I Am Breaking the Dimensional Wall In the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 880: Games start

Sifa was walking around in the living room, sorting out her thoughts.

"I still have to go to Binger Town again, and use my own humanoid radar to see if it senses anything."

"If that magical radio station is still in Binger Town, as a 'war bishop', you should be able to feel its attraction and call."

"As long as it is a Sealed Artifact corresponding to the Sequence 2 of the 'Hunter' pathway..."

He gradually had an idea.

"In addition, I have a rubbing symbol that can establish a connection with it. I can ask Calvin to help with divination to see if I can find clues."

"If Calvin doesn't gain anything, I'll ask Klein for help..."

"Tsk, it looks like it's going to be quite busy tonight."

At night, Xifa first used the 'Traveler's Landscape' to go to Tingen. After leaving a projection to hide people's eyes and ears, Xifa's figure quickly disappeared in the base lounge.

In the spiritual world, he saw quite a few strange and magnificent wind shadows, and also passed by many, all kinds of strange creatures.

After a while.

The color is rich, and the block-layered scene quickly fades away and becomes normal.

When Xifa re-entered reality, he had come to the outskirts of Tingen City, heard the sound of rushing water, and felt the quiet night.

It seems that Tingen City is still not affected by the war. It is still the same as before. After Xifa has slightly discerned the direction, he quickly entered the urban area.

Came to Kevin's residence.

Before Xifa stepped forward, he felt being watched. Under the guidance of spirituality, he looked over and slapped a mouse in the face.

After the mouse saw him, he stood up and bowed.

The corners of Sifa's mouth twitched slightly.

This strange picture undoubtedly tells him that this mouse is Calvin's marionette.

Sure enough, before he knocked on the door, the door opened by itself.

The "diver" who met at the end of the day smiled and said behind the door, "Good evening, Captain."

Walking into the living room, Sifah saw another Secret Puppet of Calvin.

The half-lion obtained in the 'Dark Corridor', a 'Apostle of Desire'.

This demihuman is wearing a dark cloak, mask, and hood.

Very mysterious.

Sifa looked around, but couldn't see Harry the Craftsman, and then heard Calvin's words.

"Harry is in the basement."

"Do you need me to call him up?"

Sifa shook his head, this time he didn't come to find a 'craftsman'.

Taking out the piece of paper with the symbol printed on it, Sifah put it on the table: "I've been tracking something recently, it might be a radio station."

Calvin was stunned for a moment, then said, "I bet it's not an ordinary radio station."

"Yes, it may correspond to Sequence 2 of my pathway."

Calvin nodded and understood the purpose of Sifa's visit tonight: "Do you want me to track it down?"

"That's right."

Sifa pointed to the symbol on the paper and said, "The thing called 'Scuard' established a connection with an old typewriter with the help of this symbol."

"Through that typography, it predicted the weather for a small town, extreme weather, the kind that would bring disaster."

"You can see if you can predict its location through this symbol. Remember, you may be in danger because of this."

"So, you can figure it out. If you feel dangerous, stop, and I will find another way."

Calvin nodded and said, "I will try, but I'm afraid I won't be able to give you an answer right away."

"It doesn't matter, tell me when you have the answer, you know how to summon my messenger." Sifa finished, paused, and then said, "The war has broken out, although Tingen City has not been affected, but you better Prepare more food."

He took out the money he had prepared in the morning from his pocket, a total of 1,000 pounds, put it on the table and said, "Tell me if it's not enough."

Calvin was stunned for a moment, then said, "Captain, we can take care of ourselves."

Sifa smiled: "I know."

Then released Mr. X's projection, let him catch him, and use 'teleport'.

Seeing that the two figures became transparent in the room, Calvin bowed slightly to the position where Cefa was just now, and then asked the Secret Puppet to put away the money. He himself went to the basement to find Harry and told him that Cefa had just been here.

Another short trip to the spiritual world.

Soon, according to the spiritual world coordinates given by Xifa, Mr. X's projection has brought him to Binger Town.

The two entered reality, and before Xifa could stand firm, he heard a 'woo', and the whistling wind made his hat almost fly into the air.

Sifa was startled.

There seems to be another abnormal weather in Binger Town.

Skuard is back?

bang bang bang.

The doors and windows of the nearby houses kept rattling in the strong wind, as if a hurricane was hitting the town, and Xifa saw that many roof fragments were rolled into the sky.

He first recovered the projection, and then used the 'steel body' to make himself heavier, making it difficult for him to be blown away by the wind.

Only in this way can Xifa be able to walk in the town as usual.

The whole town was gray, because a lot of sand was scraped into the air, which turbid the air and reduced visibility.

Sifa found a horse lantern in a nearby house, and after lighting it, he walked in the wind-ravaged town with the lantern.

He went to church first.

That church is a stone building, and it won't be easily damaged like other houses.

And, the 'substitute punishment' is still in town, there should be someone in the church at this moment.

It wasn't long before Sifa saw the small Church of the Storm.

Sure enough, it wasn't damaged, but the wind here seemed to be more violent, the door was open, and it was dark inside with no light.

Sifa entered the church, walked through a dark and gloomy aisle, and came to the prayer hall.

The windows here were broken, the wind was blowing in, the tables and chairs were overturned, and the altar was in chaos. It seemed that Xifa had a bad premonition.

Suddenly, his inspiration was touched.

Sifa raised his head sharply.

I saw a gust of wind hovering at the top of the church, and there were even electric lights flashing from time to time.


Floating at the top of the hall, the person who was blown everywhere by the strong wind!

Xifa is there, UU reading www.uukanshu. com saw a familiar face.

The leader of the 'Punisher' squad, Leon!

He is also in the floating man.

Except for his face, other parts of him have become coke, like being struck by lightning countless times, but those lightning strikes have subtly avoided his face.

Pedal! pedal! pedal!

The footsteps sounded.

Cepha lowered his head and saw a man in a dark blue priest's robe coming from the altar. Behind him, the huge 'Storm Sacred Emblem' composed of symbols such as strong winds, waves, and thunder on the altar suddenly fell and smashed the ground.

When he got closer, Sifah recognized it as the old priest.

The old man was extremely frightened, his face was bloody, and his eyes were scorched black.

There are no eyelids, only two dark eye sockets.

He trembled and said to Cifah, "He asked me to tell you that the game has just begun."


The old pastor suddenly murmured in his mouth, followed by a wow, and spit out a mouthful of water.

There was a clump of seaweed floating in the water.

He vomited non-stop, like a sea in his stomach, not only from his mouth, but also from his nostrils.

Not only seaweed was spit out, but small fish were also spit out.

When Sifa quickly supported the old priest, he found that he had 'drowned'.

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