I Am Breaking the Dimensional Wall In the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 535: Abrio

When, when, when...

Xifa heard the very regular sound of iron strikes and felt the scorching heat at the same time, which made him subconsciously raise his hand and wipe it on his forehead.

Then he saw the bright fire, the dark anvil, the many unfinished billets, the chimney leading to the roof, and a dog leaning on the door with an iron chain... ....

Then Sefa picked up the iron clip, picked up a piece of red-hot iron, and clamped it to the anvil. He took up the hammer and beat it again and again, repeatedly beating it to shape it.

When the iron material gradually lost its light and enough temperature, Sifa re-fed it into the stove and burned the material again.

At this time, he heard the sound of the door being pushed open, heard someone coughing, and said: "How are our master's custom-made things prepared?"

Xifa turned to look, and a man dressed like a housekeeper walked in. He covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief, as if he would suffocate if he breathed in the air inside.

Xifa heard himself say: "Quickly, my lord, delivery will be possible tomorrow."

"Then you will bring it here tomorrow morning." After speaking, the butler turned around and left, not wanting to stay for a second.

After a trance, Sifa saw that he was putting on cheap formal wear, then he took up a box and left the room.

He walked down the stairs quickly, walked out of a gloomy apartment building, and stepped on the muddy ground. Dirty water flows here, debris is littered, and livestock manure can be seen everywhere.

The streets are very lively, and there are mobile street vendors selling vegetables, fruits, and cooked food everywhere, but passers-by are in a hurry, and few people are willing to stop to buy things.

The stench and fragrance blended into a strange taste, and he kept digging into Sifa's nose. He held down the felt hat on his head, bent over slightly, held the wooden box in his hand, and bowed his head across this lively street.

He walked on foot, walking through the streets, and finally came to a relatively spacious, clean, hard road paved with slabs.

The passers-by here are personable, and most of the men wear black three-piece suits, half-top hats, walking sticks, or a newspaper. There are fewer ladies, and occasionally I see them, but they are also well-dressed and wear soft hats with black gauze covering their faces.

The carriage passes by from time to time, so pedestrians have to walk on the side of the road.

When Sifa stopped, he was standing in front of a villa. After the servant passed the message, he was led to the waiting room.

While waiting for his master to arrive, he heard a chuckle, and then a figure came out, a girl of sixteen or seventeen. Her face was a little fat baby, some natural curly brown hair was scattered randomly, and her dark green eyes filled with a smile, walking and jumping, and came to Sifa's side like a light elk in the woods.

"Abrio, what fun have you made for my father?" The girl looked innocently and curiously at the box in Sifa's hand.

Xifa just wanted to say that he was not called Abrio, when suddenly, through the glass of a window in front, he saw a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old.

He is tall and straight. Because of the work of the blacksmith, the muscles of his arms are particularly developed and his sleeves are raised. He had short haircut, shining gold in the sun.

Who is this?

Xifa was startled, then awake, turned over, and saw the ceiling of the bedroom.

"It turned out to be a dream."

He got up, yawned, put on his clothes and went to the bathroom to clean up.

After washing, Xifa only felt refreshed and habitually opened the windows, but saw that the sky was gloomy outside and the dense fog was wafting, and he could hardly see the house across the street.

"No wonder Old Cook didn't want to come to Backlund, now I start to miss the sunshine in Enki Town." Sifa sighed, closing the window again.

After he changed into his formal attire, he followed Leftor to the restaurant. In the restaurant, Bison and his mother hadn't appeared yet, his sister Hribel and two other little guys had already arrived.

"Sifah, come on."

Herebelle pulled him over: "There is a circus show in the Joewood district in the afternoon, how about we go and watch it together?"

"Circus?" Sifa touched his nose and said casually, "Well, it's just that the fog is so dense today, I'm worried that I will get lost."

Heribelle said disapprovingly: "We can take a carriage. The local groom can't make a mistake, unless he doesn't want a tip."

The little boy Chom cried out, "I and Pasha are going together too!"

Pasha, a commoner, shook her head timidly: "I didn't..."

Herebel rubbed Pasha's hair, made a grimace at Chaom, and said, "Don't go the kid, lest the tiger and lion **** their pants in fright."

Chaum said angrily: "I'm not a kid anymore, I can't pee my pants long ago."

At this time, Anilu's voice sounded from the door: "Good morning, children, what are you talking about?"

Chaum immediately ran over and took his mother's hand: "Mom, my sister is bullying me. She and Brother Sifa are going to the circus show, but they refuse to take me and Pasha, and they say I can pee my pants."

Ai Nilu smiled softly and knelt down and said to Chaum: "Brother and sister have their social contacts, so don't join in the fun."

She said to Sifa again: "Your father had an event in the wharf area in the evening. He prepared some winter clothes and food to distribute to the workers there. If you can help, he will be very happy."

"Wharf area?"

Xifa frowned insignificantly. It's not a good idea to go to the East Side and the Docklands now. He said, "Why go to the Docklands? Can't he hold events elsewhere?"

Ai Nilu smiled and responded: "He has his own considerations, it doesn't matter, if you don't have time, you don't have to go."

Xifa nodded slightly, and then hinted: "You should persuade him. The place in the dock area is very chaotic and there are many potential dangers. He had better not go in person and let someone else do it for him."

Next, he stopped talking about this topic, but moved to his sister's studies.

In the afternoon, after lunch, Sefa saw Heribel who was dressed in men's clothing. She wore a peaked cap on her head to hide her long hair.

"Let's go." Hribel pulled Sifa out with gusto, "I haven't seen a circus show yet."

I didn't...Sifah thought in his heart.

When they walked out of the villa, they saw fog drifting in front of them. Although in the afternoon, the fog was not as thick as the morning, but in the recent period of time, today can be regarded as a dense fog.

"Everything is good here, but the fog is too thick."

"Elena also told me a joke about Backlund smog."

"A gentleman who had just arrived in Backlund lost his way in the thick smog and had to ask the wet gentleman who passed by, and asked him'how to get the Tasok River', the gentleman was very kind. He replied: "Go straight, don't stop, I just swam up from there."

"It's a pity that I can't appreciate the humor in this. This will only make me feel that the pollution in this place is too serious, and the Kingdom must take good care of those soot-emitting factories."

In such small talks, the three people of Xifa arrived in the Jowood district near the Tussock River in a rental carriage, where the Les Circus performed today.