I Am An NBA Goalkeeper

Chapter 254: Coercion

May 27th.

Trail Blazers vs. Lakers, Game 2 of Round 3 of the Western Conference Finals.

Wang Dachun scored 55 points again.

But the Trail Blazers lost again.

The two-game losing streak caused the outside media to slander the Trail Blazers once again.

But it was the Trailblazers that made the decline, and Wang Dachun was not affected by this.

He scored 57 points in Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals. In the second game, he scored 55 points.

Wang Dachun has naturally become a topical figure again.

Although the Trail Blazers lost the game.

But 55+ can be ranked third in the playoff scoring list.

Wang Dachun not only broke through historical records, but also broke through team historical records.

This made Wang Dachun's team lose the game. Not only did he not have any negative news, but more news reports made Wang Dachun a "tragic hero."

"Try your best! 57 points hard for the Savior!"

"The teammates are not strong, no matter how strong they are, they can only do useless work!"

"A team fighting alone! 55 points! Another empty cut!"

"Are all his teammates useless? Only pass the ball but not attack?"



Trail Blazers training hall.

"Have you seen it? Have you seen it? What the media say about you!

Weak attack? waste? Do you just endure it like this? Shouldn't you tell them! Are they wrong!

In the third game, we can no longer play our style and our level like the previous two games! Let the news media know that you are actually very good! "

Wang Dachun is making a long speech in front of his teammates.

In the two games with the Lakers, the performance and mentality of his teammates made him very disappointed and very angry.

Can be disappointed again, these two games are over. There are still a few key games to play.

He must now help his teammates do their best to build confidence. Correct the misconceptions of the team.

If they continue to play according to the previous two games, Wang Dachun himself may collapse.

"The pressure of a person to score is really too great. They don't understand how uncomfortable it is to be forced to be "stucked""

After Wang Dachun finished speaking, most of his teammates bowed their heads and said nothing.

In fact, in the hearts of some of them, they are still slightly dissatisfied with Wang Dachun.

They think Wang Dachun did not try his best in the first game.

In the past, Wang Dachun's "outbreak" frequency was low. They did not figure out the pattern.

It can be considered that Wang Dachun had a rare "burst".

They seem to have "cleared" the pattern now.

But Wang Dachun just stopped breaking out.

And they have worked very hard, especially in the last quarter of the game, and they have done self-harm. (In the second game, Batum successfully injured himself.)

But Wang Dachun's outbreak still did not achieve their expected results.

"Obviously there is such a strong strength, why not use it all."

This may also mean that life is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant. The more you give, they want more.

But fortunately, the starting point of these teammates is good, they all hope the team can win the game, but there are some problems in thinking and methods.

Wang Dachun can naturally feel that his teammates are not too cold with his speech.

He has nothing to do now.

I just hope that the main players of the team can understand his painstakingly.


May 31st.

Staples Center.

The Trail Blazers played in Game 3 of the Lakers' Western Conference Semifinals Round 3.

Before the start of the game, Wang Dachun was doing training activities "without his soul".

It's not because of the atmosphere of the game.

It was because he made one on the sidelines and he didn't want to see someone very much.

"Why is Scarlett here?"

This was Wang Dachun's first thought when he saw this man.

The last time Wang Dachun and Scarlett met were unhappy.

Wang Dachun felt that he was very wronged at the time, and was kicked and beaten by Scarlett under inexplicable circumstances.

She suddenly appeared here today, and Wang Dachun thought it must be nothing good.

Wang Dachun originally planned to ask him why he appeared here after the game, but he did not hold back in the end.

Because he felt that as long as Scarlett was here, he would definitely be upset and couldn't play a normal game.

So Wang Dachun was in full view. Came to the location of Scarlett.

Scarlett’s scene was actually very unhappy.

She thought she was threatened and came here.

He suddenly received a call from Robert Jr. a few days ago.

"Oh dear, do you have time anytime soon?"

This is normal, Scarlett thought. Robert Downey Jr. called to ask him about the shooting time of the movie.

"Of course there is time, don't worry, I will not forget your business, the schedule has already flowed out!"

"Oh, I know about that day. I mean, is there any time to play with?"

Robert Downey Jr. believes that his relationship with Scarlett does not need to be covered up.

"?? What do you mean by that?"

Scarlett has a very bad premonition. Especially when I heard something related to Wang Dachun.

"Haha, don’t you know that Wang is going to host a football charity match? The venue is in China. He seems to particularly want you to attend. Of course, this is a matter between you. I’m just sending a message. That's it!"

There seems to be a lot of content in this passage from Robert Downey Jr.

He thought he was kind enough to help Wang Dachun invite Scarlett out. In doing so, he is considered adult beauty.

But he didn't know, what he said changed completely in Scarlett's ears.

"What the **** does this **** want to do? Has he already told others about what happened to him? And he wants to use this thing to threaten him to do something else, my God. This bastard."

Scarlett would never have thought that Robert Downey Jr would say this sentence out of good intentions, but the carrot soup hurts. You don’t even know how complicated the relationship between Wang Dachun and Scarlett is. People scratch their heads.

Scarlett's appearance of Staples today is not her original intention.

It was Robert Downey Jr. Find another passage that made him have to make such a choice.

"I very much hope that the exposure of the two of you can be higher in the near future, so as to increase the topic of this movie. Aren't they coming to Los Angeles to play the game soon? You must show up at that time?"

The information content of this sentence once again made Scarlett feel a great threat.

Because it's not like an invitation at all, but more like coercion.