I Am Breaking the Dimensional Wall In the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 536: Unpredictable

Maybe it’s because the New Year is approaching. Although today is not a holiday or a holiday, there are a lot of guests in the circus. Clowns with big smiles are walking among the guests, making all kinds of weird moves. The crowd burst into laughter from time to time.

Because the circus hadn't started yet, Heribell pulled Sifa into the tents selling pies, crepes, fruit pies and alcoholic beverages. The girl looked very excited, and the smile on her face never stopped.

Except for her being stopped by Xifa when she was about to drink the second alcoholic drink, and pouting her mouth in protest, Hribel was in an extremely beautiful mood in the afternoon, and she was not affected by the smog.

"Sifaxifa, let's go there!" Holding a disi pie in her hand, Hribel pointed to the tent with the sign of'divination hut' hanging in front.

"Do you still believe that?" Xifa didn't forget that his sister was on the ‘apprentice’ path. The sequence 7 of this path was the ‘astrologer’. Then she would have the ability to divination, and there was no need to find someone else for divination.

"Let's play, let's go!" My sister bit the pie into her mouth, and she pulled up Sifa without a lady, and went straight to the divination hut.

The light in the hut was dim, and inside sat a woman wearing a country wizard's pointed hat and classical black robe, but with red, yellow, and blue paint on her face.

Seeing a visitor coming in, she raised her head and asked, "Do you want to divination?"


Heliber pressed Sifa to the chair: "Madam, please fortune telling for my elder brother."

"Okay, what do you want to divination?" the tall lady asked with a smile.

Xifa shrugged his shoulders and said casually: "Fate, or the future?"

"No problem." The woman wearing a pointed hat raised her hand, swept aside the tarot cards placed on the table, took out a crystal ball from under the table and placed it on it.

I thought you were going to use tarot cards for divination, crystal ball, she wouldn't be an ‘astrologer’, right? If it is, then she is playing the role of digesting potions.........Sifa's thoughts diverged, and then she heard the fortuneteller's low and dull voice.

"Put your hand on the crystal ball, and then repeatedly ask in your heart what you want to divination."

Xifa obeyed. He put his hands on the crystal ball and felt a chill. He looked at the crystal ball, but did not follow the instructions of the fortuneteller. He remembered that Bison would be holding a charity event in the wharf area tonight, and was curious. What kind of performances will there be at the circus, and finally thought of what to eat for dinner.

As his thoughts were diverging, he saw the fortuneteller press the crystal ball with his hands, his blue eyes shrank slightly, and then said in an ethereal tone: "Your future is shrouded in a cloud of mist, and your destiny is elusive. ......"

Hehe, the standard god-stick tone, anyway, everything you say is right...Sifah smiled and would withdraw his hand.

At this time, the fortuneteller in front of him raised his head and looked at Xifa with deep eyes: "You have a soul that does not belong to this era..."


There seemed to be a thunder in Xifa's mind. He almost jumped up and threw a fireball at the fortune-teller in front of him.

Doesn't belong to the soul of this age?

Did she really predict that I am a traverser?

At this moment, music sounded outside, which signaled that the circus was about to begin.

Heliber immediately pulled up Sifa, and dropped 1 Su Le and said, "We will come again next time."


After sending away the three of Xifa, the fortune-teller sat down again, took out a notepad, frowned and said: "This prologue is still not very good. The souls that do not belong to this era are too exaggerated and the sense of mystery is too strong. Too much like the tone of a sacred stick, although I am a sacred stick, no, no, I am a fortuneteller, an interpreter of destiny."

"Well, I'll modify it a little bit..."

Just behind the tent of the divination hut, at this moment, a tall lady was standing. She wore an Intis-style dress and an old-fashioned soft hat, and squinted her eyes slightly. Valley

"I have seen him, but I can't make a'prophecy' for him, it's not scientific..."

She gently covered her mouth: "No kid, I said everything my father often talks about."

"In short, he has a ‘secret’. Perhaps, he can really interpret the mysterious symbols created by his father and help me solve the ‘mystery’."

"It's a pity that I have to leave temporarily and can only approach him later."

The lady left the circus with her head down. She got into a carriage, and the groom pulled the reins, controlled the horse to turn around, and left the Joe Wood area, leaving Backlund.

When we came to the depths of a forest, the carriage stopped, the door opened, and the tall lady got out of the carriage, and then reached out and patted the carriage.

A piece of colorful light shone from the carriage of the carriage, from the steed pulling the carriage, and from the body of the groom. After the light flashed, there were still carriages and horsemen in the forest, only a big pumpkin, two brown squirrels and a clumsy owl.

The circus performance is wonderful.

On the way home, Helibelle also excitedly talked about the black bear that can only step on the rolling ball, the cheetah that can penetrate the circle of fire, the monkey that rides on the tiger...

When she walked into the house, Helibelle said: "They still have a New Year celebration. When that happens, let's call mom and dad to watch it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Xifa nodded, and heard Bison's voice from behind: "Good afternoon, children. What did you just say, the New Year celebration?"

Hribel turned around and took her father's arm intimately: "Yes, Dad. In the afternoon, I went to see a circus show with Xifa. It was really wonderful."

"They will perform in the New Year, shall we go and watch it together?"

Bison laughed, "It sounds funny, so let's say it."

Xifa frowned and said, "Has the event in the dock area been cancelled?"

Without cancellation, Bison shouldn't be at home at this time.

"No, I have something to do temporarily, let your mother take the place of me to host the event. As you said, that event is not my must, and I think the image of your mother is more suitable than me." Byson said , While striding towards the second floor.

Xifa looked outside the gate, and it was almost evening. Instead of disappearing, the fog gradually thickened.

He said to Hellie Belle: "I'll go to the dock area, and I don't have to wait for me and Barr for dinner."

"Are you going to pick up mom?"


"Then you come back soon."


Sifa and Levtor came to the street and took a taxi to the dock area.

At the same moment, Red Rose Manor.

The door opened and a carriage came out of the manor. Klein was sitting in the carriage. He had just completed a series of investigations in the manor. He had just completed a series of investigations in the manor. He was originally only to deal with the prince's commission, but he accidentally obtained some information from a maid's mouth.

Prince Edsack’s lover has a problem, that young lady is the murderer who cursed Talim!

PS: Today is Christmas Eve, boys should protect themselves ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)