I Am Breaking the Dimensional Wall In the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 773: revenge drama

Above the gray fog.

Klein, who held the 'Tyrant Card' and held the Sea God's Scepter, put on the triple crown and the Pope's robe at this time. Will, with a funny smile.

Countless images flashed in his mind, including Dunn Smith who squeezed his left eye with a smile, his heart pierced, the Blackthorn Security Company in ruins, and the one he saw before his last death. Those shiny leather boots... these shoes are still on Ince Zangwill's feet.

"Do you like my gift?" Klein said silently to himself.

He used a spell just now. It was a spell of 'Distress' made by Klein praying to the 'Goddess of the Night' and using the blood and precious metals of Will Auceptin the Serpent of Mercury.

The power transformed by the spell has already acted on Ince Zangwill. This is the arrow of revenge that Klein shot at this man. This is the curse of God!

At the same time, it is also the first act of this "show".


In the square, Ince Zangwill's 'spiritual world shuttle' ability failed. His eyes flickered, and suddenly he heard the evil spirit in his body quarreling with him.

"Look, listen to me earlier and nothing will happen!"

"Bah, let me believe in the 'true creator' rather than let me die!"

"What's the use of listening to you? Wasn't it the same as us, who was made into a potion by Arista Tudor."

"So you're not nervous at all? Didn't you find that the curse just now had an obvious divine aura? The nature of the power is also very high. With our current state, there is definitely no way to avoid it, haha, arguing, keep arguing, I waiting to die with you."

"Shut up, there is a demigod of Thief nearby, can't you notice it?"

"The thief? What, is the little crow here?"

Ince Zangwill heard the blue veins jumping on his forehead, but he did not affect his judgment because of anger. He turned around quickly and ran to one of the exits of the Resurrection Square at a high speed.

But at this time, a 'net' made of flames fell from the sky, and the flames woven into this net were dark and quiet, burning quietly, but Ince Zangwill instinctively felt dangerous.

This is a 'dark flame', which can continue to burn and is sticky, and it is difficult to be extinguished!

After stealing the ability of the 'spirit world shuttle', seeing that Ince Zangwill wanted to run, Xifa immediately spread out his hands and threw a net made of 'dark flames'.

Then the right foot stepped forward heavily, boom, the light blue and nearly white 'frost flames' spewed and spread, and quickly rushed to the target. Gerwell is completely blocked!

"What's the matter, this 'hunter', can you 'hunters' manipulate such a strange flame?"

"Don't you know that when we reach the level of demigods, we can manipulate many kinds of flames?"

"Hehe, why didn't you use these strange flames when you were fighting with us?"

"That's because I don't need it, your level is too low."

The evil spirits in his body quarreled again. Ince Zangwill endured extreme discomfort, restrained his anger, and made the light in the square disappear, turning dark, as if night had fallen.

In the thick and deep darkness, there was the sound of Rin singing poetry, which was quiet and serene, rousing people to sleep, causing Xifa to be dazed for a moment, his whole body relaxed, his eyelids were as heavy as a thousand pounds, and he fell asleep when he wanted to fall to the ground.

This made the net made of 'dark flames' and the 'frost flames' that froze all things in the dark, losing their original power. Ince Zangwill took the opportunity to roll on the ground and let the gradually disappearing The large black net covered the empty space, and the light blue and nearly white flames went out before reaching the designated target.

But at this moment, a figure appeared on the edge of the square. He looked like a mix of Loen and Balam people, with a fleshy face, loose clothes, and a thin stabbing sword on his waist.

This is "Admiral Hell" Ludwell!

This is the Secret Puppet and will not be affected by the ability of the Sequence 4 'Night Watchman'!

After throwing the 'Curse of God' talisman, Klein has returned to the real world, busy controlling two marionettes.

He manipulated the 'winner' Enzuo to find a nearby corner to hide, took out the prepared items, and arranged a ceremony to pray for gifts; the other man's pants manipulated the 'Admiral of Hell' Ludwell to walk out of the hiding spot and face Ince Zan. Gerwell.

At this moment, the 'Admiral Hell', who could no longer see his original appearance, raised his right hand. His arms, forearms, and fingers quickly blurred, swelled rapidly, and grabbed towards the target.

This is Ludwell's ability to extract other people's spiritual bodies from the air with the help of the underworld creatures in his body!

This is the second act of Crane's 'show'!

The palm of Admiral Hell turned pale, and above Ince Zangwill's head, a figure floated up in an unstoppable posture.

The 'Red Angel' evil spirit in his body will be pulled out.

Ince Zangwill could no longer care about maintaining the ability of the 'Night Watchman'. As a former 'gatekeeper', a mysterious and illusory bronze gate took shape immediately in his eyes, pulling back the spirit body that was about to emerge.

The ability of the 'Night Watchman' disappeared, and the square regained its original light. Cifer woke up and saw the figure above Ince Zangwill, and immediately understood that Klein was going to remove the energy inside Ince Zangwill. Evil spirit, weaken his power.

From the battle at Port Damil, it is basically known that Ince Zangwill's strength puzzle is provided by his own personality abilities, spiritual or underworld creatures, 'spectator' pathway level 0 sealed objects, and evil spirits in his body. These four parts are composed.

Klein was planning to nibble away the strength puzzle of the collapsed Ince Zangwill step by step.

Knowing this, Xifa immediately raised his arm and made a nearly transparent flame appear in his hand. This is 'Feng Yan'. It has no color and temperature, and it is even difficult to observe, but it can cause great damage to the spirit body!

A long spear condensed by 'Yan Yan' swept away silently, the colorless and almost transparent flame without a trace of power, plus the 'conspiracy' covered by Xifa, until it hit Ince Zangger The figure above Will's head was noticed by the evil spirit.

The long spear melted through the evil spirit's chest, leaving a large gap in the mouth of the bowl, allowing the evil spirit to let out a roar, but the melted part was quickly filled with black aura and healed instantly.

At this time, next to Admiral Hell, two silhouettes quickly appeared. One is Leonard Mitchell with black hair and blue eyes and wearing transparent gloves, and the other is Daly Simone with blue eye shadow and the same blush.

The other two "actors" of the revenge drama also appeared!

PS: Rest tomorrow, have a good weekend~


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