I Am God!

Chapter 118: The salvation of the gods

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Henir was holding the Shinsai scepter, and he suddenly remembered the scene where he had just seen Stan Tito.

At that time, he was just a small figure who had just captured the rise of the Lukh monster, an illegitimate child who was spurned and despised by others.

Because of the war and the tension of the situation, he was reused by Queen Xingluo. He received the title of Queen Xingluo in the palace, and became a nameless volcanic archduke.

Because at that time the volcanic kingdom still belonged to the Horson family.

Stan Tito stood in the crowd, they were equally out of place, and they were equally unpopular.

At that time, he found the lucky boy in this legend at a glance.

Is it because he doesn't have the aristocratic temperament?


It's because he is very simple and pure.

He said that he was a puppet, he didn't know what he wanted, but he was a very pure person.

He can only distinguish right from wrong simply, he only knows that he will repay the favor of the queen, he knows that his friend is in trouble, he should stand up.


Such a person should not appear in the feast of the nobles.

At that time, he patted his shoulder, what did he say?

He remembered.

"When one day no one calls you the lucky one, you will no longer be a puppet."

"that time."

"You will become a truly powerful person, a person worthy of being worshipped and respected by everyone."

Henier laughed: "Unexpectedly, you really became such a person."

He smiled as he remembered, and finally turned and walked towards the sky temple.

From this moment on, he was the King of Hiinsai.

It's just that this throne is not as high as he imagined, and he can act recklessly.

In the era when Hinsai without the giant monsters, the blood kingship was terminated, anyone can become a king.

As Stan Tito said, if he fails to do this king, others will naturally do it.

He had just stepped up the stairs, raised his head and saw the statue of Insai in the temple.

The sky suddenly burst into dazzling light, rotating and projecting down.

Over the holy lake.

The vast fantasy starlight poured out from another country, opening a large whirlpool hole in the sea of ​​clouds.

A huge door was erected, accompanied by dreamy colored light.

"That is?"

"The gate of the kingdom of gods?"

Henier looked blank and thoughtful at the same time.

He did not expect that at this time the door of the kingdom of God opened.

But he also looked in the direction leading to the sea in the distance, and faintly guessed something.

In front of the gate of the Kingdom of God, as the light gradually diminished, a divine messenger wearing a golden cloak appeared under the giant gate.

She stood quietly, looking at the world.

As the envoy of God waved his hand, a ray of light shone from the kingdom of God to the world, just shrouded in the body of Stan Tito who had turned into dust.

Stan Tito's figure reunited in the light, looking up at the gate of the kingdom of God opened for him.

The ethereal voice of the messenger of God came from another world, echoing in the kingdom of Shinsai.

"Stan Tito."

"Congratulations on passing the test, you will get the gift you want."

The wind lifted up the bright golden hair of the messenger of the gods, and the dreams of the gods painted on her burqa turned into bubble projections, and turned into scenes such as Xueye, Linhai, and Zhiguo.

Seeing her, it seems to see beauty.

Involuntarily make people yearn for.


"From now on, the door of the kingdom of God will be open to you."

"Every dying Sanyeren and people of the Demon Abyss will embark on the path of pilgrimage and enter the eternal dream star sea."

"Together with their memories, forever attributed to—."

"The kingdom of the gods."


The giant door behind the divine messenger suddenly opened, revealing the world of the kingdom of God.

The huge and endless dream star sea, the highest point of the star sea is the sun transformed by the cup of god, and the dream moon formed by the crown of wisdom.

And under the sea of ​​stars, is the legendary god-given land.

At this moment, not only Henier saw this scene, all the corners of intelligent life could see the scene of the opening of the gate of the kingdom of God.

I don't know how many people, their pupils dilated for an instant and they were shocked and speechless.

The angel of God was bathed in sacred light, and slowly said the last words.

"The good ones have eternal dreams."

"The evil one, fall into a bad state."

The capital of Anhuo.

Amidst the ruins of the city and the broken walls, sad crying can be heard in every corner.

Some people were desperately looking for the corpses of their loved ones among the ruins, some of the wounded lay on the square and wailed in pain, and some guarded the corpses of their loved ones with a blank eye.

At this moment, the gate of the kingdom of gods opened suddenly in the sky.

The light illuminates the darkness and dispels the haze.

Everyone looked up blankly, but found that the light of dream appeared on the corpses of their loved ones, and colorful bubbles floated up.

In the bubble.

The figures of relatives appeared on the bubble, waving their hands to say goodbye to them.

All the Sanye people who died in this disaster, all turned into a cloud of dreams of memory drifting to the kingdom of the gods.

Together with the kingdom of Demon Abyss in the deep sea, there are countless people of Demon Abyss floating out of the sea, looking up at the dream world above the sea of ​​clouds, watching the angel of God lead countless dreams of memories to fly into the giant gate. .

This scene.

Let all beings with wisdom be crazy about it.

Whether it is Shinsai or the Kingdom of Demon Abyss.


"This is the salvation of the gods."

The people who survived the disaster in the capital of Anhuo knelt on the ground and wept bitterly.

The beautiful vision in the sky made them see hope again.

Henir in front of the Sky Temple was also completely shocked by this scene.

He suddenly thought whether he had had such an opportunity before.

He could once be the one who let the door of the kingdom of God open for him.

"Everyone who has the brand of Ruh has had a chance, but unfortunately only one person succeeded in the end."

The messenger of the gods gives everyone the opportunity to give up, but only when you need the power of the Lukh monster the most.

Therefore, it is not only your actions that will be tested, but also your heart.

It's not that you can give up the Lukh monster, but you must give up this powerful destructive power when you can't give up the Lukh monster to choose the future and light for the Sanye.

Among these people, only Stan Tito's heart passed the test of the messenger of God.

Henir stepped forward in the sky, and Stan Tito, who had entered the kingdom of God, gave a farewell ceremony.

His hands drew a few circles in the air, then placed them in front of his chest and bent down.


"The new saint-Stan Tito."


Stan Tito floated towards the gate of the kingdom of gods, and followed the memory and dreams of countless trilobites into the fantasy star sea.

He stepped into the giant gate step by step, and stood in a world completely shrouded in gold.

The endless sun cup and flowers swayed in front of him, and the fairies sang and greeted him with hand in hand. The sun cup swayed and gave way to a path, revealing the sacred pyramid at the end.

He crossed the golden flower sea and walked on the stone road of the ancient god-given city.

He saw the legendary Shiinsai stele, and also saw the colossal statue built by King Jesair for the first king Ledlik.

He walked up the stairs and stood in front of the sacred and magnificent temple gate.

He raised his head a little, and saw the Mother of Life standing on the right side of the platform, and he also saw the fairy messenger standing on the right hand of the gods.

He raised his eyes again~lightnovelpub.net~ His mood was extremely excited for a moment.

Because he is going to see the gods in the legend.


What he saw was not a statue of a god, nor was it a mural carved by King Ledrich at the back of the temple.

His eyes penetrated beyond the world and saw an eternal star standing outside the universe and time.

He felt as if he had fallen into a boundless airspace, a gap in a long river of time, a crack outside the universe.

His eyes were blazing white, but he heard the voice of Sheila, the messenger of God.


"he came."

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