I Am an Editor at Marvel

v2 Chapter 337: Voldemort Power Bank

The moment Harry and Malfoy were whereabouts, the people behind them were startled. They obviously didn't understand what was going on without Dumbledore's guidance. Suddenly a bunch of people jumped off the building, which is a bit of a horror movie. NS.

Hermione took a probe and found that the three people who had fallen had disappeared from her vision, leaving no trace.

At the same time, when the elements were gathered, under the leadership of Dumbledore's portrait, Ann finally broke away from that cycle and appeared in another place.

The air here is full of black mist and gloomy, but it doesn’t feel very gloomy. It seems that the brightness is just a little lower. To analogy, it’s like Hogg when Voldemort was not resurrected. Watts night.

Everyone knows that this is an ordinary night, and tomorrow the sun will still rise from the other side as usual. There is no need to be too afraid of this night.

"Harry, where is this..." Malfoy asked, a little uncomfortable.

The picture before him reminded him a little bit of the day Dumbledore died. The surroundings were so dark that night, as if there was no light on.

Harry shook his head, and you asked me who I would ask to go.

An raised her paws and patted them in the air. A wave of ripples radiated from the point where her paws fell, rippling towards the surroundings like water ripples, automatically searching for the living things in this space.

"Harry Potter..."

A nasal shout rang in the ears of several people. In an instant, Harry's body was tense. He was familiar with this voice. It was Voldemort's voice, so recognizable.

Malfoy also didn't feel very good. When he mistakenly thought Harry was dead, Voldemort shouted that Harry Potter was dead, and that voice was exactly the same as it is now!

"Tom, please shut up." Before Harry became nervous, Dumbledore's voice followed, directly dispelling the horrible atmosphere.

Dumbledore people don't need to show up, as long as people know that he is still alive, that brings a sufficient sense of security.

Then, Harry saw a magic wand protruding from the black mist, pointing straight to the sky, and surging flames ejected from the top of the magic wand, completely illuminating the dark area.

After reaching the highest point, the flame reversed its direction and fell in an arc, forming a thin burning flame barrier.

Ann's nose moved, it was Dumbledore's smell on their side that was right.

"Hey, we have already entered, so there is no need to pretend to be mysterious," Ann said loudly, with some dissatisfaction on his face.

Da Da Da, Dumbledore walked over step by step, "I'm not pretending to be mysterious, but I'm afraid this look will scare you."

Harry opened his mouth, and he was indeed startled by Dumbledore who came over, because the person here was not Dumbledore in appearance, but Voldemort Tom.

"To be honest, I haven't gotten used to speaking without a nose." Dumbledore was slightly annoyed. "Come with me and talk inside."

After speaking, Dumbledore turned and led the way. Harry and Malfoy looked at each other and unanimously pulled out their wand to protect themselves.

After walking a hundred and eighty meters forward, the three of them crossed the barrier made of flames, and Phoenix Fox also fell from the sky and landed under the shoulders of Dumbledore-Tom.

Fox is a bit small now, as if he had been reborn once.

In the next second, Tom's appearance melted like a burning candle, and soon, Dumbledore's kind old grandfather with a long white beard appeared in front of everyone normally.

"Now the energy source of this different space is Tom, who was exiled by you in the boundary between life and death, so in the periphery, the environment and the appearance of people will be alienated to a certain extent because of Tom's thinking." Dumbledore explained, and then His head tilted cutely, "It seems that Tom really wants me to become a Death Eater, even if he can give up his position."

"Well, but it's impossible. I don't want to have a nose on my face. It's too ugly." Dumbledore said jokingly, his face was cheerful, as if he hadn't been left behind by Voldemort. Influence.

"Hey, are you from our side or here?" Ann stared at Dumbledore for a while, and finally asked directly, she hated this kind of identification, compared to herself. Guess, she was more willing to ask directly.

"Both sides, but mainly here." Dumbledore said. Following his words, the scene within the entire flame enchantment changed and became a Hogwarts headmaster's room enlarged in proportion. .

The familiar feeling suddenly made Harry and Malfoy feel much better.

Dumbledore twisted a honey candy on the table and threw it into his mouth, then sat in the headmaster's seat, and turned to look at them as he had done.

A chair also appeared under Harry and Malfoy.

What appeared next to Ann was a cat litter made of soft cloth? Then he was slapped and slapped flying.

"It seems that my decision at the time was correct. I am so happy to see that you have not been completely swallowed by the darkness." Dumbledore looked at Malfoy, his eyes turned into two crescents with joy.

"Thank you for your kindness." Malfoy bowed slightly and said very sincerely.

At that time Malfoy was sent by Voldemort to kill Dumbledore. This was an almost impossible task. Even if Dumbled died from multiple injuries, Malfoy could not be killed. Voldemort was only testing something with Malfoy's life. .

How long did Malfoy face the unarmed Dumbledore, and to be honest, he was scared.

It is really cruel to put a boy who is only seventeen years old at the junction of light and darkness. If he uttered any black magic spell at that time, his soul would fall apart and fall into darkness along with that spell.

In order to avoid this kind of thing, and to make Voldemort not clear about the situation, Dumbledore played a scene with Snape, perfectly achieving two goals at the same time.

"Hey, hello!" Ann jumped directly onto Dumbledore's headmaster's desk, patted his paws several times, "I didn't come here to talk to you, and say business, you will be killed by the noseless Voldemort? Really? Fake, if true, you probably set a record."

It has set a shameful record. The entire Renlian has not yet seen a situation in which an intermediate professional has brought down the Asian legend. If Dumbledore's side is true, it is indeed the first one to break the ground.

Dumbledore shook his head. "It's just me who was killed. The other me didn't fight against it."

"Why?" Ann asked immediately.

"Because he has watched a lot of the future and found that the original path would be the best?" Dumbledore was also a little uncertain, but his guesses were not important, the facts were the most important, "You listen to me Tell you slowly..."

"That day, he appeared in the principal's office for the fourth time and ate a lot of my favorite candies. What an annoying old man, he was not serious at all."

Dumbledore complained about the other himself, and then began to tell about the scene of his meeting with the other Dumbledore, "Later we had a big fight, of course, not because of candy, but because of my plan."

"He thinks that I am putting such a big thing on the future of a young man. This is simply outrageous. It can't be further outrageous, even if that young man bears the reputation of the savior, and in his opinion, it is not just a terror. Guys, if you have to be scared, if you have to resort to tactics, just go straight up.” Dumbledore said here and smiled at Harry. Obviously, the boy in the words refers to Harry Potter.

"Later, when no one could convince anyone, he was ready to speak with facts and took me directly to the future, to the future of Voldemort's return." Dumbledore continued.

Ann pricked his ears, the next words will be the most important.

"As he said, Voldemort was vulnerable in front of him, easily defeated by him, and those Horcruxes were completely destroyed." Dumbledore said that with a wave of his wand, he pulled out a memory from him, as if It is projected in front of everyone's eyes like a movie.

"Just when I thought everything was about to end, an accident happened." Dumbledore tapped the interruption of the memory line, the light was bright, and the memory appeared in front of everyone.

After Voldemort's death, those Death Eaters who tried to follow him to re-occupy the magic side were in complete chaos and were in a state of falling apart at any time. Anyway, most of them were pure-blooded nobles with money in the family. As usual, just give magic to them. The ministry sent a donation, and the matter was resolved.

However, the number two Death Eater, Bellatrix Lestrange suddenly showed an incredible level of spells, took over the banner of Voldemort and became the third-generation Dark Lord, and she More cruel than Voldemort, killed a group of Death Eaters preparing to speculate in just a few days.

Seeing this, Harry couldn't believe that Bella, who was finally killed by Mrs. Weasley, would become so powerful!

"I thought it was the inertia of time. There must be a Dark Lord in this world at this point in time." Dumbledore explained to Bella, who was entangled in black mist and cast an Unforgivable Curse as simple as drinking water. "But he noticed something was wrong. In his opinion, this is not a matter of the Dark Lord. He shot Bella again and directly captured Bella alive."

"Just when I thought that the fourth Dark Lord would appear among the Death Eaters, things changed again. The strength of the entire Death Eater group suddenly skyrocketed and became extremely cold-blooded. The first attack was Their family, at that time, in their view, the family who did not support themselves also had the original sin!" Dumbledore said solemnly.

"The other thing I discovered after studying Bella, the blood in this person's body was purified by a certain power, and the purification was very exaggerated. This purification brought her a powerful force and also changed her mind. , Making her cold-blooded and cruel, she is even more cruel, and she doesn't look like a person at all." Dumbledore said and threw out Bella's anatomy.

Harry and Malfoy were taken aback directly, good fellow, the vivisection diagram is still a bit stimulating for both of them.

"In order to verify whether this purification is real, he captured several Death Eaters and did the same experiment, and finally found that it was true."

Dumbledore stood up at this point, "Furthermore, the entire body of the magic world seems to have begun to undergo this change. This is something more terrifying than the Dark Lord."

"In order to solve this matter, the two of us began to jump at various points in time. In an accident, he discovered that when we did not travel to the future, everything was normal on that normal and unaffected timeline."

"At that time, he was very tired. In the end, he decided to take me back to the present and then go to other timelines to find the reason."

Dumbledore looked at the surrounding space and sighed for a long time. "The last time I saw him was when I died as planned. He said that he was a little dizzy, and he couldn't even tell which one was the mainstream timeline. NS."

"And now as long as he doesn't clean it up, that kind of alienation may appear in any place, as if our world is infected with a cancer that will replicate by itself."

"In order to prevent the terrible things that gradually swept everyone, he decided to clean up the future and the past. He said that people from his hometown would definitely come to him. Now he only needs to delay a little time. enough."

Dumbledore raised his hand, and Fox hovered a few times and landed on his arm. "Then he cast a spell on Fox and left. Later, when I could not maintain this space, Voldemort was somehow lost. Come in."

"The energy extraction of the entire space also locked Tom all at once. After I have a power bank, I will be much more relaxed. Later, you will come."

After listening to this somewhat long story, Harry was in awe of Dumbledore who had never seen him.

Ann also licked his own hair, Lao Deng really didn't shame Renlian, he was stiff enough and responsible enough.


Fox called out suddenly, and then began Nirvana rebirth on the spot.

Dumbledore walked away a bit, he estimated that this was another start of his own back hand, and Fox had been shrouded in a wave of spells, the kind he couldn't analyze himself.

Pieces of feathers turned into flames and fell, and in the flaming flame, Ann saw a small shadow.

An raised her paw slightly, saw the timing, stretched out her hand, and the flames burned her hair, but An directly took out the contents.

It's a small bottle with bright red blood in it, and there are notes on it in the rune language of the clock tower.

This is Bella's blood, the pure one.

"You continue to talk, the next thing will be left to me." Ann put the bottle away and said, she took this baton from the past to the future.