I Am an Editor at Marvel

v2 Chapter 383: If you know your mistakes, you can corre

Chapter 384

Near a panda house in a zoo in Sichuan, Yang Qiu continued the smile on his face when he entered the park, and slowly walked to a hidden place, and then his entire face collapsed.

Rubbing his body with his hands, those skins and flesh still faintly aches, Thanos’ fist is really hard, it’s nothing to say, after so long, Thanos has not been relieved, but Thanos himself is not comfortable, and he eats Yang Qiu's two swords. , And now it is estimated that he is recovering from his injuries.

And there is a high probability that the injury is heavier than Yang Qiu, otherwise why choose to retreat in the first place.

Yang Qiu raised his head and glanced at the sun. This time, he was reminded of what happened. Since he started to build up the structure of the mysterious side, Yang Qiu has been thinking about doing big things and has been accumulating energy. Now it seems, This is a wrong choice.

It is much better to go down to earth step by step than this method of large and incomplete, large and incomplete, at least that way, there will not be only those legendary professionals who support it. It can be said that if Mephisto hadn't So self-interested, this time Renlian will suffer more losses than it is now.

However, this possibility will not arise. Is Mephisto, who is not self-interested, still the **** lord?

After rubbing for a long time, the pain had not been relieved, Yang Qiu had to look up at the sun, his mental strength began to vibrate, and the script settlement began.

Screenplay Twelve: The Resurrection of the Sun

Script introduction: The sun uses its heat to nurture the life of the entire star system. The civilization born under this starry sky has a lofty yearning for the sun since the period of ignorance. It is these emotions that have guided the two mythical creatures The birth.

Script evolution result: good

Script evolution product: Dawn Goddess, Three-legged Golden Crow, Solar Wind Energy Gathering System

Goddess of Dawn: Leona, a sub-legendary professional born from the sun, possesses the companion artifact, the Zenith Blade and the Golden Divine Shield. As one of the symbols of the sun, she has a higher moral standard and dedication than ordinary professionals. As a newborn, she has not been able to control the strong strength in her body well, but with the support of her superb learning talent and disdainful efforts, the day of perfect control will not be too far away.

Three-legged Golden Crow: The sub-legendary life of the three-legged Golden Crow was born from the sun. It is one of the most noble birds in the world. Relying on the blessing of mysterious concepts, it can dominate the fires of the world. After Leona's voluntary withdrawal , The current influence on the sun has reached its peak. Through meditation and law construction, a solar wind energy gathering system has been built for Renlian.

Solar wind energy gathering system: a set of energy circulation system with the sun as the core of transformation and the solar wind as the boundary, which greatly increases the upper limit of the remaining cosmic power in the solar system, and provides a continuous storm gathering blessing for all intelligent life in the solar wind. The pinnacle will recover at a higher rate, and those who have reached the pinnacle will receive a temporary energy blessing after each solar storm until it dissipates after use.

The feedback brought after the script was settled made Yang Qiu feel as if he was in the sun. The "warm" sunlight flowed into his body, expelling the tarsus-like power left by Thanos, and at the same time replenishing part of the energy that has been consumed. Even the history books of the years have benefited a lot, the traces left in the battle on it began to fade, and the vague text changed to clarity.

"Mom, look, that panda wants to get out!"

"Its head seems to be stuck, hahahaha."

Yang Qiu opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the speaker. There was a panda with two claws resting on the railing, and two short legs were constantly waving in the air. The small eyes on the big head were full of confusion. It seems that I don't understand why I can't move anymore.

Yang Qiu looked at Hehua's silly look, and his mood was a little better. This panda's energy talent was much higher than that of its clan, and he could even feel the energy spilled from Yang Qiu's mood changes after the script was settled.

Amidst the roar of laughter from the crowd, the breeder ran out quickly and used his body against Hehua's short legs to give her a support point to prevent her from hurting herself due to gravity.

Hehua seemed to feel the arrival of the breeder, and her attitude suddenly became arrogant. The two hands stuck on the railing patted the railing vigorously, seeming to intimidate the railing and let it release itself.

"Stop making trouble, why would it be like this? It's okay to stretch your head out and do anything!"

The breeder's mother spit out Hehua while reaching out to hug Hehua's neck, and then gently rotated.

As we all know, the brains of giant pandas are round, but they are not as thorough as they are. There is always a relatively deflated area.


There was a sound when Hua's head collided with the railing, and then the whole head finally slid out of the railing, and at the same time, she squatted on the ground with her ass.

Hehua's whole bear was still dumbfounded, as if he didn't understand how he got out of the railing.

"Call you skin, dare you next time."

The keeper patted the soil on Hehua's body and said, He realized something was wrong with Hehua. He seemed to be scolded, and immediately yelled as if he was crying. At the same time, his little eyes glanced at the keeper. , Watching the expression of the breeder's mother.

"Okay, okay, don't pretend, go back and check it."

The breeder gently touched Hehua's head. After spending so many years with Huahua, she could tell at a glance whether the fat guy was really wronged or pretending to be wronged.

Just after the breeder struggled to hug Hehua, Hehua suddenly twisted his hips and jumped down by herself, and then rushed to the railing in three and two steps, lifted her right palm and slammed up, directly. When the railing hummed, it could even be seen to bend a little.

After doing the bad thing, and Hua seemed to be afraid of the railing to fight back, immediately turned around, hugged the breeder's thigh directly, and did not let go.

"This panda bears a lot of grudges."

"Not only does it hold grudges, but it also shakes the pot. It's obviously its first move."

When the crowd was cheerful, Yang Qiu was a little surprised. Hehua had something to slap just now, and there was a little aura on the palm of his flesh. Fortunately, Hehua was just a small revenge, it was quite reasonable, otherwise that root. The iron railings are photographed as C-shaped and all are small.

"Don't make a fuss." The breeder strenuously removed the Hehua from his legs, hugged him in his arms, and began to walk back.

Hehua, whose head rested on the shoulder of the breeder, suddenly raised her head and waved to the crowd.

This action directly detonated the personnel, and a scream of goodbye echoed around the panda house.

Yang Qiu waved his hand with a smile, and then disappeared from the crowd calmly.

After kicking Hehua’s calf twice, the breeder patted her buttocks before she became quiet again. He tilted his head and looked at Yang Qiu’s departure with a little doubt. It clearly saw a warmth there just now. The light was there, why did it disappear all at once.

That night, the clock tower meeting room, this is the most full time to sit here in five hundred years.

Altria rushed to the meeting just before the beginning of the meeting. She had just taken Kalmar’s remnant soul from Avalon with the cooperation of other technicians and placed it in a dedicated warming pond for further processing. Warm up.

Kalmar blew her body. Before she blew herself up, she took the Avengers and fled for so long under Thanos’ deliberate release. Her current state is very poor, and she may be better than Dumbledore. After all, Dumbledore Lido directly detonated the timeline, causal line, and dimensional anchor he obtained after becoming a legend.


The big clock shook, and the multi-story conference hall suddenly became quiet, and Master Kieran slowly walked onto the stage.

"Today's meeting is chaired by me"

Thor and Olaf sat together, looked everywhere, but did not see the shadow of the Emperor, which made him a little worried, maybe the Lord also suffered some dark injuries.

"First of all, I would like to inform you about some of the circumstances caused by the encounter not long ago."

"The Clock Tower Member, the head of the Security Department, and the legendary psionic master Ms. Kalmar, has paid a heavy price for protecting her companions, colleagues and innocents in adversity, and for destroying the conspiracy of the terrorist Thanos and his party members. The Clock Tower Council raised the issue and was approved by the Supreme Command Center of the Federation of People's Federation to grant Ms. Kalmar the emblem of the second-level combat hero of the Federation of People, the title of Yaoyang-Apocalypse, and the title of Heavenly Sage."

“Member of the Multi-Human Joint Civilization and Earth Education Committee, President Hogwarts, and the legendary master of spells, Mr. Dumbledore, in the face of the conspiracy of the enemy and the evil forces, fighting stubbornly, never giving up, and anchoring his own legend at the most critical moment. Point is the price, exposing the terrorist tyrants and his party members in advance, and stopping losses in time for the multi-human alliance united civilization, and directly saved many jailed professionals. Now it is brought up by the Earth Education Committee and the Supreme Command Center of the People’s Federation. Approved, to grant Mr. Dumbledore the first-level combat hero badge, the title of Yaoyang, and the title of Heavenly Sage to Mr. Dumbledore!"

Hearing this, Altria couldn't help but touch Merlin, "Have you heard?! Have you heard?!"

Merlin slowly nodded, with an unexpected smile on his face, "It's useless to posthumously, it's useless to martyr, Dumbledore is still alive!"

Yes, as the people in the conference room thought, Dumbledore is indeed still alive, living in the book of interpretations of the elements, some of his residual concepts have replaced the original position of the elements of the fire in the book, but can you rely on it? This little residual concept dragged Dumbledore back from death, which was still unknown.

Thanks to Zhao Ling'er for this matter. After returning, she still felt that something was wrong, and it seemed that there was no difference between the element and the crowd.

In Zhao Linger’s impression, Dumbledore would not waste her feelings to make senseless movements when facing business affairs, so she still applied for a trip to the earth over there, and was with Dumbledore. After the second contact with the remaining phantom, the Book of Interpretation of the Elements has changed.

The text that originally marked the fire element in the elemental crowd was transformed into Dumbledore's own biography, and the magic circle that summoned the fire element also became one that looked like a sealed magic circle.

After confirming this change, Zhao Linger immediately returned to the Heavenly Court with everything. After the announcement, he used the spirit of the Nuwa clan to stabilize the concepts in the entire book, which is considered to have saved the trace of Dumbledore's rescue. hope.

During the meeting, Kieran paused for a few seconds, looked around at the candidates participating in the meeting, then knocked on the table and continued to speak.

"Secondly, I am now reporting the punishment decision of the Emperor of Heaven and Kieran who committed failures in leadership, command confusion, and carelessness in this chain of incidents!"

This is Yang Qiu's punishment for himself. The infinite gems in the hands of the Avengers heroes have been manipulated by him. He originally wanted to covet these things from Thanos. Who knew Thanos did not cover them, but instead took the entire Avengers. The Alliance, Kalmar, and Dumbledore, plus all the infinite gems, used them as a fish hook, and instead set a new set.

If we say that Thanos’s deflation a few times before was because we looked down on the earth a bit too much, then a large part of the responsibility for this time came from Yang Qiu’s contempt for Thanos’ group of people after continuous victory. This is extremely wrong. .

In war, every contempt and every carelessness may lead to irreparable mistakes and consequences.

"Divine Emperor and Kiran, the many mistakes committed in this incident were judged by the Supreme Command Center of the People’s Federation, and the two of them were mainly responsible for this incident.

The legendary professional Kieran Mage Clock Tower Speaker and permanent councillor are now temporarily deprived of their status, and the top leader of the Heavenly Emperor Heavenly Court is temporarily deprived."

Hearing this, even in the solemn conference room, there was an exclamation.

Although the strengths of Kiran and the Emperor of Heaven are placed here, even if they do not have those two identities, they are still one of the top leaders of the People's Federation, but the public and temporary deprivation of this level of identity directly shocked everyone.

This is also the effect Yang Qiu wants to achieve. Thanos taught him a good lesson, and now he wants to pass the things learned in this lesson to the people below. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

To put it simply, the biggest boss slapped himself, he wanted to see, who would dare to not reflect seriously and not implement the spirit of the meeting in this situation. Seriously, if there is really If this kind of person appears, don't blame Yang Qiu for being cruel, and come here to kill the chicken and the monkey.

The effect of Yang Qiu’s action is also very obvious. After reporting the punishment result, even Monkey King and Olaf, who generally hate and don’t care about this kind of meeting, sit upright in the meeting room, and give every word of the meeting to their hearts. Remember firmly.

As time passed, the meeting slowly came to an end.

"At the end of the meeting, the decision of the highest command center of the Federation of People's Republic of China was announced. From now on, the whole territory of the Federation of People's People's Republic of China, including the earth and the sun, enters a state of second-level combat readiness. The border includes the Oort Nebula, the outer gravitational belt and other locations. Entering the first-level combat readiness state, when all foreign members perform arbitrary actions, they are in a combat state by default. When facing members who are determined to be Thanos and his party members, they can directly attack without responsibility and without conditions."

"The meeting is over!"

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