic dead? !

Is the mysterious man making a comeback? ! Did the Death Eaters capture Hogwarts? ! Where's my Harry? Where's the Harry?

After struggling, Sirius turned his perspective to the front, and then he saw a scene he couldn't understand. The students in the entire duel club surrounded the duel arena, watching the battle above with admiring eyes, even if it was. Avadaso couldn't let them leave.

Damn...Where is this place? Am I dreaming? !

Sirius began to doubt life, not only because of the students' attitude towards the unforgivable curse in the school, but also because of the two monsters in the duel.

"Well, this Killing Curse is better than last time." Leona gave Kassandra a thumbs up, the dark shield of solar eclipse floating around her body, and Avadaso struck. It was immediately deflected when hit on the shield, leaving no traces.

Cassandra still had that expression, it was normal that it didn't work. If it worked, she wouldn't dare to use the Killing Curse.

Weather spell!

Cassandra started to cast her signature spell, and because Leona generally only defends and does not attack, she doesn't even have to worry about being fainted, flying curse, floating curse, etc. during the process of casting the spell. Break, you can cast the spell to its maximum effect.

As a result, in Sirius' stunned eyes, a huge thundercloud appeared within the shield of the duel, floating above Cassandra and Leona.


Cassandra swiped down with her magic wand forcefully. The thunder and thunder was deafening, and the electric light that burst out was even comparable to the eye curse for the dragon. Everyone who flashed couldn't open their eyes.

Under the thundernet, Leona kept her concentration and watched the lightning jumps around her. Of course, it was impossible for these attacks to penetrate her solar eclipse shield, but Kassandra, who knew this point, wanted to challenge. It wasn't victory, but Leona's evaluation of her spell from the perspective of the caster.

Huhu~ Cassandra wiped the sweat from her head, her temples on both sides were beating constantly, this is a manifestation of exhaustion of mental energy, in a trance, her legs were a little soft, she squatted down, and her hands were supported. Stable body shape on the ground.

The biggest difference between Dumbledore’s modern spell and other magic is that it does not emphasize its own accumulation and accommodation of magic power and energy. When the spell is cast, 90% of the consumption will come from the surrounding environment. The wizard only needs to use the spirit. It's enough to guide it, so it's a bit quick to learn.

"The average number of lightning jumps has increased by two times, the maximum adjustment deviation angle has been increased by 30 degrees, and the density of lightning strikes has also increased a lot. Ineffective attacks are almost invisible. If the energy value of these lightning strikes reaches the high level , I may be in trouble."

After the thundercloud above her head dissipated, Leona walked out and pulled Cassandra, who was a little weak, up from the ground.

The other little wizards below were amazed, especially the freshmen who just came in this year, it was amazing and incredible.

What everyone learns is the weather spell, but they use it to blow a little wind and a little rain at most. It's useful, that is, to cool down in summer, but they just created a thunderstorm. The gap is too big. Just a little bit.

"It's boring, it turned out to be the teaching bureau." Robin sighed while holding his arm.

"I think it's pretty good, she should be the first in the use of weather spells." Daniel praised.

With Daniel's praise, Robin became a little unhappy, flipping his wand between his fingers, "Kassandra's weather curse is very strong, but the killing curse is sloppy."

Sirius kicked his hind legs on Daniel's body. He originally planned to run as planned. Hearing Robin's words, his head tilted.

Gryffindor's unforgivable curse too? !

"Why do you say that? Isn't this a case in the book? Standard start." Daniel asked puzzledly. He likes potions, but his grades in the spell class are also good.

"You can't just study hard, you have to understand. Why does the book say that you will lose Avadasuo's life when you meet?" Robin asked with his hands behind his back.

Lost Avada's life before meeting? ! !

Sirius feels that his ears may be broken. What kind of school is this? Azkaban Training Institute? !

Daniel shook his head, Robin arched his nose, inexplicably a little happy, "That's because I want to be the first and control the rhythm of the battle."

"In a battle of the same level, even if they are prepared, no one will fight against Avadaso's life. No one will use their lives to bet on whether the armor protection or all the protection can be blocked. Got it."

"Once the opponent gives up counterattack and starts to move, and if the mobile casting technique is not good enough, the rhythm will be in the hands of the attacker, and the first hand will also be in the hands of the attacker. This is the advantage, so the book will say that it is recommended to start throwing first. A tempting killing curse."

"But this time, look at Cassandra’s opponent. That’s Mr. Leona. Does the Killing Curse work? It’s 100% useless, so if it’s me, I’ll gouge my bones with my heart, maybe I can take my luck. Play a role."

Sirius stared at Robin, his hind legs stopped flopping, and his eyes were filled with words of inconceivability.

Damn it! It sounds so reasonable! You understand!

This whole battle process and deduction is that Voldemort listened to it~lightnovelpub.net~ and he also called the expert directly, maybe he had to take out his notebook and write it down.

That's not right... Wrong! I have come to a place! No matter what the logic is, how do you feel that everyone will have an unforgivable curse? !

"It's not a lady's act to speak ill of others behind your back." Cassandra's voice came from Robin's side.

Robin was taken aback, and was caught by the person who said bad things, which was not so good.

After hiding behind Daniel for a few steps, Robin moved his lips, did not speak, has been caught, and it is useless to say anything.

"But what you said does make sense. I shouldn't start with the Killing Curse. This habit needs to be changed." Cassandra bluntly admitted her mistake and began to think about ways to improve it.

Leona squatted on Daniel, staring at Sirius in Daniel's arms. She had an inexplicable feeling that this dog, it didn't look like a dog.
