I Am Breaking the Dimensional Wall In the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 311: shield

Probably Ms. Mania still remembers Xifa’s ‘rudeness’ just now, so she responded directly to Xifa’s greetings with a ‘scream of resentment’. This does not come from the ability of the pathway, but Mania is now in a state of resentment, this scream is like breathing, originating from instinct.

  Sifa was already prepared when he saw Mania appear. He contracted all his spirituality, not letting a single trace overflow, and concentrated between his ears.

So when a sharp and hollow phantom howl sounded in his mind, he was not completely under control, so when Mania flashed in front of him and reached his heart with one hand, a hot bright flame suddenly rose. , Blocked between Sifa and Mania.

   When Mania’s illusory hand touched the flame, she shrank back abruptly. At this time, a majestic voice sounded at the entrance of the cave: "Imprisoned."

   Suddenly, Xifa felt that the space around Ms. Mania became sticky, as if that place had turned into a huge amber, and it was as if an invisible prison had appeared, leaving Mania still there, unable to move.

   Almost at the same time, a bright and powerful lightning passed by Xifa, hitting Mania in the "prison", causing her to be surrounded by electric lights, causing her to make a silent howl with pain.

   One after another lightning struck Mania continuously, and Sepha could smell a kind of burnt odor left by the lightning passing through the air. Although he had condensed his spirituality in advance and resisted the ‘scream of the resentful soul’, he still had soft hands and feet and could only use an ugly posture to stay away from the scene.

   After Xifa confirmed that he was safe and stopped, he looked at the entrance of the cave and saw two figures walking in there.

One of them is Bishop Duvale. He holds a dark blue Xin-long wooden staff in his hand. There are mysterious symbols all over the wooden staff. The end of the staff lights up at a very high frequency, and it flashes every time. A strong flash of lightning was released.

   Lightning broke through the air, leaving a series of sparks in the space, preparing to hit Mania, making this lady's figure lighter and lighter, it seems that after a few more flashes of lightning, she will completely disappear.

   Xifa affirmed that the wooden staff was definitely a certain sealed artifact, and it was routed by the ‘sailor’. Sure enough, this route was simple and rude no matter what people or things.

   The other is a stranger, but the opponent is wearing the uniform of a naval officer, and Fang Zheng’s face is full of majesty. Coupled with the abilities he released just now, Xifa believes that this officer is an extraordinary person in the ‘arbitrator’ approach.

   It seems that the writer has notified the navy and alarmed the high-ranking navy stationed on this island.

   "Okay, Lord Duvale."

   The middle-aged officer said majesticly: "If you continue to fight, she will disappear. We can't let her disappear."

   As he said, the officer glanced at Xifa, his gaze fell on the holy symbol of the storm, and then moved to Mania's body: "Release."

   Suddenly, the invisible prison disappeared. Mania glanced at the officer and Duvali with incomparable resentment, her figure faded and disappeared into the air.

   Then, all the green figures on the deck disappeared one by one, as if they had never existed.

   was a big deck, and only Harry was still jumping up and down.


   Trollope ran in, nodded to the officer, passed the strange wood carvings, boarded the deck, and hugged the little boy who was trying to climb the mast.

   Trollope was relieved.

"How are you?" The tall bishop of the diocese walked over, pulled Sifa up with one hand, and smiled. "You are doing well, Mr. Raleigh, you have dragged the'Black Star'. Otherwise, it I drove away long ago."

   Xifa looked at the entrance of the cave, thought of Mania's ability, and suddenly realized: "So it didn't come in, it was sent in?"

   "That's right."

  Sifah asked again: "Where's Mania, it's the resentful soul, has she disappeared?"

Duvali shook his head: "Her state is different from ordinary resentful souls. We suspect that there are high-status things on or around her. Although she has been suppressed with the help of sealed objects, it will not make her disappear. So. ....."

   The bishop of the diocese glanced at the middle-aged officer and said in a low voice: "Hyman's worries are completely unnecessary, oh, he is a Navy, Sequence 6 judge."

   really is the arbitrator!

   "Thank you very much for your cooperation, Your Excellency Duvale. Then we will take care of the aftermath and you can go back."

   The officer called ‘Hyman’ came over and said, smiling at Duvale: "Tomorrow afternoon, I will visit your Excellency again, thank you for the assistance of the Storm Church."

   Duvali laughed dryly, patted Sifa on the shoulder and said, "Then we will go back first."

   Stepping out of the Devil’s Throat, Duvale glanced at Sifa: "Trollope tells you a lot about the ship."


   Now Xifa knows why Duvale asked himself to take on this task. The main purpose is to figure out the secret of the "Black Star" by himself, and then report it to the church.

   But he didn't want Duvalley to know that there was news of Roselle's secret treasure on the "Black Star", although Duvalley also knew that there might be some kind of high-personality item beside Mania.

   But if the Storm Church knows, the agreement between them and the Royal Navy may be broken. The most important thing is that Sifa himself wants to seek the secret treasure.

He smiled weakly, half of it was pretend, half of it was true: "Yes, Mr. Trollope showed me his research results, but before that, he asked me to use his own name to The **** of faith swears, absolutely not to disclose all the information I know in that room in any form~lightnovelpub.net~I have sworn to the great storm lord..."

   After that, Xifa glanced at the night sky. Fortunately, the Lord of the Storm did not reward him with a flash of lightning because he took it out as a shield.....

   Duvali's expression stiffened for a while, and then he laughed: "It's okay, I just ask casually. It's getting late, go back and rest early."

   They separated on the rocky beach, Duvale stayed, there seems to be something else. When climbing the stone steps, Sifa saw the bishop of the diocese and Trolop together.

  Duvalé seemed to want some information from Trolop, but in the'Devil's Throat', Officer Hyman came out...

the next day.

  Sifa had just had breakfast and returned to the hotel, and saw the young pastor of the Church of the Storm. He handed an envelope to Sifa, saying that it was Duvale’s payment.

   After the priest left, Sifa opened the envelope and took out 150 pounds from it.

   "It's stingy, I dragged the'Black Stars' last night, so let's add a small amount afterwards." Sifa collected the money and put it on her body as change.

   Then I went to the ticketing company to buy an afternoon ferry ticket, and went to Trolop’s home again.

   Pulled the rattle, and soon the door opened. Trollope seemed to be busy with something. Seeing that it was Sifa, he turned sideways and said, "Come in."

   Sifa walked in, saw all kinds of luggage in the living room, and said in surprise: "Mr. Trolop, where are you going?"