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v2 Chapter 393: Fight against Buddha

Bai Yun walked to the golden Buddha under the eyes of everyone, bent down, held up the changed golden Buddha, and stared at the golden Buddha with countless expressions.

After holding it up, a message passed from the golden Buddha to Baiyun's soul.

"I don't know if the Buddha is dead or not, you must be dead! The guy behind me will remember that when I wake up, I will do it for you!"

"Master, master?" Xie Ge walked to Bai Yun's side with the help of a reckless person.

Bai Yun raised his head. In this action, Brother Xie seemed to see positive emotions such as vitality and hope blooming on Bai Yun's face.

Brother Xie blinked and was in a daze. When he came back to his senses, he found that Bai Yun's appearance was still the same, which just seemed to be an illusion.

"Battle defeats the Buddha, his honorific title." Bai Yun said softly.

Fight to win? ! What a domineering honor!

Brother Xie shifted his gaze downward, and the faint golden light on the golden Buddha intertwined, like a veil, giving the whole golden Buddha a sense of mystery.

Bai Yun raised his hand and placed the Golden Buddha in front of Brother Xie, motioning for him to hold it.

"Shifang, come here." Bai Yun shouted.

Shifang lowered his head and walked to Baiyun's side and Xie's face like a puppet.

"Donor, please take care of this child. He is diligent in his hands and feet. He has practiced martial arts since he was a child. Although the Dharma is not profound, he can be said to be rough..."

"Master, you don't need to say much, this is a trivial matter, but do you plan to stay here?"

Bai Yun smiled, did not answer directly, just patted the top of the head three times.

The Zen mind has been broken, and he has no plans, nor can he continue to walk in the world.

I am no longer considered a member of the Buddhist family, but at least I am still a human being. I cannot add a burden to this crumbling world.

"Donor, come with me, and I will send you out."

Bai Yun walked to the door, held the door with both hands, and slammed it outward.

The beams of light formed by the sunlight passed through Bai Yun and irradiated on the floor behind.

The snow outside has stopped, a huge banyan tree, like a bubble in the sun, slowly dissipating from Xie Ge and their eyes.

After the team gradually walked out of the temple, the building behind it, whether it was a shelter or a trap, turned into a phantom.

And Zen Master Baiyun tapped Muyu with a smile.

"May the Buddha's light shine, and the joy of Dharma full; may the Three Jewels be blessed, and the blessings and wisdoms will be harvested; I wish to rise to the next level every day, and ascend the supreme consciousness early..."

Amid the blessings, Brother Xie and the others returned halfway up the mountain, took the bundled goods back, and then left the mountain in another direction.

During this process, all Shifangs seemed to be closed with their spiritual consciousness, and they could only follow simple commands from the outside world.

After leaving the mountain, tears welled up from Shifang's eyes.

Shifang bit his lips tightly, did not cry, facing the direction of Lanruo Temple, and bowed to the Buddhist ceremony.

When he saluted, the light of Buddha bloomed from Lanruo Temple, and after purifying the filthy things in the mountains, it rushed to the sky and fell into the yellow spring.

"Little Master, let's go." Brother Xie said after waiting for Shifang's luggage.

"You can just call me Shifang, I have already returned to vulgarity." Shifang squeezed out a smile very reluctantly, "The evil demon broke my master's Zen mind, and I was forced to return to vulgarity."

It seems that Shifang is not always a puppet in the mountains. He also knows a lot of things that he didn't know.

Brother Xie wanted to ask for the details, and when he reached the end of his mouth, he swallowed back. After all, it was a bit cruel to make Shifang recall the nightmare again.

Shifang seemed to know Brother Xie's thoughts, and after placing the golden Buddha on the miniature altar in the basket, he slowly spoke.

"Master determined that Luo Xue was caused by a monster, and took the initiative to take me to the top of the mountain, preparing to clear this important communication road."

"Later, we saw a huge banyan tree, a single tree that became a forest, and the rhizomes hanging down from the branches took roots and regenerated into more trees."

"The master said that the banyan tree has become a demon. It relies on blood and food to grow. With these words, he took the golden Buddha to cast the demon. When he came out, his Zen mind was broken."

"Little Master, what happened then?" Brother Xie asked afterwards.

Just from the various behaviors behind Baiyun, Brother Xie felt that this was a profound master of Dharma. He now thinks about it, whether it is the sound of the wooden fish or the falling half of the wooden fish stick, it is Baiyun reminding him.

If this white cloud is in a state of broken Zen mind, then what kind of original he was and what shattered his Zen mind.

"do not know…"

Shifang was silent for a long time, "I didn't follow up..."

"However, I saw the shining Buddha light and the golden body outside. The appearance on it is different from the original and current appearance of the golden Buddha..."

Brother Xie understood what Shifang wanted to say, that is, it is possible, maybe, a Buddha appeared, and from the later situation, the Buddha may not only not cast down demons and eliminate demons, but also stand on the side of the monsters.

It’s no wonder that behind, those monks who have already died will shout in unison, your Buddha is already dead...

"Little Master, where do you plan to go next?"

Brother Xie asked, he was preparing. If Shifang planned to stay, he would train Shifang as his successor. After all, Bai Yun saved everyone.

"I want to go to the capital once." Shifang took a deep breath and looked at Brother Xie tentatively, "Can I go with the Buddha statue?"

"Of course it's yours. I don't get ill-gotten gains. I still have the bottom line." Xie Ge replied very decisively.

"Thank you." Shifang said gratefully, "Actually, in the beginning, Master and I wanted to send it to a monk in the capital, so that it can play a role in clearing away evil spirits..."

"Now that the master has passed away, I also want to complete this task, and when I finish it, I will come back to find you."

"Welcome anytime. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Brother Xie patted Shifang on the shoulder, "but you can't go now, you will be home soon, so you have to stay for a meal, and then prepare dry food for you. "

"Of course, little monk... I just happened to be hungry too." Shifang said with an effort to gather energy.

The team continued to move forward. Their hometown was a village, a relatively large village, there were many residents in the village, and they also had their own defense team.

Therefore, in terms of stability, their villages are already one-by-one at the village level, even when compared with the nearby counties with many people.

Because in this village, apart from Brother Xie's awakening of the war spirit, Brother Xie also successfully awakened.

However, unlike Brother Xie, who led the team out, Brother Xie prefers to stay in his hometown and take the guards of his village to maintain the tranquility of this area.

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