I Am Breaking the Dimensional Wall In the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 935: Light of Glory


Silver-white lightning appeared, illuminating this barren plain filled with gray-yellow fog.

Who would have thought that an angel-level battle had occurred here just now.

Klein received more and more prayers. Following the 'chariot', 'magician', and 'sun', 'star' and 'The Hanged Man' also prayed to Mr. Fool.

At that time, Klein was following Amon deep into this barren wilderness.

Then I heard terrible news.

We will reach our final destination in half a day!

Amon in a soft pointed hat deceived Klein, because before that, he told Klein that.

'The destination will be reached in no more than three days'.

Klein has been measuring three days, and plans to use suicide to get rid of Amon before that.

But now, only half a day!

Possibly, less than half a day!

This made him summon historical images without any hesitation, summoning angels such as Zarath and Arianna.

And Zaratul summoned several angels including Emperor Roselle.

Unfortunately, in the end, this luxurious lineup still ended in failure.

Because Amon, who is now next to him, is no longer a clone.

It is the body!

It is the king of angels who is born to accommodate the "uniqueness" of the "thief" pathway, the first level under the gods!

This brought Klein great despair.

Because this means that unless there is a true god, no matter how hard Klein struggles, it is impossible to escape from Amon's hands.

At this time, the real King of Angels put down his monocle, turned his head and said, "Can you go faster? We'll be there in less than half a day."

Klein now lacks trust in Amon's description of the more Mohu Lake, and asks, "How long?"

Amon chuckled: "Half an hour."

Klein couldn't help but looked sideways in the direction Amon had just pointed. He saw that it was dark and deep, and it didn't look like there was anything.



In the captain's room, while looking at the battle report, Xifa suddenly saw boundless gray fog and heard Mr. Fool's slightly ethereal voice.

"The meeting is going on as usual today."

Xifa breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Klein has gotten rid of Amon.

He spends more time than himself.

However, that was Adam who had no intention of killing himself.

Also because the path he took was in Adam's interest.

So she was able to tolerate her existence.

Otherwise, Xifa dare not imagine the result.

Even now, he is not completely sure that he has not been 'arranged'.

"I just took this opportunity to ask Miss Justice to help me with treatment, but this requires her to be promoted to a demigod..."

"Otherwise, she probably won't find the abnormality, if Adam really made any 'arrangements'."

Xifa put down the battle report, walked to the middle of the room, stretched out his hands in front and back, and recited the incantation.

He summoned the 'Book of Mysteries'.

Time stopped at this moment, the raised curtains were frozen in mid-air, the dust in the room no longer fluttered, and the colors of all items became extraordinarily rich.

Xifa felt the sinking in his hand, raised his head, and saw the thick, illusory book that exuded various glimmers of light.

He turned to the message board.

He picked up the unreal quill pen, crossed out the previous message, and wrote a new text.

‘Watchers, do you know the uniqueness of the ‘Hunter’ pathway? Do you know its whereabouts? If you know, I hope you can leave a clue, thank you very much. ’

Although I don't know what materials are needed to advance to Sequence 0, Xifa believes that it is necessary to accommodate 'uniqueness'.

This is in preparation for promotion to sequence 0.

Then he turned to the 'Project Blasphemy' page, he was already Sequence 2, and it was time to project the ability of Sequence 2 of the 'Twilight Giant'.

Sequence 2 of 'Twilight Giant' is 'The Glory One'.

There are two main capabilities at this level.

One is 'Light of Glory' and the other is 'Dusk Storm'.

The "Light of Glory" can produce a large range of invisible, but invisible light that can be felt. Under the 'illumination' of this light, the power in the fields of depravity, filth, corrosion, darkness, evil, disease, etc. will be purified, and disappear without a trace of residue.

In addition, it can allow friends to obtain a great and all-round improvement. Courage, fighting spirit, spirituality, and power will be greatly enhanced.

During the time limit of 'Light of Glory', if any friendly army is killed, it will be turned into the power of glory.

The power of glory can be concentrated on the body of the ability activator, so that the Beyonder who releases the "light of glory" can get a certain degree of bonus, or it can be shared with other allies, so that they can get a small improvement.

As for the 'Dusk Storm', it can be regarded as the 'Storm of Light' at the angel level.

It can instantly condense a great sword composed of dusk light, which can penetrate the void and appear directly at the opponent's position.

It will tear everything around it into a storm that can destroy a plain, or a city.

two abilities.

One has the ability to purify evil, restrain filth, and improve itself and allies.

One is pure, large-scale, powerful destructive ability.

Based on previous experience, Xifa selected the 'Light of Glory' for projection.

He is not lacking in attack ability.

Whether it is a 'glacier' or a 'volcano', it is a large-scale attack with a certain 'authority' and a 'concept'.

They are not inferior to 'Dusk Storm'.

Relatively speaking, 'Light of Glory' is more suitable for Xifa. This ability can be used to improve his projection army and his future army soldiers. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

And it also makes up for the shortcomings of the ‘Hunter’ pathway in purifying and restraining filth.

After selecting the projection ability, Xifa consumed 1,000 dimensional crystals, opened the third 'ability space', and completed the projection of the 'Light of Glory'.

End the call.

Three in the afternoon.

When Xifa opened his eyes, he saw one after another silhouettes appearing from the crimson light that was constantly rising, and they were sitting on different high-backed chairs.

Almost as soon as he appeared, Xifa did not look at anyone else, but directly looked at the figure at the top of the long bronze table, shrouded in gray mist.

He wanted to determine whether the figure was wearing a monocle.

Fortunately not....

This made Sifa heave a long sigh of relief in his heart.

Others behaved similarly to him, and then instinctively looked at Gehrman Sparrow the ‘world’, except for Sifa.

Sifa knew that it was Klein's trumpet. Since Mr. Fool was fine, Gehrman Sparrow the World would not have any surprises.

Seeing that Gehrman Sparrow the World was intact and there was no abnormality, Audrey the Justice retracted her gaze, lifted her skirt, and saluted towards the top of the long bronze table: "Good afternoon, Mr. Fool. ~”

PS: There is no description of the Giant Path Sequence 2 'Glory One' in the original book, so I can only make it up myself.

'Light of Glory' is designed based on the performance of 'Proof of Glory', plus my personal understanding of the word 'Glory'.

‘Dusk Storm’ was designed based on the description of Amon’s shot by ‘God of Honor’ Bradel in the original book.

"The Guard is Here"

In the original book, the chief patriarch of the Church of God of War can also create a rotten substitute, but I am not sure if it is the ability of the 'Glory One', so I didn't write it down.

Well, that's it~