I Am Breaking the Dimensional Wall In the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 857: Royal 3rd Fleet

Monday morning.

Pritz Harbour, Oak Island, Royal Naval Base.

Early in the morning, thousands of navy soldiers filled the training ground on the training ground of the base. Looking around, the shadows and shadows on the ground were very spectacular.

On the high platform of the training ground, officers from the naval system looked at the soldiers below. Some were smiling, some were silent, some were pulling a face, and some were constantly looking at the road outside the base.

On the training ground, people were full of voices.

The soldiers were sitting or standing, discussing what was assembled today.

"Who do you know, what is the reason for bringing us together today?"

"Needless to say, there must be an adult who wants to visit."

While several soldiers were laughing and discussing, an older soldier said, "Don't you know? A new general will come to the base today."

This soldier has a bronze complexion and has some sunburn marks on his arms. He looks very strong, with thick hair, and he seems to be sitting on the ground casually, but his eyes are surprisingly sharp.

This is a veteran with rich combat experience.

"The new general?"

"Which officer has been promoted?"

"Why didn't I hear about this."

Soldiers look at me and I look at you, all shaking their heads, indicating that they do not know.

The veteran smiled and shook his head: "These things, you rookies who have only been trained for three months and haven't even been on the battlefield don't know, isn't it normal?"

"I'll tell you."

"That new general, I heard that he was transferred from the colony of the southern continent."

The veteran laughed.

At this time, someone whispered: "I heard that it is a noble young master."

"What, it turns out that the noble young masters are here again." A soldier said with some disdain.

The veteran glanced at him and said, "There are also real men among the noble young masters, for example, Chief Alfred, who I once followed."

"Although he is the son of the earl, he is braver than anyone else on the battlefield."

The soldier shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've heard of this commander too, but there's only one Commander Alfred."

"But each of those rank is scarier than the other, but the actual ability is less than the weaker noble officers?"

"Let's not talk about the distance, just take our base as an example."

"There are many noble officers who only sit in the office and drink coffee and read newspapers. They usually serve in the base for two to three years and then leave, and then start politics."

"Serving in service just makes their profile look a little prettier."

The veteran was speechless. This phenomenon does exist, and there are quite a few.

At this moment, a roar of a naval colonel sounded on the training ground: "All stand for me, line up, don't embarrass me!"


The soldiers got up one after another, threw away their biting cigarettes, sorted out their uniforms, grabbed their rifles, and lined up quickly.

Soon, the originally scattered soldiers quickly formed a neat phalanx.

At this time, they saw that a carriage with the badge of the Navy entered through the gate of the base and came to the training ground.

The door opens.

First, a young man in a navy captain's uniform came down from the inside. He looked at the training ground nervously, then stood to one side, straightened his body, and gave a military salute.

Then, a young man in his early twenties got off the carriage.

He was wearing a straight admiral's uniform, white gloves, black military boots, and an officer's hat in his hand. The golden general's badge on the hat reflected the sunlight.

The soldiers in the front row were okay, and the soldiers in the back were already whispering.

"Is this the new general?"

"It's too young, isn't it? When he goes to the battlefield, he won't be scared to pee his pants, right?"

"Isn't the kingdom too casual now, it's fine for these noble young masters to go to the office to take a dip, and now even generals can be casually?"

"It's fine if you have money, haha."

"This kind of young master can become a general, and everyone in our navy has a responsibility!"

Hearing the soldiers talking, the colonel in charge of managing them looked ugly and shouted loudly, "Quiet me!"

"What about your discipline?"

"Have you forgotten? Whoever makes a sound again, give me a hundred laps of the training ground!"

Immediately, the soldiers quieted down, and then looked at the young general with disdain and playfulness in their eyes.

The colonel wiped his sweat and introduced the soldiers: "This is Lieutenant General Westfa, who was personally awarded by our esteemed His Majesty the King. General Westfa once discovered and participated in the conspiracy to prevent the Feysacs from attacking Pritz Harbor last year. "

"In addition, General Westfa also fought against pirates at sea as a hunter, and his name once made pirates fearful."

"Before returning to China, General Xifa also assisted our colonial army in suppressing the rebel army in the southern continent, and annihilated the members of the Rose School many times."

"Because of the great military exploits of General Westfa, the kingdom specially ordered General Westfa to lead our Royal Navy's Third Fleet!"

"From today, Lieutenant General Sifa will be our supreme commander!"

"Now, let the general speak!"

The colonel raised his two thigh-thick arms and applauded vigorously.

Under his leadership, the soldiers also applauded, but the applause was definitely not warm, which made the colonel's expression extremely ugly.

After the sparse applause stopped, the soldier saw that the young general smiled and looked around.


Every soldier's body and mind trembled involuntarily, and an indescribably huge fear suddenly occupied their body and mind without any warning.

This fear is uncontrollable and cannot be concealed, as if facing up to what they do not understand, beyond their knowledge.

It's like adding information, strength, spirituality and other measures in addition to length, width, and height.

That is something that ordinary humans cannot understand at all, but in their inner spirituality, every cell is instinctively afraid and afraid.

This huge impact swept the entire training ground, and even the officers on the high platform who were watching the excitement and other captains were also affected.


On the training ground, the soldiers fell to the ground feeling weak after holding on for less than a second. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Not only them, but even the officers and Beyonders had the urge to feel dizzy and nauseous.

Fortunately, this feeling, this shock passed in a flash.

But in a short time, they couldn't get up.

They don't know or understand that what they have just come into contact with is divinity.

There is only a very rare strand of divinity, even smaller than a strand of hair.

Even so, their spirits are still destroyed and their brains are impacted.

If the ray of divinity is bigger, it will last longer.

I am afraid that most of the people here will die on the spot, or go completely crazy.

At this time, in a huge training field, only the young general was still standing.

He still had a smile on his face.

Suddenly, everyone understood.

The shock that I had just received, the fear that floated up, and the discomfort that appeared all came from that general!

What a terrifying method this is!

Without any movement or words, he brought down all the soldiers and officers on the entire training ground.

If this is on the battlefield....

I can not imagine!

At this point, as long as his mind is still normal, he will no longer doubt the strength of that general!

Perhaps he is indeed from a noble family, but this is definitely not a young master who only sits in the office drinking coffee and reading newspapers!

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