I Am Breaking the Dimensional Wall In the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 5: Show the enemy's weakness

   Very good, things are moving in the direction I hope.

   Respond passively, reveal your identity passively, don't give people the feeling of active participation, and avoid inducing the hostility of the unknown Extraordinary to the greatest extent.

Putting away the divergent thoughts, Xifa stood up and responded with a natural expression: "Exactly, my father is Baron Bison Disraeli. As I told Joyce before, after arriving at the port, I I will contact my father and ask him to appoint a lawyer to defend us."

   Xifa tried hard to show himself awe-inspiring justice: "The gentlemen present here, including me, have participated in more than one dangerous battle."

   "Of course, in that battle, our hands were stained with blood. But its essence is just, it is an act of defending one's life, I cannot tolerate such things being equated with crime."

   "I will let the lawyers strive for the fair treatment we deserve and protect our reputation. We are not murderers!"

   Joyce squeezed his pocket watch, squeezed this important thing, and echoed: "Mr. Sifa is right, we are not murderers, we don't have to escape, we don't need to hide!"

   "We deserve to be treated fairly!"

   In the restaurant, people were inspired by the words of the two Westerners, and they responded one after another.

   Upon seeing this, the captain pressed his hands slightly to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: "In that case, we will go to Enmat Port."

   Hearing the captain's decision, cheers broke out in the restaurant.

   After the cheers passed, Xifa coughed dryly, pressed the top hat, and said to the blond eagle-nosed youth in an embarrassing and a little embarrassing tone.

   "Joyce, I don't know if you are willing to move to first class. My bodyguards and servants are all dead."

   "The room suddenly seemed a bit empty. I live alone and I always feel uneasy."

   He looked at the captain again: "In addition, I am very concerned about what happened in the second-class cabin last night. I always feel that those lunatics are not dead, maybe there are one or two people hiding somewhere on the ship."

  The experienced captain, from the expressions and words of Xifa, it is easy to understand what he means.

  ‘I’m scared, I need protection! ’

   Considering that this is an aristocratic young master, it is normal to have such a reaction.

   The captain just wanted to ask, who else would be willing to move to the first class to protect this important person who has a bearing on the future of the ship’s people.

   The burly man stood up: "Master Xifa, if you don't mind, I'm willing to move in together."

   "My name is Brando, a former sergeant in the Royal Army. I participated in the colonial war in the Southern Continent, and my skill has not regressed."

   "In order to go home to meet my two lovely children, I swear that I will do my best to protect you."

   Obviously, the captain is not the only one who understands the subtext of Western France.

   Xifa is half real and half pretending to be glad and said: "That's great, Mr. Brando, during this period of time on the ship, I will pay you according to the salary of the temporary bodyguard."

   "Of course, after getting off the ship. After all, my wallet is already in the hands of the ‘king of the five seas’."

   Brando was a little surprised but still waved his hands and said, "No, no, no, you hired a lawyer to defend us, and you have done a lot of help to us all. How can I still be paid?"

   Xifa insisted: "Please accept it, Mr. Brando, these are two different things."

   "Then, all right. Thank you for your generosity."

   Brando did not refuse any more, because of the presence of the King of the Five Seas, he lost all his belongings. And he still has two children to raise, he has a temporary bodyguard salary to make up, at least after returning home, this salary is enough to support him to find the next job.

   Seeing Brando promised, Xifa was also relieved, knowing that he had completed the second step of the plan and ‘showed weakness’ to the Extraordinary hidden in the crowd.

this point is very important.

   Throughout the entire incident, the unidentified Extraordinary did not let all the people on the ship die. Xifa believes that if he wants to, he should be able to do it.

   So, for him, it might be out of some need to keep a small group of people alive.

   Under this premise, as long as one does not show a threat, there is a high probability that he will be ignored.

   So, how can I make myself look non-threatening?

   That is naturally ‘showing weakness’.

   Based on the above judgment, there was a performance of the scene just now.

   The itinerary has been decided, and West France has provided legal aid. People seem to have seen a bright future. The atmosphere in the restaurant has changed from the heavy before, and it has become cheerful and warm.

   After Xifa wiped out a breakfast, he returned to the cabin with Joyce and Brando.

   The two went back to their room first, packed their things, and moved to the first class later.

   Xifa went back to the room alone. Not long after closing the door, he took off his top hat and knocked on the door.

"So fast?"

   He did not put on a top hat, nor took up his cane. Sifa opened the door, but it was not Joyce that knocked on the door, but a round-faced youth.


   "Mr. Sifa, I'm here to thank you." The friendly Tris said with a smile.

  Sifah took two steps back quickly: "Please come in, Mr. Tris."

   Tris walked into the room, looked around, and sighed sincerely: "It's a first-class room, it's big, luxurious, and stylish."

   Xifa said half jokingly: "If you like, you can also move in. Anyway, there is still room left."


   Tris smiled softly, his eyes showed thoughtfulness, as if he was carefully considering Sifa’s suggestion.

   Seeing him like this, Xifa regretted it.

   Originally Xifa only wanted to invite Joyce alone, but Brando joined him later, which was somewhat different from what he expected.

   You know, he is a person with a ‘secret’.

  With too many people around, Xifa will not be able to summon the mysterious book and cannot conduct research. If you add another Tris, Sifa can foresee that he won't have to do anything for the next voyage.

   "Thank you for your invitation, but I prefer to live by myself."

   Fortunately, Tris declined, which made Sifa secretly relieved.

   On the surface, he still made a look of regret: "Well, it's a pity, I thought I had a chance to be with you."

   "In the past days, your courage has been admired. I very much hope that I can make friends like you."

   Tris chuckled and said, "I am also very happy to have friendship with a nobleman."

   "Speaking of which, I sincerely thank you."

   "Thank you, Mr. Sifa. Thank you for your legal aid. If it weren't for you, we might really consider going to the City of Generosity."

   Sifa smiled and shook his head: "Compared with what you did for us, I just did a trivial thing."

   "You are so humble."

   Triston paused, and the smile gradually disappeared on his round face: "Mr. Sifa, I don't know if you feel that way."

   "I always feel that this disaster is extraordinary. Behind the incident, I vaguely smelled a conspiracy."

   Yes, yes, I think so too.

   Xifa almost blurted out, exposing his own voice.

   Fortunately, he restrained this impulse in time and said instead: "Why would you say that?"

   "Don't you feel abnormal?"

   Tris asked back: "After being ransacked by pirates, we should work together and unite to tide over the difficulties."

   "But suddenly, the crew and sailors got into a fight due to a trivial matter, and the situation deteriorated drastically. In a short period of time, it developed into a bloodshed, causing the rest of the matter to be out of control."

   Thoughts flashed through Sifa's mind.

   Why did he want to discuss this with me?

   Is Tris an Extraordinary? Is the mastermind behind the scenes? He is testing me?

   Sifa was taken aback by this idea, but he didn't think it was possible anymore.

   Until now, the Extraordinary Factor was just a guess from him, and he still couldn't be sure.

   And if there are extraordinary people participating, this person has not shown up, and has been hiding behind the scenes.

   How could he suddenly show up, just to test himself.

   Maybe, Tris is his accomplice.

   Maybe, Tris was guided by him.

   But in any case, I have to be more vigilant. Perhaps Tris appeared to test my thoughts.

   "As you said, I also think this whole thing is unusual."


   Xifa shrugged his shoulders and said, "This kind of thing, let the police go to the headache. I just want to go ashore safely, I don't think about other things."

   directly negates, it seems too deliberate.

   Agree with Tris's point of view, but don't want to go into it. It is a normal person's approach to protect oneself wisely.

   bang bang bang!

   There was a knock on the door. It should be Joyce and the two who came. Xifa secretly said, "Good job," and smiled and stood up: "Please wait, I'll open the door."

   Tris followed up: "No, I still have things to do, goodbye."

   "Then I'll give it to you."

  Sifah sent him to the door, opened the door, and it turned out that Joyce and Brando were outside the door.

   They were a little surprised when they saw Triss, and after a few exchanges between them, Triss turned and left.

When the figure of the young man disappeared around the corner, Xifa looked back, raised his hand and made an'invitation' gesture: "Come on, gentlemen, let me show you all the rooms here. You can choose the one you like to stay in. ."

   July 1st.


  Enmat Port is as lively as ever. As one of the coastal ports of the Kingdom of Ruen, ships sail or return here every day.

   On a passenger ship that only returned yesterday, several sailors were cleaning the deck.

   When a sailor straightened up to rest, he suddenly narrowed his eyes.

   He saw a passenger ship with its sails rising but emitting steam, preparing to enter the port.

   He also saw that there was a pattern on the ship. It is composed of multiple purple flowers arranged in spiral clusters.

   That is, the sign of the Alfalfa!