I Am Breaking the Dimensional Wall In the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 572: Summon the messenger

When everyone's eyes turned towards him, Klein became tangled after the gray fog.

He thought that he should pretend to admit it indifferently, or say nothing. After recalling the setting of The Fool, he quickly made a decision.

"Kavituwa became a demigod by relying on the relics of the 'Scourge' Cohinam."

He chuckled lightly, his tone indifferent, perfectly fitting the setting of The Fool.

'Scourge' Cohinam?

It sounds like a high-level elf, and the name is very elf-like. Previously, 'The Hanged Man' mentioned that Laticia found an ancient elf's residence, so it is likely that Kavitua directly devoured a certain characteristic to become the **** of the sea. See what you hear, and make a judgment in your heart.

After everyone fell into their own thoughts for a while, The World requested Mr. Fool's help to create an image, showed it to the left and right, and said, "Anyone of you know her?"

Xifa looked up and was really stunned. The woman in the image has bright red hair, a bright face, and a pair of green eyes like gems. Although her complexion is not fair enough, she is healthy.

But these are not important, the important thing is that Sifa knew her.


The woman who was imprisoned on the ship by Vice Admiral Sick, seemed to be the woman who Tracy liked. Sifah sent her to Sunia Island, and there was no contact after that.

Unexpectedly, now she will be shown by the 'world'.

Knowing that the 'world' is Klein, Sifa believed that he would not do anything to hurt the girl, so he calmly said: "I know her, she is the prisoner of 'Lieutenant General' Tracy, the pirate general seems to like it very much she."

"But I heard that this lady has left Tracy."

The Lady Hermit sitting on the other side also said calmly: "The red-haired Elaine has the blood of the Intis Sauron family, a broken noble lady."

"She has worked as a seaman, but I heard that she was captured by Tracy, as Mr. Chariot said, but I don't know that she is out of Tracy's control."

Saying that, Cattleya looked towards Xifa and had some thoughts in her heart.

The 'chariot' looks like a nobleman from Loen, but he seems to have very well-informed information at sea. Even a pirate general's private affairs are so well known. Who would he be?

After consulting everyone, there was no follow-up to The World. For Klein, it was enough to have a preliminary grasp of Elaine's information. Knowing her relationship with Lieutenant General of Disease was beneficial to his next actions.

At this moment, Miss Justice said, "I've been following the trail of the spiritual dragon recently, and I went to a place where there is a custom of worshipping dragons."

Next, Miss 'Justice' briefly mentioned the ancient ballad, but did not say the specific content. Sifa thought it was Miss 'Justice' who was afraid of being judged by the lyrics of the specific area, thus guessing her identity.

Although this noble lady is innocent, she still has some caution, not that kind of silly and sweet.

"I was walking in a messy dreamland and came to the 'edge' of my own consciousness, and then according to the 'embodiment method' learned by Mr. Fool, I created a ladder that went down layer by layer, like an underwater iceberg. the realm of his own subconscious..."

Listening to Miss Justice's description, Xifa frowned. He felt that it was too dangerous to do so. Although he was not an 'audience', he was not proficient in the spiritual realm.

But he also knows that human consciousness is the most fickle, and there is no physical protection in that place. If it is attacked, the consequences will be disastrous.

Next, Miss Justice also mentioned a giant dragon with gray rock-like scales that flew through the sea of ​​collective subconsciousness, which made Sifa lament her boldness.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what advice do you have? Do you think the dragon's 'city of miracles', Levishid, is also hidden in this collective subconscious sea?"

"If I want to continue exploring, what do I need to pay attention to? What do I need to prepare in advance?"

The Hanged Man glanced at The Hermit for some reason, and then said, "I don't think you should continue exploring."

Sifa nodded lightly in agreement.

Cattleya the Hermit also nodded and gave similar advice.

Miss Justice was slightly disappointed but still heartily accepted everyone's opinions. Next, the "moon" and "sun" debated in the history of the City of Silver.

In their speech, Xifa knew that the 'Goddess of Harvest' was originally called Omi Bella, and then the 'Hermit' pointed out that Omi Bella was the 'Goddess of Harvest' of the Second Age, and the queen of the royal court of giants. The goddess Rumors have fallen at the end of the Second Age, but it cannot be confirmed.

Cattleya deserves to be the adopted daughter of the 'Queen of Mysteries'. She does know a lot in esotericism and hidden historical knowledge... Sifa glanced at the 'Hermit' opposite, thinking of this lady Books in the cabinet in the captain's room.

After another exchange, this week's Tarot Club came to an end. Everyone stood up and saluted, disappearing into the ancient palace one after another.


future number.

Returning to reality, Cattleya glanced at the broken planetarium on the desk. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com seriously recalled what happened at the party just now. After being silent for ten seconds, she took out a pen and paper and wrote the content. .

‘Recently, someone is consciously collecting the emperor’s diary. ’

She wrote and folded it, and then, like last time, took out a delicate golden harmonica and played it, and the letter on the table disappeared strangely. The whole process only took two or three seconds, and she didn't notice the arrival of a messenger.



Xifa was busy setting up the altar, sacrificing gold pounds to pay for the Hermit and the World respectively, and after a while, he received the Tree Man Root and the Messenger Summoning Spell from Mr. Fool one after another. ’

After getting the things, Xifa tidied up the room, called Calvin over first, gave him the 'Tree Man Roots', and asked him to be promoted to 'Magician' as soon as possible.

Next, he began to prepare for the ritual of summoning spirit creatures. According to the method provided by the 'world', he set up an altar and filled the captain's room with the fragrance of herbs and essential oils.

He built a spiritual wall, lit the candle that symbolized himself, flowed through the three-segment incantation provided by 'World' in his mind, and relived the entire process.

After confirming that there was no mistake, Xifa took a deep breath, took a step back, and said in ancient Hermes.


"I call in my name."

""The spirit wandering in the void, the friendly creature that can be driven, is willing to be the unique existence of my messenger. "


A strong wind blew from the wall of spirituality, blowing all of Sifa's hair backwards, making him almost breathless. At this moment, the candles flickered, suddenly turned blue, and a white expanse filled the captain's room. The water mist, like the morning mist at sea, slowly diffused in the room...