I Am Breaking the Dimensional Wall In the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 986: Abydos

the next day.

Celeste sailed on the vast sea.

It had already strayed from the safe course.

In the afternoon, Sifa, who was on the deck, saw what Ebrio called "Samen Island".

Next to Abrio said: "Salman Island is a large island, with an area of ​​dozens of square kilometers."

"There is more than one spring in the mountains to the west. The previous warlords built canals to divert water from the mountains, so they don't have to worry about fresh water."

"The forest covering most of the island relieved the need for various building materials, which is why it was favored by the warlords at that time."

"Although the private port and city are now destroyed, the recruited soldiers have been sorting and rebuilding them every day for the past two months."

"A ready-to-use camp has been built."

Sifa asked, "How to solve the problem of food?"

Abrio smiled and said, "There are abundant fishery products near Salmon Island, and there are also many wild animals in the mountain forests."

"In addition to using your military spending to buy supplies, basically you don't have to worry about it."

"A part of the weapons has been prepared, and the rest will be delivered one after another."

"This is thanks to the war that is affecting the entire world. Otherwise, it would be difficult to prepare a large number of weapons in time."

Sifa, who served in the Third Fleet, deeply agreed with this point.

Celeste did not approach Salmon Island, and the ship stopped ghostly not far from the island.

Next, Xifa and the others took a boat and headed to the island.

"We have rebuilt a port in the secret place of the island."

As Ebrio spoke, he instructed the corpse sailor to drive the boat to the west side of the island.

As they rounded the small half of the island, Sifa saw the port, and ship after ship.

On the sea, there are many small sailboats like this approaching the port.

Send batches of supplies and personnel.

Everyone here seems to know Abrio, and they all waved their hands when they saw him.

In a blink of an eye, they got off the ship and boarded the port.

Take a carriage to the barracks near the port.

In the carriage, Abrio spread his hands and asked, "Do you mind revealing your plan?"

"You want to intervene in the current war?"

Xifa smiled and said, "Yes and no."

"I really want to start a war."

"But it's not any country in the Northern Continent that is going to be attacked."

Ebrio asked curiously, "Then you want to attack the Southern Continent?"

"To be exact, it was attacking a city in the southern continent." Sifah said a place name: "Have you heard of 'Abydos'?"

Abrio shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

But at this time, sitting on the side of the carriage, she originally only looked out the window at Sharon.

But he turned his head: "Abydos? Abydos in the southern continent? A city under the control of the 'Rose School'?"

Sifa smiled and nodded.

"That's right, it's the 'Abydos'."

"This was originally a city under the control of the ancient Balam Empire. Later, it was abandoned. I don't know when it was occupied by the 'Rose School'."

"Slowly, the 'Rose School' developed that city into their headquarters, where nearly 100,000 people now live."

"It's comparable to the capital of a country."

"My goal is to destroy that city and deal a heavy blow to the 'Rose School'."

This information was accidentally seen from the intelligence of 'Black Sail' when he was cooperating with the Loen military in the Southern Continent.

Although Loen knew the existence of 'Abydos', it was because the city penetrated deep into the southern continent and was the headquarters of the 'Rose School'.

If you want to attack 'Abydos', you need to mobilize a large number of troops, and you have to cross many cities in east and west Balon.

Under the circumstances at the time, this was obviously not realistic.

But now, the war has also spread to the southern continent.

If Xifa takes action again, there won't be much resistance.

Inside the carriage, Ebrio slowly exhaled: "You actually want to attack the 'Rose School'."

"This is really surprising."

Xifa smiled and said, "Accidental? Are you okay?"

"I have dealt with the 'Rose School' several times, and I know that this organization is now mainly controlled by the 'indulgence' personnel."

"The people of this faction are all indulging their desires, and they are all potential dangers."

"If these people die, it will have positive meaning for the world."

"Of course, fighting against the 'Rose School' is just one reason for wanting to start this war."

"Another reason..."

At this moment, the carriage stopped and the barracks arrived.

Xifa said, "I'll talk about it next time."

In the military camp, Xifa could see from a distance that there were soldiers one after another on the gravel-paved square, undergoing training.

Abrio said: "When I was recruiting, I recruited some veterans who had been discharged from the army and whose lives were not satisfactory."

"These soldiers are from various countries, and some of them are officers."

"They know how to train soldiers, but we still lack a commander."

Sifa said while visiting: "You will have it soon."

"Gather those officers, I have something to say."

Abrio nodded, called a soldier and asked him to take Sifa to an office.

He himself went to the square to summon the officers.

After a while.

Abrio walked into the office with the officers, and not only saw Sifa, but also saw a man of medium stature wearing a mask.

The first time the officers saw Cifer, they were all at a loss, and they all looked at Ebrio.

Abrio smiled and said, "Everyone, this..."

He looked at Xifa and cast a questioning look.

Sifa knew that he wanted to ask himself, what identity should he use to introduce him to the officers.


This obviously doesn't work. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

This is a famous adventurer at sea.

Sudden summoning of the army would arouse suspicion.

So Cepha looked at Katarina with a smile.

The 'Saint of White' understood, and said in a sweet and authentic voice, "This is His Royal Highness Don Quixote."

Abrio shrugged his shoulders, turned around and said, "Yes, this is His Royal Highness Don Quixote. He is the one who recruited you."

"This Highness will have a great action in the near future, and will launch a righteous battle."

"And you will have the honor to participate and witness the whole process."

"You should be honored."

"If it weren't for your Highness, you might be selling drunk in some bar now, or you might have broken your leg for a few breads."

"How can you get enough food every day like now, and realize your value."

After speaking, Abrio looked at Cifer and motioned for him to say a few words.

Sifa stood up, looked around, and stroked the faces of these dozens of officers.

Then he said.

"When you are ready, you will go to the battlefield."

"I need you to convey the following words to every soldier's ears."

"On the battlefield, every time you kill an enemy, or take a prisoner."

"Everyone will get 1 gold coin, or 1 gold pound as a reward!"