I Am Breaking the Dimensional Wall In the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 418: new job

Borrowing the chemical tools of ‘Lieutenant Bingberg’, Sifa successfully collected several bottles of hydrogen and stored them in a pressure bottle designed by Melissa.

  Although the hydrogen storage bottle is made of metal, this gas cannot be stored for too long. If it is not used for a period of time, it can only be collected again.

   Back to the room, Xifa just sat down when the knock on the door rang.

   These few knocks on the door are not real enough, as if coming from a distance, with a certain sense of illusion.

   Is it the old fox’s messenger?

   Xifa coughed dryly, and whispered softly: "Please come in."

   He turned on Lingshi at the same time, so he saw that a headless messenger in a black formal suit walked out of the gate.

  The courier who was very polite every time he appeared, bowed slightly to Xifa, then took out an envelope from his arms, put it on the table and smoothed it for a few times, and then backed away.

   Xifa picked it up, cut the envelope, and took out a letter from the inside.

  The letter was of course sent by Oswald, and I saw it read in gorgeous and beautiful fonts:

  ‘Dear Duke, I hope you are still at sea. I have a job here and I need you to complete it. ’

  ‘Please go to Sunia Island in the near future, no later than mid-year, I need you to find someone on the island. His name is Cyril and he is a spice merchant. ’

  ‘Of course, that’s just his apparent identity, but he does own a plantation of his own, runs a company, and has business dealings with businessmen from Loen, Intis and other countries. ’

  ‘But in fact, he is one of our ‘employees’. He recently found a treasure map. I need you to get this treasure map and ask my messenger to bring it back. ’

  ‘Please note, Cyril told me that someone else is planning to play this treasure map, so you have to be prepared to fight. Of course, I believe you can settle it, and I won't miss it. ’

  ‘By the way, the person you are investigating, the gentleman named Celis Newman, is already a little bit eye-catching. If there is specific news, I will let you know. ’

  ‘ Have a nice Sunday, your old friend, Osvid. ’

  Sunya Island?

Treasure Map...

   I hope the "Antiquities Preservation Association" will not discover the "Death Treasure".

   Well, Celis Newman is also eye-catching, but this old fox must also offset my contribution. In other words, don't think about getting any benefits from this mission on Sunia Island.

   In front of the messenger, Sifa burned the letter and said to it: "There is nothing else, you can go."

   The headless messenger stepped back two steps, pressed his hands on his chest, and bowed slightly, then retreated into the wooden door and left.

   November 5th, Monday.

   At three o'clock in the afternoon, Sifa, who was lying on the bed on the grounds of taking a nap, saw the crimson and illusory light rising in front of him, rushing towards him.

   When the light in front of him disappeared, he saw the towering temple, the old mottled bronze long table, and saw the crimson glowing and disappearing on the opposite side, and then the members of the Tarot Society appeared in the palace one after another.

   Audrey Hall is in a good mood. Looking around, she is under the observation of the ‘Psychological Alchemy’. She is confident that she can pass the test and join this secret organization.

   Once she becomes a member of this organization, basically, she doesn't need to worry about the next potion formula. At least, it is not needed before Sequence 5.

   She cast her gaze to the top of the long bronze table, raised her skirt, and saluted.

   "Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~"

   "Good afternoon, Mr. Chariot."

"good afternoon......."

   The polite and educated Miss Justice and all the members greeted them again. Her brisk and ethereal voice broke the silence above the gray mist that seemed to never flow.

   At the same time, as a'mind reader', she subconsciously observes the state of other members.

   ‘Sun’ seemed to be very upset and anxious. Why, the leader of the former exploration team had an accident, and Silver City met Amon?

Forsi looked like he wanted to talk and stopped. She should have read the newspaper and guessed from the Tarot card that the recent Kapin case is related to our Tarot Society... She seems to be more in awe of Mr. Fool. Now, this is a good thing.

Mr. "The Hanged Man" is in a good mood, his potion should have been digested...He looked at Mr. "Chariot" from time to time, and it seemed that Mr. Or change?

   Mr. "Chariot" is still the same, his mood is open but not high, he always seems to be very sunny and cheerful, which is completely different from Mr. "World".

   Mr. "World" is still so gloomy and introverted, he is too restrained from the "audience"...

After the members of the Tarot Society greeted the Fool, Alger, the Hanged Man, approached the top of the long bronze table, and the figure obscured by the gray mist saluted: "Dear Mr. Fool, I have gained three pages. Roselle's diary."

   Behind the long table, Mr. Fool said relaxedly: "Okay, what kind of reward do you want?"

   Alger repressed and eagerly said: "I want to know what the card next to you is."

   I know...

   Saifa and Audrey almost simultaneously expressed this feeling.

   It seems that the "Hanged Man" has always been interested in the card of profanity, but suffered from no chance, so it has been restrained... Xifa allowed his thoughts to disperse and looked around at will.

   It turns out that with the so-called Roselle’s diary, you can exchange answers to certain questions from Mr. Fool, and maybe you can exchange items!

   Forsi was suddenly annoyed: "I have encountered many times, UU read www.uukanshu.com, but they didn’t buy it because they were not interested. If I knew it..."

   She felt so stupid that she seemed to have missed a hundred million gold pounds.


   "Do you want everyone to hear it, or do you only know it?"

   After the gray fog, Klein said calmly.

   "The Hanged Man" Alger said without hesitation: "Only he knows."

   So the senses of Xifa and others were blocked for a while.

   After showing the card of blasphemy, three yellow-brown parchments came into Klein's hands. He made his gaze look very casual, but in essence, he fell on the paper with considerable attention.

"On March 15th, I was indeed the protagonist. Only based on some archaeological clues and folk rumors, I found a ghost ship left over from the Solomon Empire, the ancient'Black Throne' near the Oradek Islands on the edge of the Misty Sea. '!

   "It's really cool!

  "There are also some ancient books on it, including a treasure map pointing to an unknown island, which is the last settlement of a great nobleman of the Solomon Empire who retreated and left the northern continent. Everything he left behind is there!

   "This treasure will definitely belong to me!"

   Klein read page by page. When he came to the third page, he couldn't help but doubt his years of Chinese education, because it was flooded with sentences like the following:

   "Ah Rihu Hungry invited people in the mansion."

what is this?