I Am God!

Chapter 112: Weather fortune teller and weather fore

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A pen came down and he wrote on one page of a book called "Ten Paths of Life".

"Weather fortune teller."

Professionals in the sky path appeared, and this group's name was weather fortune tellers.

To become a sky path professional, you need to be a birdman. The method is to turn the sky path of the law of clouds into clouds and mist, and then enter your body by integrating them into your breath, allowing them to live in your body and gradually merge with yourself. As one body.

Of course, in addition to this, a regular job transfer ceremony is also required to seal the weirdness, and finally the name must be engraved on the pillar, otherwise you will suffer hidden dangers caused by the conflict between life and wisdom.

If you think you can ignore this hidden danger, or you have been recognized by some existence at the source of the life path, of course you don't have to do this.

At the first level, they have several abilities. They can turn part or all of their bodies into mist, ignoring conventional attacks. They can also control themselves to turn into water vapor and evaporate into the sky, but there is no way to turn it into rain and fall, they can only turn it into water directly. Falling from the body; able to accurately predict the weather, which is also the origin of their name.

At the second level, after they fully tolerate the weirdness of the cloud and mist form, they will further master the life energy, and their own "cloud and mist" will also undergo transformation.

They can use this cloud of life energy to swallow, fuse, and transform the original bird that is partially related to them. After that, they have the ability to transform into a bird form, which not only makes up for their flight and speed shortcomings.

They have the ability to turn the surrounding water into air, so they can create large foggy weather and can also affect the clouds in the sky.

Because this bird will disperse the clouds in a small area around its body when it passes by. In theory, it can disperse a rain cloud as long as it keeps flying in the sky, so it is also called a sunny bird.

There is currently no third-order form. Although Helfas has some guesses, he has not yet obtained complete confirmation.

"Professors of this path have..."

Keep your head down.

Helfas went on to write a brief introduction to weather fortune tellers in the book "Ten Paths of Life". Of course, he did not write down the job change method and all the secrets, but more like the popularization of this profession.

If you want to record the secrets of this profession in detail or use it for inheritance, then you will have to write one or more books.

Because it is not long, I can finish it very quickly.

Seeing him close the book, the messenger of the Sealed Book on the table spoke.

"Master, we have found the way to change careers as sky path professionals. According to the plan, you should plan the next step."

Helfas thought for a moment and said to the envoy of the Sealed Book.

"Let the Black Pen Messenger mobilize resources to establish a weather forecast port near the entrance and exit of the Sky Ladder in the Kingdom of Clouds."

"That's where the mythical weirdness lives. There are also a lot of weirdness in the surrounding sky paths. What's more important is that it's suitable for imbuing His law of life."

"There are all kinds of conveniences there, which are most suitable for training new weather fortune tellers."

"In the future, after these weather fortune tellers are released, the same weather forecasting ports will be established in various regions to forecast and monitor various severe weather conditions, such as hurricanes, heavy rains, cold waves, snow disasters, etc."

"We will also make use of the information transmission system we just built. All weather conditions are transmitted to everywhere through this system, especially the Kingdom of Rain. It has a large population but extremely unstable weather, and various natural disasters often occur. We must take it seriously. one time."

"When they become more powerful and numerous, we can no longer even predict the weather, but can change the weather and the environment."

"Of course this is just a mention at the moment, but we must prepare in advance."

Although Helfas said a lot, he had basically thought about it in advance. He had already planned the future of sky path professionals more than 20 years ago, and he is indeed moving forward step by step.

The Messenger of the Sealed Book recorded everything Helfas said, and what the other party said was then passed on to many Black Pen Messengers, and then turned into reality step by step.

The envoy of the Sealed Book went to work, and at this time the sun rose under the sea of ​​clouds.

The stars in the dark night sky dispersed, and the blazing whiteness swallowed the sky.

Helfas opened the window and looked outside.

A white bird appeared above the sea of ​​clouds along with the light that swallowed the sky, spreading its wings and soaring above the clouds.

Those primitive birds are not so beautiful, and they cannot fly to such high places. They can only hover between the jungle and the wilderness.

The bird flies freely and freely, as fast as a bolt of lightning. Flying can bring people the happiest sense of freedom, and sunshine and warmth can bring people a sense of happiness.

So what would it feel like to fly freely over the sea of ​​clouds under the sun?

Finally, it flew to the top of the mountain that broke through the sea of ​​clouds.

It landed next to the window of the God's residence.

Helfas looked at the sunny bird, and the bird looked at him.

The birds were jumping and chirping happily.

It's like singing a song.

It was supposed to talk but somehow forgot about it.

Helfas: "You found your name but it's too late to engrave it?"

In this way, it seems that everything you have done before is in vain, and it is equivalent to gradually turning into a monster again, and the short-term joy and happiness experience will be forgotten, and you will return to darkness.

Helfas stretched out his hand and the bird was not afraid of him and jumped on his arm.

Then he jumped again and stood on his shoulders.

He opened a door, and behind it was endless darkness.

He walked towards the darkness, step by step, light emerged from the darkness, and the last huge ancient mythical pillar appeared in front of him.

Through the coordinates given by Anissa, he can now accurately reach the pillar.


"Engrave the name you finally found."

The pillar radiates light, and densely packed words are flowing on it. The words are of various kinds, and some cannot even be called words, but are self-made symbols.

It engraved the found name on it, completing the ritual it had never completed.

"Sunny Bird!"

The name disappeared, disappearing among the endless names on the pillar, like a wisp of mist disappearing in the clouds.

It is the world's first sunny bird and the first weather fortune teller who can predict the weather.

After everything was over, the figures of people and birds disappeared under the pillars and returned to the Yundian mansion in reality.

Helfas stretched out his hand, and the bird returned to the window sill.

Turning around, he picked up the book that had just been corrected and added, and looked at the bookshelf on the wall.

When Helfas turned his back to it, it seemed to fade into the appearance of that sunny day at Wacheng Fengshen Temple.

Standing in front of the window, he saluted Helfas and said something.


But when Helfas turned around, it turned into the white bird again.

Helfas stuffed "Ten Paths of Life" into the bookshelf and sat back in his seat, as if he was completely immersed in what he had to do, just as busy as he remembered.

It stared at each other quietly on the windowsill, then spread its wings and flew to the other side of the sky.

It happily cuts through the sea of ​​clouds and shuttles in the light.

It is not a bird in a cage, but a bird that flies under the sunny sky and predicts the weather.

It will fly high and far.

But no matter how high you fly.

When it gets tired of flying, it will land in front of this window.

Maybe it's jumping around happily, or curling up its wings and enjoying the hot sunshine, and sometimes singing squeaky songs.

This is enough.

And that window of God is always open for it.

On the earth.

This is a small village with only a piece of oil bread farmland, but for the people in the village, this is their only one.

Farmers take care of their own farmland. Although it will grow no matter what, the yields of different farmlands are also different. The taste, sugar content, and oil content of the final output can also be said to be very different.

For example, breadfruit in some places can be used to extract oil, but in other places it cannot.

That's the difference.

Of course, no matter how manpower is compensated, the output will be difficult to compare with the large-scale clustered farmland where the face tree regulates the soil moisture and controls all the sub-strains. The highest yield is the farmland city or even the secret realm where the giant tree with a cave house turns into a farmland. In the country of farmland, it is said that the biggest breadfruit there can grow bigger than their heads.

It's really enviable to talk about.

But they didn't have that and could only fiddle with the land themselves.

During the break, the farmers sat in the middle of the farmland chatting.

"It's been raining recently and there's not much sunshine. The breadfruit may be bitter and there won't be much oil to squeeze out."

"That won't do. I don't want to eat that breadfruit."

"What's even more troublesome is that the harvest season is coming soon. If it keeps raining, it will be a big problem."

"So, hurry up and let the sun come out!"

As he spoke, another dark cloud gathered in the sky.

The farmers looked at the sky with some distress, but the clouds in the sky would not dissipate just because they said a few words.

It was as if he heard their voices.

At this time, a figure flew across the sky.

It was a white bird. It circled around in the sky, flying happily as if it didn't know how tired it was.

That's right, for it, happiness is flying, it's that simple.

"what is that?"

"What a beautiful bird."

“Can a bird fly so high?”

And as it flew, something strange happened, the dark clouds that had just gathered dispersed, and the sky became clear again.

The farmers were stunned and shouted with incredible faces.

"The clouds, look, the clouds have dispersed."

"It's incredible."

"What kind of bird is that?"

"That must be the messenger from the sky."

They chased the bird, but the bird did not stop or respond to them.

It landed in a nearby place and found the Black Pen Messenger passing by.

It took the form of a human and sat down, spreading everything it saw to the distance through the communication system built by Helfas.

It seems to be not only talking about the weather, but also conveying one's mood to others.

It lay on the stone and looked at the clear sky, swinging its hanging calves.

said happily.

"It's sunny today."

"No rain."

Cloud Kingdom.

Helfas came here again, but there were some changes compared to before. A special building was almost completed at this moment.

Helfas: "How's the construction going?"

Messenger of the Sealed Book: "The main facilities have been constructed and are now in the final stage."

Helfas: "What about the selection of preliminary members of the Weather Fortune Teller?"

Messenger of the Sealed Book: "The list is being entered, and we will further select them later, and then bring them here."

Helfas: "How to bring them here?"

Sealed Book: "It has been planned to build a new Snail Road connecting the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Clouds."

Between the questions and answers, many things became clear. The Book of Sealings would help Helfas to supplement some imperfections. At the same time, Helfas would make new adjustments to the plan when he discovered problems.

Looking at the weather forecast port below, that's where change in this barren land begins.

Perhaps in a few hundred years this land will be covered with forests, and there will also be rivers, rivers and lakes, and you can see fish swimming quietly in the water.

At that time, canoes and boats were really needed here.

But when I came here today, Helfas was preparing to go to the Full Moon Land in the Dragon World. Over the past twenty years, Helfas City has also made a lot of preparations. About Helfas City The plan to ascend the Sky Ladder is almost ready for the next step.

Of course, besides that, he also had some other ideas.

Helfas flew towards the sky and entered the cloud vortex.

Without the skyport and altar that had long become a weird part of the myth, he drew a ladder to open the sky and flew towards it.

The talking book that was with him just now has disappeared.

Helfas threw the Sealed Book Messenger into the Kingdom of the Gods, although he could also hand in a sacrifice to give the Sealed Book Messenger the authority to enter and exit the Ladder of the Sky.

Perhaps soon, he will have to prepare the price of raising the city of Helfas to the ladder of the sky.

so now.

Is it better to save some money?

After entering the Sky Ladder, Helfas held up an umbrella, which was the form of the Bright Mirror Shield after it transformed into the third level.

Helfas stepped forward, looking more casual and elegant, at least not as embarrassed as before with his shield on his head.

However, as he began to accelerate passively in the sky ladder, it no longer looked like he was holding an umbrella, but more like he was being dragged by the umbrella.

It was like a strong wind blowing away, and the person holding the umbrella was blown into the sky.

In the midst of stumbling.

We arrived at the station, but Helfas did not get off or close his umbrella.

He stood inside the ladder to the sky, staring at the other end of the passage.

This side is the Kingdom of Clouds leading to the birdman world, but what about that side?

The previous time, Helfas also discovered the passage at the other end, but at that time it was filled with the "clouds" possessed by the mythical weirdness, and he did not dare to go through.

But this time he came prepared. Could he go over and see where it was?

"Go and see!"

After making some preparations, Herfas turned and walked towards the other end of the passage, heading to the next stop.

But while moving forward, Helfas noticed some problems.

The ladder in the sky seemed to be going up, and it was getting higher and higher, which made him feel a little strange.

"Where is this going?"

As the height increased to a certain level, after reaching the end, he seemed to see a familiar outline appearing outside.

Even though there was only an outline, Helfas immediately recognized what it was.

"Tower of Babel?"

It turns out that one step further is the tower.

He looked at the tower for a long time. He should have turned around and ran, but he seemed to hesitate suddenly.

But in the end, he turned around and went back. (End of chapter)