I Am an Editor at Marvel

v1 Chapter 4: The fall of the Bloodhand Gang

   "Who killed this?"

   "Didn't you stay vigil here yesterday? Didn't you find anyone drowning?"

   "Nothing happened, did you kill it first and then throw it into the water?"

   When the gang members were talking about it, Dnorr walked over with a sullen face, stretched out his hand to pull the person away, and walked to Sandel's body.

   Looking at the terrifying Zander, Dnorr took a deep sip of his cigar, and the smoke spit out into a circle in the air before slowly dissipating.

   There is still someone in the team who is loyal to that idiot Sanders? Is this man helping him get revenge?

  Dnorr's eyes scanned the surrounding crowd. He heard that the murderer who committed the murder would return to the scene of the crime, but the group of people around them did not look loyal at all. Who was it?

   "We have a traitor. Someone doesn't want him to live. Don't let me find out, otherwise you will know what cruelty is!"

   De Noll left a cruel word, waved his hand, and the little brother behind him lifted the corpse directly.

  The gangsters are also very professional. They have their own coroner. Whether Sandel died first or fell into the water first, as long as an autopsy is performed, everything will be clear.

   If he fell into the water first and finally drowned, the suspect would probably be among the people who guarded the dock last night.

   Yang Qiu, who projected his will on Pike, immediately obtained all the memories of Pike’s actions last night. Sure enough, because the material was Sanders, Pike’s first revenge goal was also set to be Sanders who betrayed Sanders.

   Yang Qiu didn't care about it either. He didn't care who the bloodhands died first and who died later. As long as they died in the end, it was enough, so the next chapter: The Return of the Avengers, officially released.

In the next few days, at various locations in the port, as soon as the day came, there would be dead bodies like Sandel. The surrounding surveillance cameras could not capture anything. The only useful picture was that these dead people were taken from the water. The scene thrown ashore.

Such mass killings made the entire Bloodhand Gang panic. Some people thought it was Dnorr, who had just come to power, was excluding dissidents in the name of the return of the dead of Sanders. For this reason, the Bloodhand Gang broke out again. Several civil strife.

After these several civil disturbances, the number of the blood hand gang quickly decayed from hundreds to more than 100. At the same time, the site was reduced by more than two-thirds under the suppression of the surrounding gangs, but the fattest was the most profitable. The port is still in their hands.

   "Who is it! You! Tell me! Who is it!"

  Denor’s eyes flushed, and he picked up a little brother in one hand, and shouted at him, the spray of saliva directly washed the little brother’s face.

   "Big Brother...Big Brother, it's not me, it's really not me!" The younger brother struggled in vain, his legs dangling in the air.

Snapped! The door was suddenly pushed open, and the terrified little brother gasped for breath, "Big brother, he has appeared again! More people have died this time!"

Dnorr directly threw the people aside, and followed his little brother to the port. The corpses were lying there in rows. There was no onlooker around. The other members of the Blood Hand Gang are now hiding in places where they think they are safe. Trembling.

   "No, I can't go on like this anymore, it's my turn to go on like this..."

  Dnorr muttered in a low voice, then he took out a phone call, hesitated for a while, and called.

   "Sir, seven more died, and the frequency is getting faster and faster. I can't hold it anymore!"

   "I see, someone will pick you up later and follow them."

   After leaving a sentence on the other end of the phone, he hung up the phone. Dnorr sighed in relief. The supporters behind him were so powerful that he was safe soon.

   More than ten minutes later, a team of convoy drove to the site of the blood hand gang. After communicating with the leader for a few words, Dnorr got into the car.

Yang Qiu, who has always seen God’s vision through the script, is already starting to get angry. This group of guys who came to help Dnorr came from a station of SHIELD near the Bloodhand Gang. This group of agents are against him. It's ridiculous, and an official organization that nominally maintains world peace will shelter a gang leader! This is ridiculous!

   Pike, hiding under the port, received Yang Qiu's anger, and in broad daylight, he directly surrendered the blood hand gang members. Under the guidance of the list, no one could escape Pike's assassination.

In just a few hours, the only seedling of the Bloodhand Gang in New York was Dnorr. Parker, who had completed most of his revenge targets, further consolidated his body, and his abilities were closer to what he had expected at the time of setting. .

In the evening, Dnorr was sitting alone in an empty room. There was a working camera on the four corners of the room. There were elite agents guarding the room. According to the truth, he should be completely relieved, but from Starting half an hour ago, Dnorr had an inexplicable fear in his heart, as if an invisible hand stretched out from the surroundings, reaching his throat little by little.

   Under the fear of Dnorr, he wanted to hide in another place. Unfortunately, the people behind the scenes who provided him with the opportunity to protect him did not allow him to do so. Now Dnorr has become a bait, used to catch the slaughter's bait.

   But Yang Qiu doesn't care. It's time for this short script to enter the final stage.

   Final Chapter: Everyone has to die!

   At night, the special agents who guarded by the entrance guarded by the way talked and relied on the door in every possible way. UU reading www.uukānshu.com was not too concentrated, which is also a normal thing.

Anyone who is sent to protect a small **** after returning from a cruel training is like this. In their eyes, Dnorr of the Bloodhand Gang has no value in protection at all, but because of the orders issued by the above, they have to be implemented. That's it.

   "This weather is really a ghost. It's half dead in the heat during the day, and cold and wet at night. I feel my inner lining is soaked."

   "It's very strange. I have seen the weather today. The humidity is not high throughout the day. Why is it so humid at night."

   "Come on, do you still believe in the weather forecast? It's a little more detailed like this, you can't even hit it ten times or even eight times, so get used to it as soon as possible."

While the agents at the door were chatting, there were continuous drops of water on the wall behind them. When these drops of water were connected into pieces, a face appeared vaguely on the wall, and the face opened with a big mouth. , Among them is the fangs beyond the shark.

   "Captain! Nothing, the humidity in New York is not exaggerated to this point during the wettest time of the year!"

An experienced agent reported to his captain. The captain was also very nervous now. His eyes were scanned on the dozen or so monitoring screens in front of him. Nothing was found, but the air was indeed rich in moisture. It's too abnormal.

   "Take someone to the room to see, all the guns are opened for insurance, if there is anything wrong, fire directly, I will be responsible for everything." The captain took a deep breath, he regretted taking the task.


   Listening to the rapid departure of his subordinates, the captain's heartbeat accelerated. Maybe this incident was related to those non-humans, he knew that the non-human entrusted opponents would also be the same non-humans!