I Am Breaking the Dimensional Wall In the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 1057: sea ​​of ​​thunder

In the plateau barracks, with the help of Kardashian's projection, Sifa 'saw' the Abydos city lord Raskin.

He believed that the city lord was just a puppet of the Rose School. Now that the Rose School was over, Ruskin could continue to be a puppet for himself.

With Raskin, Sifa was able to pacify Abydos as soon as possible, and reduce many subsequent troubles, and even divert hatred in the city.

In short, Ruskin was used to take the blame.

And Ruskin had few other options.


In the City Lord's Mansion.

When Raskin realized that he didn't have many options, he could only smile bitterly, nodding in agreement with Abrio's 'proposal'.

The next thing is much easier.

Raskin called Commander Servis and gave the entire army a surrender order.

Sifa also used the connection with the "soldier" to let the army begin to take prisoners and occupy important streets in the city to set up checkpoints.

After the order went down, Sifa temporarily took his attention away from Abydos.

The war is not over yet.

Siah could come back at any time.

Sifa busy setting up the altar, ready to sacrifice to the 'Lord of the Storm'.

This is not only to deal with Sioa, but also to resist the gods of the Rose School.

After setting up the altar, a thick fog suddenly appeared in front of Xifa's eyes.

In the gray fog, he heard the hoarse and low voice of 'World': "...Please tell Mr. Chariot that 'God's Sin' Siah has broken through the blockade and returned to the Western Continent."



Sifa hurriedly prayed to the 'Lord of the Storm' and offered to sacrifice some spoils.

Among them are the Extraordinary characteristics of the two 'puppets'.

In addition, Sifa also sincerely suggested that after Abydos was pacified, he hoped that the Church of Storms would be able to preach here.

It's a deal.

Used in exchange for the gods shot.


Over the barracks, a dazzling lightning bolt that was not real enough fell.

The lightning swept across the altar, causing the offerings on it to disappear.

But no revelation.

at this time.

His inspiration has been touched.

Feeling a very terrifying, evil aura coming into reality.

Sifa hurriedly caused a thick fog to rise in the city of Abydos.

This is 'Mist'!

It has the concept of 'Mohu', which is used not only to simulate the view of Lake Sioa, but also to protect the people in the city.

Avoid the disaster of Silent Castle from happening again.


No matter the descendants or the West French army, they all saw a thick fog suddenly appearing around them.

This fog is far more than before, and it is almost impossible to see the people around you.

Then there was a faint roar that sounded in the sky, the sound seemed to come from a far away place, intermittent and not real enough.

But I could still hear everyone trembling and instinctively feel fear.

This is still the 'Mist' weakening the influence of Sia, otherwise, just hearing her roar, all the creatures in Abydos will be affected.

Just above Abydos, in the dark night, an arm stretched out from the void.

This arm is ten meters long.

The surface is dark and there are strange bumps.

They are either skeleton heads, or three-dimensional eyes, or tongues with teeth.

This arm appeared, and all the blades of grass on the nearby plateau withered.

Let the worms in the soil stiffen and die, or frantically bite themselves.

Immediately afterwards, a mass of wriggling flesh covered with pitch-black viscous liquid followed the arm out of the spiritual world and entered reality.

This piece of meat constitutes the body of the 'God's Sin' Siana, like a giant tree doused with oil.

As soon as Sia entered reality, he immediately let out a roar that pierced the spirit body, making the crimson moonlight over the plateau thicker.

There is a scene that is presented on this red 'curtain'.

At the center of the scene is a Mu Nai Yin in a yellow bandage.

It was pierced by countless tan branches and hung in the air.

'Bound God'!

In the entanglement with Klein, Sioa consumes a lot.

So once back to the star plateau.

Immediately pray to the 'bound god'.

Plan to clean up the mess as fast as you can, kill or drive out intruders.

And at this time.

There was thunder in the northwest sky.

Then the layers of dark clouds spread rapidly, covering almost half of the sky in the blink of an eye.

Countless silver-white electric snakes jumped out of the clouds, and there were many dark blue, illusory ocean waves rising high in the distance.

Swiped by the wind, it went straight to the clouds.

Where the illusory sea meets the night sky, there is light shining, and lightning and the depths of the sea of ​​​​clouds are faintly visible.

There is a huge figure.

This is the breath of the 'Lord of the Storm'!

at this time.

Above Abydos, the projection of the 'bound god', its belly bulged high.

His mouth opened and closed, and he kept screaming.

But this did not make a substantial sound, but made the dark red spread rapidly, trying to spread to the sky and the ground.


A thick, shining lightning bolt as thick as a tree trunk.

A flash in the night sky.

Booming into the dark red, it made the dark red retreat, and the projection of the 'bound god' jumped up with silver and white electric snakes.

More lightning surged, because it was too dense, forming a forest and an ocean!

This forest of thunder, this sea of ​​electric light!

Exudes an aura of destruction and violence.

Not only did he wash away the projection of the 'Bound God', but also took care of the 'God's Sin' Siah.

Let both be submerged in silver and white at the same time.

in the city of Abydos.

Everyone hid in the building, and the courageous people looked out the window and looked up.

I saw a dazzling dazzling electric light on the foggy sky.

In that electric light, a figure like a big tree twisted and swayed.

Like a tree struck by lightning, burning and curling up.

More hurt roars continued to sound.

Then the twisted tree figure quickly disappeared, and finally disappeared into the sky.

The sea of ​​thunder and lightning in the sky lasted for more than ten seconds before gradually dissipating.

In the military camp, Xifa looked up and watched the silver and white electricity sea covering the entire night sky gradually dissipate.

Awe from the bottom of my heart.

The power of the 'Storm Lord' is too terrifying.

The power projected into reality actually formed a sea of ​​thunder and lightning that covered the sky.

And even now that the electric light dissipated, Sifah's hair still floated up uncontrollably.

There are still tiny electric snakes beating on some conductive things around.

But no matter what.

'God's Sin' Siah was injured and fled.

The projection of the 'bound god' also withdrew from reality. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

It seems that the 'Lord of the Storm' is quite interested in spreading his beliefs to the Xingxing Plateau.

Otherwise, relying on those sacrifices alone, it would be difficult to impress a 'righteous god'.

Of course, this may also have something to do with the battle of gods that happened not long ago.

The Lord of Storms should also need to gain more believers to enhance his power.

Cepha looked at Abydos.

Although Abydos will have the Church of the Storm next, Sypha will lose a lot of believers.

Comparable to the ritual of completing Sequence 1.

Westfa can still afford this loss.

"Now, it's time to complete the ritual." Sifa turned into a breeze and quickly headed to Abydos.

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