I Am an Editor at Marvel

v2 Chapter 395: Ask cut

In the afternoon, after a short refurbishment, Xie Bian will embark on a journey again to the capital, which is the safest and most dangerous place, called a dance of demons.

"Brother Xie!" Shifang ran out with a basket on his back, "I heard that you are going to the capital, can you bring me and me?"

Because Xie Bian, who was a little sad in a hurry, looked at Lin Zhengying and Zhao Li next to him. He estimated that these two people would not take Shi Fang. They didn't even want the second brother Xie, the warrior who had awakened the spirit of war. Of course, among them. There are also reasons why people are responsible for the defense of Xiejia Village.

However, the expressions of Lin Zhengying and Zhao Li made Xie Bian a little bit incomprehensible.

"These masters, dare to ask the law number?" Lin Zhengying asked.

"Shifang, um...I'm already vulgar." Shifang scratched his head and thought for a while, "let's call me a common name, my name is Lu Peilin."

It's him, Lin Zhengying nodded to Zhao Li.

"Unexpected joy, since you are also willing to be together, let's go." The Zhao official agreed with Shifang to join Xie Bian's surprised expression.

When the team set out, Xie Bi'an looked back at his hometown and saw two familiar figures on the city wall. They were his parents.

The parents held hands together, tears brewing in the mother's eyes, quietly watching her child leave.

Xie Bi'an turned his head, quickened his pace, and put a smile on his face.

After a period of continuous advancement, the four of them finally reached the capital.

Along the way, Xie Bian and Lu Peilin also saw the strength of Lin Zhengying and Zhao Li. Along the way, no matter what terrible monsters were, they couldn't make three moves under these two men.

But, in this case, Xie Bian can't understand the situation. Why should they bring themselves? Dislike the difficulty of the trip is not high enough, want to bring a hindrance?

Compared to them, I'm too ordinary...

Xie Bian looked at Lu Peilin looking at the sunset and sighed. Even Shifang is better than me, eh...

This vulgar little master Shifang looks at the sun and thinks about something every day. The special temperament on his body is getting stronger and stronger. He didn't feel it himself, but Xie Bian saw it clearly as a bystander. Xie Bian felt that ten When Fang and that Baiyun Zen master finally let go, their temperaments became more and more similar.

The setting sun was almost below the horizon, Lin Zhengying and the others pressed into the capital, but at night, the gate would not open.

Moreover, perhaps it was the battle spirit shown by Xie Bian, or the extra credit for the tolls, the guards also reminded them.

After entering the city, quickly find a square city that can receive guests, because at night, there is a curfew outside the square city and no stay is allowed.

This provision was enforced not long ago, because Fu Tianqiu's execution date is approaching soon.

Normally, the death penalty for rebellion through formal procedures must be uniformly waited until the autumn of the queen. This is also the source of the term Qiuhou Wenzhan.

However, Fu Tianchou's serious crime, assassination of the emperor, directly caused Fu Tianchou's execution time to be greatly advanced.

Moreover, it should be to deter Xiao Xiao, Fu Tianchou's execution was a standard public execution that allowed others to watch.

After moving to Fang City, Lin Zhengying found that the entire capital seemed to be talking about it.

Just at the inn where they settled, nine of the ten tables in the lobby were talking about the execution of the day after tomorrow, and the rest of the table was still like Lin Zhengying and the others. People who had just entered the capital were listening quietly.

"I think there must be a problem! How could General Sirius be assassinated? Someone must have done it!"

"Assassin the emperor, if this is done, only the emperor can do it, how is it possible."

"What happened to General Wolf that day was possible? Is it logical?"


The guest was asked to live, indeed, it is not normal how to think, does assassinating the emperor do any good to Fu Tianchou? I can't see it at all, and if it is a passion crime, it is impossible, General Sirius, this kind of person will be inexplicably passionate crime? Or in the meeting room with only him and the emperor?

"Hey~ By the way, I heard that someone has ordered that it is not allowed to talk about it at will. Why does it feel completely useless?"

"Normally, those soldiers talked more enthusiastically than we did. It's hard for them to catch themselves, that is, the Sirius army has been conquering outside. If it is near the capital, it is hard to say whether this execution will be carried out."

"The emperor's battle soul is the soul of the emperor, with golden light shining on the sky, there is no such possibility."

Listening to the information revealed on the tables, Lin Zhengying and Zhao Li looked at each other. This Fu Tianqiu seemed to be a very famous and highly prestigious figure.

"I also think there is a misunderstanding." Wu Peilin murmured, his hometown before he went up the mountain had also been attacked by a large-scale monster. It was the young Fu Tianchou who led people to protect his family.

"You seem to be very familiar with this person?" Zhao Li asked Wu Peilin.

"This is Fu Tianchou, General Sirius, who would be unfamiliar." Wu Peilin came with interest. "I heard people say that General Sirius was a civilian before, but he was also the first batch of awakening war spirits thirty years ago. Character, after a few years as a civil servant, Master Fu Tianchou changed from civil to martial arts, and established the current Sirius Army with one hand."

Listening to Wu Peilin's introduction, Lin Zhengying nodded and wrote down every word.

After dinner, in the guest room, Lin Zhengying looked at the official Zhao, waiting for him to remotely receive the data from the observation equipment at Xiejiacun.

Seeing that Zhao Li's face became more and more ugly, Lin Zhengying didn't need to ask anymore. It is estimated that the situation is getting worse and worse as in previous observations.

"0.17 per 10,000." Zhao Li said a number, "From our first visit to this planet, the star's energy output has been reduced by so much, time is pressing, and we must find out what is behind the scenes as soon as possible!"

"You said...Is this Fu Tianchou related to this matter?" Lin Zhengying said after thinking for a while. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

"I don't know, but it's worth trying. In this way, I will go to the jail here in the evening and observe, and you will continue to follow the original plan. This is the place where the popularity of the entire planet gathers. The answer we are looking for must be related to this place. There is a certain connection!" The official Zhao said very affirmatively.

"I know, but how do Master Taixu and Xie Bian arrange it? They are still a bit far behind in this world. Master Taixu has improved a bit, but Xie Bian hasn't moved much yet." Lin Zhengying feels a little headache, not enough manpower, come here. There are only two of them in the People's Federation, and there is no one to get a point.

"...Don't care about them, they are not the kind of people who need the protection of people to grow up." Zhao Li said after thinking for a while.

Lin Zhengying nodded, the official Zhao made sense, and now he can only do so.

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