I Am an Editor at Marvel

v2 Chapter 339: Fudge who got hit in the face

"Are you out?" Leona was hiding outside Azkaban, watching a mouse emerge from the gap in the door, and then disappeared.

"Well, that mouse is Peter." Professor McGonagall nodded.

A circle of invisible spells surrounds them, protecting them from being discovered by others.

The expression on Fudge’s face was very bad. Originally, they were here to create a chance for Peter to escape. On the way, Fudge kept talking to Leona about how tight Azkaban’s defenses were. It is estimated that it will take Peter several opportunities before he can escape from Azkaban.

As a result, now, the plan has just started, and the goal has come out on its own before it has been formally implemented.

This is simply slapping Fudge in the face. It seems that the guards of Azkaban and the hitters who guard here may not have a good life in the next period of time.

Moreover, Fudge had a very reasonable reason to clean up, and let a wanted criminal go away. Who will you clean up if you don't clean it up?

"Do you think we still need to give him a chance to leave this isolated island?" Leona asked, looking at Fudge.

Fudge opened his mouth. He wanted to say that it was impossible for Peter to leave here without someone answering him, but he swallowed it when the words reached his lips. He might not be able to accept another wave of face slaps.

Professor McGonagall laughed mockingly in a place where Fudge could not see it. The Ministry of Magic's mistakes were normal. She was not surprised at all. Even, Professor McGonagall was quite happy to see Fudge ashamed.

"I think it's not necessary. Too much intervention will make Peter suspicious. We have to believe this guy who is greedy and afraid of death. Even Azkaban can find a chance to escape. It is not impossible to escape from this place. Matter." Professor McGonagall finally helped Fudge out of the siege and spoke actively.

After Leona nodded, she didn't say much. All she wanted was for Peter to run out. From now on, every area Peter walked will be focused on observation, and Voldemort might be hiding in the place he walked.

If there is nothing, Leona won't worry. The Renlian has already organized people to analyze the bottle of Bella's blood. Voldemort here can catch the best in advance. If it can't, that's it.

In Peter's eyes, after he was far away from Azkaban prison, he once again obtained a short safety time.

Peter, too tired and shaking, didn't dare to change back into a human form. Fortunately, after being a mouse for so long, he also made a small difference.

After walking on the barren grass for a long time, Peter's claws dug out some edible plant rhizomes from the soil.

Looking at the rhizomes filled with earthy fragrance, Peter's eyes were red, and he took a bite without hesitation, gobbled it up with a creak, and felt a little bit of fullness. Peter finally had something to come back to life. feel.

Next, just leave this ruined place. In this regard, Peter is quite knowledgeable. In Azkaban, he used to follow Voldemort.

After all, for a gang of terrorists, prison is a good place to gather troops.

Unfortunately, there were very few pure-blood wizards in the prison at that time, and not many people joined Voldemort's army as Death Eaters.

This is what they should think of when they come. How many pure-blood wizards will really be locked in this place? Even if they committed a crime and were arrested, they were locked up in their own homes. As long as they didn't grow up and slosh, they didn't even need the face-saving project.

Sure enough, just as McGonagall said, Peter fled this area without a magic wand, just like the criminals who were released on time.

Fudge suddenly felt that his face was slapped again. If it weren't for the smooth progress of the plan, he would now want to enter Azkaban, and then take the guards out one by one.

For four or five hours, Peter left his cell and left this area for four or five hours. Is it really unnecessary to check the prisoner's situation? !

Professor McGonagall didn't squint, she could already feel that Fudge beside her had become a gas tank. At this time, it's best to keep silent.

Some time before noon the next day, when the guards were about to give Peter an injection, Fudge glanced at Leona and McGonagall, and after receiving their signal, he directly unlocked the invisibility curse on his body angrily. He rushed towards Azkaban.

"Who! Put your hands on your head!" the patrol batter shouted to Fudge.

"Leave your mother alone!" Fudge was furious, but apart from a curse, he didn't do anything to the batter. McGonagall and Leona were still watching from behind, which couldn't be ashamed anymore.

"Call me your leader!" Fudge took a deep breath and yelled loudly. At the same time, he was also a little embarrassed, because now Fudge found that he really didn't seem to remember that the leader of the striker was on Azkaban's side. Who's up.

Compared with hitters and Aurors in other places, Azkaban is a place with a very weak presence in some cases.

The hitters who were scolded by Fudge were stunned. Their first thought was that this was a fake Fudge. How could the Minister of Magic come to Azkaban alone?

But looking at Fudge's momentum, the batter still didn't dare to bet this time. If he loses the bet, God knows where he will be thrown into the corner.

Soon, Azkaban’s leadership rushed over. After looking at Fudge, they were a little flustered. The magic jewelry is right, the wand looks right, and all the details are right. It’s not like a Fake minister.

"Ten minutes, good, very good, I will stand here, and it will take you ten minutes to come over!" Fudge's face became even darker.

"Minister! We are about to thoroughly inspect all the prisons, so it's a bit of a delay!" The striker leader came with nonsense.

"Okay, very good." Fudge's expression became even more ugly after hearing the patrolling of the prison. "Let's go, I want to see what you patrolled!"

Leona, who was hidden behind her, shook her head. She was not suitable for staying here anymore, so let Fudge save some face, after all, he still needs his cooperation in the next time.

"Professor McGonagall, I will leave first. Could you please help Fudge continue to perform this play."

"No problem." Professor McGonagall nodded and waved his wand, the invisibility curse disappeared, and he walked towards Fudge.

After speaking softly in Fudge's ear, Fudge was a little relieved. McGonagall is also a magician no matter what he said, and he can be regarded as his own. It is better to be known by his own people than to be known by others.

As soon as the group walked to the door, two guards ran over in a panic.

The batter leader winked frantically and asked the two of them to stay aside first and talk about anything in private.

"Wait, let them say, is there anything I can't hear?" Fudge said aloud to stop the guard's evasion.

The guard looked back and forth between his leader's face and Fudge's face, his face flushed, as if he was constipated.

"You two were very active when you were in Gryffindor. I don't remember that you were dumb." Professor McGonagall took a step forward and said.

After being criticized by McGonagall, the two guards immediately stood upright. After studying at Hogwarts for so long, the authority of Professor McGonagall was directly carved into their hearts. McGonagall’s criticism was simply better than the words of the direct leader. Make.

"Professor McGonagall, Minister Fudge, Dwarf has escaped!" The guard said loudly with his eyes closed, as if he had confessed his fate.

The leader of the next batter took a step forward and directly grabbed the guard's clothes, "Who did you say escaped?!"

"Are you deaf?!" Fudge slapped the guy who was in the way, "You two, take me to Dwarf's cell!"

"Yes!" the guard replied loudly.

Ten minutes later, after looking around in a decent way, Fudge and McGonagall sat coldly in the office, standing honestly below with the relevant personnel and leaders who escaped from Dwarf Star, waiting to be trained. .

"Let's talk about it, how did he run." Fudge said with a tap on the desk.

The guards glanced at each other, and then swallowed, "Last night, the prisoner Bella suddenly became frantic. We went to check the situation immediately. Maybe, maybe at that time, the little dwarf became a mouse and broke through the special defense. The gate of Nimags."

"Specially guard against Animagus? Just broke the door?" Fudge wanted to laugh a little, his eyes shifted to the leadership. He remembered that although he was stingy, after Sirius escaped from prison, he was pressured to approve. Qian Jialong asked to reinforce Azkaban, but did he reinforce it like this? Did it cost ten gallons?

"In fact, the effect is okay, we were deceived..." another guard muttered, and he came up with the idea of ​​installing an iron gate.

"Okay!" Fudge slapped the table. "Now I don't want to listen to your lies. I only give you twenty-four hours to find that guy. I will treat it as nothing happened. If I don't find it, hum."

Professor McGonagall sat peacefully, she didn't think these guys could catch Peter who had run out within twenty-four hours.

As an old Animagus, McGonagall knows how well an Animagus can hide under the premise of shamelessness.

Before getting up with Fudge and leaving Azkaban, McGonagall paused when passing by the guards and gave them a fierce look. The two unconvincing guys.

The two guards were relieved at this moment. McGonagall didn't ignore her. At least she was willing to say a few words to help, so that even if she lost her job in the end, she would at least not become a criminal and be locked up.

On the other side, relying on the time difference, Peter successfully landed on land.

Before he could catch his breath, Peter suddenly realized that something was wrong. Several of the strikers suddenly called back all the wizards who had been sentenced, and pulled out their wands, as if they were ready to attack at any time.

That's it! It was discovered!

Peter tightened, hiding a little deeper into the debris.

Immediately afterwards, Peter saw that the strikers began to search the wizards who had been released after serving their sentences. They searched very carefully, not even letting go of some parts of their bodies.

At this time, Peter was even more sure that his escape from prison must have been discovered. After looking around, Peter gritted his teeth and stomped his feet and went straight into the small sewage ditch.

In the smelly sewage ditch, Peter wielded his four small paws hard and flopped frantically towards the sewage inlet.

Then it went directly into the sewer along with the sewage.

As the outside voice gradually disappeared, Peter's heart became more relaxed. Fortunately, he moved fast enough, almost, he was about to be caught back.

I don't know how long it took, Peter was already a bit exhausted, leaning on a small platform in the sewer, Peter fell into a deep sleep.

Freddy got out of Peter's body and waved his hand in disgust.

Uncle Freddy loves cleanliness very much. For wizards who don't like cleanliness, he must increase his dose and punish him.

As a result, Peter found in his sleep that he seemed to be back more than a decade ago, when he had not betrayed James and the others.

"Why do these people look at me like this?" Walking on the site of the Order of the Phoenix, Peter felt something was not right, and the surrounding wizards seemed to cast contempt at him.

Snap, suddenly a curse flew over from a distance, Peter did not react in time, was hit directly, and was bound.

Sirius walked out from behind Peter with a magic wand and looked at Peter with hatred.

"Do you like to be a mouse? Like to betray, don't you?" Sirius struck Peter's face with his magic wand once.

Peter struggled wildly and wanted to defend himself. He shouldn't accept Voldemort's task yet. I'm still a good person. You can't wrong the good guys!

However, Peter felt that his mouth was sealed by something, he couldn't open it at all, and he could barely open his voice.

Sirius’s wand was spotted on Peter’s forehead. Under the effect of the light from the wand, Peter found himself getting smaller and smaller. He was forced to turn into a disgusting mouse and bounce around on the ground. .

Before figuring out what happened~lightnovelpub.net~ Peter felt like he was being lifted up, and then thrown into a circle made up of bricks.

Then, a pair of frightening eyes appeared in the dark surroundings.

Crookshanks walked out of the shadows of Hermione's cats, and their sharp claws popped out of the cat's pads. This time, there was no Ron to protect him.

And at this point in time, Sirius and others, who might protect him, even watched the show with their wands in their arms.

Under such circumstances, the cat rushed forward, and his sharp claws tore open wounds on Peter's body. Peter wailed in the severe pain.

After he was completely torn apart, Peter suddenly woke up from his dream. Only then did he realize that he was now hiding in the sewer.

He arched his body forward twice, and Peter leaned against the wall, shivering, saying something that no one could understand.
