I Am an Editor at Marvel

v2 Chapter 397: Storm is coming

Not long after Lin Zhengying went out, Wu Peilin knocked on Zhao's door.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Li asked with a grin. He is in a bad mood now, plus he is not a person who loves to laugh, so this smile is in Wu Peilin's eyes, the smile is a little weird and malicious. what.

Wu Peilin blinked and drove the distracting thoughts away from his mind. How could others take care of themselves along the way, how could they think so?

"Mr. Zhao Li, I'm here to say goodbye. I'm going to find the people my master said." Wu Peilin said softly.

"Well, well, I see, you go, you can come back to me if you encounter something." Zhao Li directly brought the door to him as he said, leaving Wu Peilin alone to be a little confused outside, I don’t know who he is. It's not something wrong.

The official Zhao in the room was playing drums in his heart, but he hadn't seen him for one night. Now when he meets, he feels that the humanity of this world has fallen on Wu Peilin. The reduction in contact time is also because Zhao official does not want to be noticed by the humanity for the time being.

In addition, how can the collective consciousness of intelligent life in a world be so active?

This situation usually occurs only two times. One is that the civilization of this world is about to advance by a big leap. As a spiritual embodiment of civilization, humanity will be slightly active at this time, and the other is that the civilization of this world is about to To be eliminated, humanity is making the last effort to try to save everything.

As for the situation that may be the case now, do you still have to ask?

In order to verify this, Zhao also paid attention to Xie Bian’s situation incidentally. He didn’t know whether the time had come, or the human environment was not suitable. Xie Bian’s improvement on the road was very small, and it was a little better than ordinary people. The improvement is accumulated over time, and there is no such explosive growth.

However, this time, the official Zhao also felt the traces of humanity on Xie Bian's body.

Good guy, this is the meaning of a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Of course, it’s not that Xie Bi’an is not good. Sometimes the name proves something. It’s just a humane consciousness. When you don’t know the meaning of Xie Bi’an’s name, you just do it because of the difference between entering the capital and not entering the capital. It's a completely different behavior, which is surprising.

At the same time, this also shows one thing from the side, that is, there must be problems in the capital, and there will be problems soon.

Otherwise, humanity won't be in such a hurry.

Just after noon, Lin Zhengying came back, but looking at the look on his face, the secret arrangement should not be as expected.

"What's the matter? There are too many soldiers near the execution ground?"

"It's not just that there are too many soldiers, it's that there are too many forces."

Lin Zhengying thought about the forces that he saw this morning, the heads were all big.

There is no need to mention soldiers and some generals who belong to the current dynasty. There is no need to mention those forces that have a causal connection with Fu Tianchou. There is a high probability that one is to maintain the execution ground and the other is to prepare to rob the law ground.

In addition to these two, Lin Zhengying also saw the Gentiles. These Gentiles took great pains to bring all their equipment in. It felt as if they were going to be directly mixed into this muddy water, but the number was quite worrying.

Also, the practitioners that Lin Zhengying had discovered were also mixed in, and the third-rate Taoist priest named Zhiqiu Yiye also set up an array secretly, which caused Lin Zhengying's sharp eyes at the same time.

In addition, there are still ghosts and demons around the execution ground. The probability is that before Lin Zhengying went there, some demons stepped on it, but I don’t know what they want to do, they want to do it, or just want to see their own strengths. The enemy died in the human race.

"Normal, the torture will be executed tomorrow. At this point in time, people who are interested will gather there. It's no surprise that anyone appears. After all, don't we two plan to pass?" Zhao said that it seemed relaxed, but began to wipe the guns. It also means that he is actually just after a fight.

"Not only that, I counted on that place again. Heaven, humanity, underworld, dynasty fortune, belief in gods, there are all interferences, and I can obviously feel that someone is clashing in secret, but it's too messy to confirm. Those are those people after all." Lin Zhengying added.

"Well, do you think Master Taixu will also go?" Zhao Li said suddenly.

"Master Taixu? Wu Peilin told you he is going to the execution ground?"

"No, but a few hours ago, he said goodbye to me, and both he and Xie Bian have traces of humanity on their bodies."

"Yeah." Lin Zhengying didn't care too much. Wu Peilin's words along the way revealed his trust and appreciation for Fu Tianchou, and Lin Zhengying would not be surprised even if he went to the robbing field.

"He left with the Golden Buddha?" Lin Zhengying asked suddenly when he remembered.

The golden Buddha in Wu Peilin’s back basket is itself a treasure at the bottom of a large temple. Together with the blessing of his master Baiyun, Xie Bian’s link between life and death and the soul link between life and death finally aroused the power of the sleeping fighting and defeating the Buddha. It is also the same body of Grand Master Taixu in this world, this buff is already full, and the power that can be exerted must not be underestimated.

"How about that? Forcibly leaving the Golden Buddha? They must not think that I am greedy for treasures to cause strange things." Zhao Li asked, and then his hand stopped for a second or two, "Moreover, that thing, we both Untouchable, the contact with all parties is too close, and it is a big clue if you say it badly, and it will be easy to get the clue if you participate."

"Also... Forget it, I'm going to inform Xie Bian, let him go to the execution grounds with those who watch the excitement tomorrow, all add so much material, plus it doesn't hurt you, maybe you can still treat him. Promotion." Lin Zhengying said.

"You don't need to go, he has tested my meaning long ago, look at the table."

Lin Zhengying looks at the desktop, UU reads www. uukanshu.com pressed a stack of yellow paper under the teapot, and wrote a lot of things on it with a brush.

"That is on the face of it. There are some regulations about the execution grounds tomorrow, including the location, allowed entry time, etc., all inquired by Xie Bi'an. He has basically been doing this today." Zhao Li added.

"I didn't say it clearly just because his parents asked him to obey our arrangements, plus the role of the benefactor."

Lin Zhengying: "Then what did you say?"

"Of course he is to take a day off, so he can't really use his identity as a benefactor, and we won't be there tomorrow. If he knows, it won't be easy to explain later. Since he wants to go, let him go. Bar."

Lin Zhengying: "I know, then wait for tomorrow. When tomorrow arrives, things will be much clearer."

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