I Am an Editor at Marvel

v1 Chapter 69: Chaos Storm


   A huge chest armor flew out and hit the ground directly.

   Then, Tony staggered out of the chest of the anti-Jace armor, and there was an electric light flashing outside the Mark II.

   The energy is too full. The internal energy has penetrated the circuit and the protective device, and it has affected the core compartment in the center.

   "Jarvis, record, remind me to carry an extra blank compressed battery on my body in the future." Tony said, covering his head.

   "Sir, according to calculations, adding a blank battery that can hold the highest energy peak in the battle record will be overweight, and you need to redesign the armor."

   Jarvis Machine replied that the highest value just exceeded 200%.

   "Then remind me that the Anti-Jace Armor II needs to increase the amount of energy that can be stored and quick release parts."

   Tony shook his head as he spoke. After he got over, he didn't even look at the hundreds of millions of dollars worth of wreckage on the ground. The propeller spewed flames and flew up to the tall buildings nearby.

   The place where they fought was not in the center of the city, it was a bit biased towards the outskirts, and the fighting was too intense, and there were not many people nearby.

  Hu~ He didn't hurt me, and I didn't hurt him either. This time it was 50-50.

   Tony comforted himself in his heart. Two opponents had fought one, but one was left. As long as he could defeat the other one, the goal this time was barely achieved.

   Anti-Victor armor! emission!

   This time, Tony had equipped the armor in advance, and Victor was even more afraid to speak than Jace. If he was equipped in front of the other side, he would have swept over with a death ray.


   After getting rid of Tony, Jace quickly rushed to the destination, watching Victor who was standing there waiting to take care of him and roared loudly.

   He seems to be calling out all the suffering he has suffered this month.

   "I've been waiting for you for a long time." Victor's tone didn't fluctuate.

   Jace looked at the opponent's expressionless face and became angry, but as soon as the launch port of Mercury's cannon was raised, his figure jumped out with several black spots.

   The black spots spread quickly, and the chaotic gravity field directly envelops Jace, and the changing gravity field tests Jace's body endurance.

  Lightning field!

   Jace, who was unable to move by gravity, released a surging current toward the surroundings, and began to build an electromagnetic field.

  The electromagnetic field is fragmented under the influence of the surrounding gravitational field, but the influence is mutual, and the gravitational field is also disturbed accordingly.

   When there is a gap in the gravity suppression, the effect is much smaller, and Jace backhands the surrounding gravity generator directly with a few hammers.

   This situation was also expected by Victor. If Jace would be controlled by several gravitational fields, then he would not deserve to be called the two geniuses of the Hex Research Institute with himself.

"Jace, human beings have limits. I have understood a truth in my short scientific research career. The more I pursue precision and require repeatability, the more I will find that humans have limits! So, embrace machinery! Embrace glory Evolution!"

"You are crazy." Jace suddenly calmed down. The muzzle was aimed at Victor below. The electromagnetic acceleration array has been deployed. Compressed energy bombs are automatically loaded. After a squeezing sound, the shell is removed from Throw it sideways.

   "Electricity surges!!!"

   "A storm of chaos!"

   The energy accumulated in the launch port of Mercury’s cannon has reached its limit. This time it is not a one-shot and one-fire cannon, but a continuous and powerful energy cannon!

   Compared to Jace, Victor's shaking motion was much smaller before attacking, but a singularity generator was emitted from the side of the robotic arm.

   Under the excitation of energy, the singularity generated a terrifying chaotic storm with itself as the center of the circle. The soil, electricity, air and everything were torn and destroyed by this storm.

  Jace’s attack is no exception. The energy cannon is the first to be reversed after entering the chaotic storm area. When the energy value of the connected unit drops to a certain level, it is directly swallowed by the singularity like other things.

   And the scope of the singularity continues to expand, and the speed of expansion is a little bit faster than Victor's calculation.

   "Jace! Join me! Join the glorious evolution!"

   Victor raised his head and invited Jace on the top of the building.

   Jace didn't reply, he just stuffed all the compressed energy bombs that he took out of his arms into the Mercury Cannon, constantly increasing and thickening.

  Everything has its limits, as long as the firepower is enough, there is nothing that cannot be destroyed!

  Above a kilometer above their heads, Tony has been here for a while, and the next one is in a fair singles, and he is not easy to join.

In addition, Tony has been discovered a long time ago, because the armor outside of his body is made of a material similar to tempered glass, which has a good defensive effect against ray attacks such as laser rays, but it is basically impossible. Play a hidden role.

   Suddenly, Tony plummeted down a bit, and the propeller flame expanded a circle before stabilizing his body ~lightnovelpub.net~ Mr. The force below you is continuously increasing. It is recommended to leave. "Jarvis prompted.

   Victor’s singularity suction suddenly rose by a notch, and this rise did not stop, it continued.

   Within a second or two of Tony's hesitation, he was caught by the gravitational field of the singularity, and it was difficult to escape.

   On the ground, Jace's feet have fallen into the concrete, but his body is still approaching the singularity, because the whole building is beginning to skewed.

   Victor's situation is not very good. The right hand robotic arm jumped with sparks. Jace overcharged the singularity and exceeded the control threshold set by Victor. Now the singularity is a bit out of control.

   The compressed bomb pops up!

Jace ejected the unused compressed bomb from Mercury’s cannon, disconnected the energy supply of the energy cannon, and fell on the wall. He was too close to the singularity, and the suction was too great. I can't take it off.

   Anti-Victor battle armor, remove the armor!

   Tony in the sky directly abandoned all the shells, allowing them to be sucked into the larger and larger chaotic storm below.

   After reducing the burden, Tony's battle armor thrusters sprayed with full force, leaving the suction range little by little.

   Victor's brain is running fast. If the problem is not solved, the gravitational field of the singularity will be out of control in a minute, and the back of the setting without gravitational influence will be covered by gravity.

   In that case, the nearest Victor would be sucked in for the first time and then torn to pieces.


   Just when things were getting hard to clean up, a thing that looked like a rock suddenly fell from the sky and hit the chaotic storm directly, smashing the singularity generator to pieces