I Am an Editor at Marvel

v1 Chapter 58: Faith is poisonous

   After seeing Ethan's life, Yang Qiu sighed very much. This is a good comrade, but he didn't meet any like-minded people around him, and the timing was not right. In the end, he ended up at this end.

  If time is pushed forward for decades, maybe there will be a macho-level figure here, but the difficulty will still be a little bit more, after all, this place is too close to the United States.

   This kind of person who has no regrets in his life is naturally fearless to torture his heart by the sacred flame. Of course, this is not something that Ethan has no guilt.

   Ethan has always felt that he has implicated his family, but he will never regret it.

   "Is he going to succeed?" Yang Qiu asked Gu Yi after seeing that the sacred flame's swaying range suddenly expanded.

   Gu Yi sighed and shook his head, with a pity in his eyes.

   "No way! Such people can't pass the review? Is this review mechanism too strict?!" Yang Qiu couldn't help saying.

   Yang Qiu has met many people now, and there are not many people who can be more noble and selfless than Ethan.

"No, this is not his problem." Gu Yi explained, "Our planet's energy activity level has not been high. Some time ago, the energy activity level was higher. This gave this person a chance to stay with Zoroastrianism after death. The precipitation of faith resonated and came to this broken kingdom of God."

"Possible energy is still not active enough. Belief energy is more inert than ordinary general energy. The review has been passed, but at the moment, all the precipitated belief energy in the kingdom of God cannot be truly mobilized. This is also doomed. He cannot succeed and become a saint."

   "So what is the solution?" Yang Qiu then asked.

Gu Yi shook his head, "There is no way. His soul can stay in the world because of the resonance of his beliefs. Now that the integration of the holy fire is half completed, you can also feel how exclusive and forceful the power here is. The most likely result of separating them is that his soul dissipates."

   "Then how to make the faith in this place come alive?" Yang Qiu looked at the swaying flame and continued to ask questions. Now that he ran into it, this kind of people would definitely help Yang Qiu.

"To reshape the direction of faith, as long as the target is changed and the target is still alive on the earth, the activity of the faith energy will be raised to a level. If the pointed target can match a little bit, the success rate of the conversion of the saints will be higher. However, the goal of this point must at least have a certain degree of strength to offset the pressure brought by and after the remodeling."

Gu Yi thought about it and wanted to find a metaphor, "If the Master Blaze you sent to me can break through smoothly, he should be able to do it, but I guess that people like him will not be willing to believe in get in touch with."

Gu Yi smiled here. During this time, Blaze basically stayed in her room to study spells and occasionally made some magic potions. Apart from that, she rarely went out. She still admires this kind of person very much. Attitudes of scientific researchers.


   Yang Qiu paused. Blaze is a master-level professional in the mage route. After he breaks through, he will officially become a legendary mage. If you want this level of talent as a goal, it will be a little troublesome.

   Now, even if Yang Qiu specifically designs a script evolution legendary professional, it is very difficult. His mental power level limits the upper limit of script evolution. If he insists, Yang Qiu feels that he might have a second script that fails the evaluation.

   "Where are the people who point to these beliefs?" Yang Qiu suddenly remembered and asked.

After gaining certain strength, Yang Qiu studied the most mainstream beliefs in the world, and he was sure that those belief objects did not exist, at least they did not exist on the earth, because the energy of belief transformation departed from believers. After that, they were all scattered into the air and transformed into ubiquitous ordinary energy by the planetary energy cycle system.

   "Dead in the hands of Odin." Gu Yi said lightly, "At that time, Odin was conquering the Nine Realms with Asgard's army. At that time, the most powerful person on earth was the **** pointed to by Zoroastrianism."

   "After a fierce war, the gods fell, and the remaining Zoroastrian members scattered towards other parts of the planet. The faith energy accumulated over the years was gathered in this broken kingdom and slowly dissipated."

   "Wait, if it's like this, then why some beliefs pointing to Odin are directly dissipated in the air." Yang Qiu felt a little wrong, and then asked.

"Belief is poisonous, and the gods of Zoroastrianism are not much weaker than Odin at that time, but the hidden dangers of the gods are very high, and they are easy to be seized and killed directly. Odin has seized similar opportunities, and naturally will not absorb the energy of faith. Besides, it still comes from our belief." Gu Yi explained.

   This is why she would rather borrow the power of other dimensions than engage in the power of faith~lightnovelpub.net~ Although the hidden dangers of the power of other dimensions are great, in the future, the hidden dangers of the power of faith will always exist.

  Under the premise of protecting the earth, it is obviously more appropriate to borrow the power of other dimensions.

   If you use the energy of faith, if you get caught a chance, there may be a big problem. Even if you have the Eye of Agomoto, Gu Yi doesn't want to take such a risk.

   "I see, how much time does he have?" Yang Qiu muttered while looking at Ethan in the distance.

   "Well, in the absence of a god, the torch will traverse all the energy, and will gradually dissipate after determining the non-adjustable energy. In time..."

   Gu Yi said here, the eyes of Agomoto flickered. At this moment, she had already looked at the timeline of a thousand futures, "If one thousand futures are averaged down, it will take about half a year."

   Half a year... Not long, but there is hope.

   Gu can see what Yang Qiu is thinking at a glance, and when he and Yang Qiu leave the ruined kingdom of God, he once again mentioned, "Remember, faith is poisonous. Don't directly accept the power of faith."

   "I know." Yang Qiu nodded.

   He would definitely not use the power of faith, there is the power of the script that the Eye of Agomoto can't see, there is no need to do that.

   Within half a year, Yang Qiu only needs to elevate himself to a level that can evolve a legend. When that happens, change the direction of the Zoroastrian gods and it will be done.

   At that time, not only was it possible to solve Ethan’s problem, but also to reap a lot of backup energy.

   The scale of the scripts created during this period is huge and consumes a lot of energy. The energy accumulated by Gu Yi for five hundred years has been consumed by Yang Qiu, so I have to find other ways to open source.