I Am Breaking the Dimensional Wall In the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 586: new member

"Since last night, the police in Feysac have been conducting investigations. Every hotel and every guest has been recorded. Because we stayed at the hotel yesterday and arrived two days early, there is no suspicion. , this is allowed to leave." O'Neill said with some fear, after all, the relationship between Loen and Feysac is not friendly, and if those with Loen's faces are marked as suspects, they are likely to be sent to prison.

Of course, they can resist, they can flee. But in that case, it is bound to be wanted, so that places with Feysac Empire forces in the sea cannot be casually haunted.

"By the way, Gilcias' bounty has increased. I saw the newly posted bounty order in the morning, and his bounty has risen to 63250 Goldhorn."

Naifei said with a wink.

Goldhorn is the top unit in the currency system of the Feysac Empire, and below it are the silver and the kopeck.

According to the current exchange rate, 1 gold pound is equivalent to 5.5 gold horns.

That is to say, the bounty of the 'Slaughter' has risen to 11,500 gold pounds. Of course, the bounty is now limited to Feysac, and the bounty in other regions should not have been adjusted.

After all, for pirates, the amount of bounty offered by various countries varies. Even if Feysac increases the bounty of Gilcias, other countries will not adjust it immediately, unless the deeds of the 'Slaughter' in Faust spread, will be mobilized.

I wonder if the real Gilcias will be pleasantly surprised to find that his bounty has risen? Sifa laughed and dried the bread in three or two bites.


At noon two days later, they arrived in the small town of Gran, and Sifa took Levtor and asked the others to return to the 'Exploration' first.

He and Cattleya agreed to meet at sea tonight, so there is still half a day for him to see the watchmaker, no, it's a 'craftsman'.

A moment later, he saw Harry's beautiful watch shop, with its dark gray sloped roof, and the white chimneys were slowly wafting out small clouds of gray smoke.

Xifa stepped forward, pushed open the door, and let the rattle inside make a crisp chime.

Inside the small shop, Harry was repairing an old-fashioned wall clock behind the counter, and there were tools next to it. Seeing this scene, Sifa was slightly disappointed.

It seemed that Harry had no intention of leaving with him, otherwise the shop should have been cleaned up, and he wouldn't have continued to repair the clocks.

Harry's black cat was lying on the counter eating dried fish, and saw the "meow" of Cefa, this time it didn't run away, it seemed to have remembered the "regular customer" of Cefa.

Harry raised his head with a shy smile: "Mr. Riley, are you back?"

Xifa nodded and smiled, "Is my harmonica ready?"

"We have already done."

Harry took a box out of the drawer and opened it, and inside it lay a silver harmonica with a beautifully patterned surface that looked pleasing to the eye.

Sifah picked it up, resisted the urge to try to summon Miss Verrier with a sigh, and restrained it into his pocket, asking, "How much do I need to pay?"

Harry shook his head. "No, you helped me save Mr. Abbott, so you don't have to pay anything."

"Thank you then."

Sypha pulled his hat and said, "If there is nothing else, I won't bother, and leave."


Harry whispered: "Wait, I want to leave with you, but I have to help Mr. Claude fix this clock, and I want to give Lacey to him to keep."


Sifah looked at the black cat beside him.

Harry scratched the black cat's head lightly: "It's it, it was my first friend in Gran Town, but now, I can't take it with me anymore."

"Just wait for me, I'll just adjust the clock."


Sifa found a chair next to him and sat down, feeling a little overjoyed. He didn't expect Harry to decide to join the 'Exploration', so the number of members on the ship increased again.

And in the future, if you acquire Extraordinary characteristics, you can also give it to Harry to create magical items and distribute them to the members of the ship.

As for Harry's promotion, Sifah is not very worried. He has now established a connection with Cattleya. There is a 'Queen of Mysteries' behind Cattleya. As the daughter of Emperor Roselle, Sifah believes that the 'queen' must master the craftsman. The potion formula of the pathway, at least under the demigods, should not be a problem.

Of course, he will not buy it directly from Cattleya, he will raise it at the Tarot meeting to avoid exposing the fact that there are 'craftsmen' on his ship.

After a while, the door of the watch shop was pushed open again, and an old gentleman walked in. He had white hair and a kind face. After entering the door, he first licked Harry's black cat, and then greeted Harry.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Harry."

Harry raised his head: "Good afternoon, Mr. Claude. I have adjusted your clock for you. As long as you remember to maintain it on time, at least within ten years, there will be no major problems."

"That's really nice," said the old gentleman happily.

He then said with a look of regret: "Harry, are you really leaving? We all miss you. Yesterday, Mrs. Gosta said that after you left, I'm afraid we will never find someone as good as you in the future. Watchmaker."

Harry took the rag and wiped the old-fashioned wall clock again: "I'm sorry, Mr. Claude, I want to look everywhere. If there is a chance in the future, I will come back here and settle down."

"Then I'm still looking forward to it. I hope I can live to see you again." The old gentleman looked at the black cat. "As for Lacey, don't worry, I will take good care of it."

Harry coughed dryly: "Don't let it eat too much, don't make it fat, let it exercise more."

The old gentleman laughed and said, "No problem."

After sending the old man and the cat away, Harry raised his head, looked around, and took out a suitcase: "Okay, let's go, Mr. Reilly."

Sifa nodded.

After leaving the watch shop, Harry locked the door with great care, carefully put the key close to him, put on his hat, and nodded slightly to Cifer.

In the evening, when they stepped on the deck of the Discovery, Sifah called Nefi and the others to the captain's room, introduced Harry to them, and then said to Navigator: "Please help me with Mr. Kiki and let him prepare food. We're hosting a welcome party to welcome our new member, Mr. Harry!"

Mick nodded, left the captain's room, and went straight to the kitchen.

Sifa patted Harry on the shoulder and smiled, "This will be your home from now on."

It was night, the lights on the Discovery were bright, the sailors were playing cheerful tunes with their harps or lyres, and Nefi pulled Harry into a pirate dance on the deck.

When Sifa leaned against the side of the boat with a wine glass, a small boat came quietly. On the boat, Frank Lee raised his head and showed his white teeth: "Mr. Rayleigh, the captain wants to see you."

PS: Thanks for the rewards of children's shoes such as 'Mountains and Rivers Wuyan' and 'Kavi'~