I Am God!

Chapter 128: Priest of Tier 3 Curse Seal

"I am God! Novel( Find the latest chapter!

At the highest point of the Sky Temple, Sandean sat meditating under the sea of ​​clouds and the sun.

He held the silver light in the palm of his hand, and the light continued to change with the mobilization of his mental power.

Sometimes it turns into an earthy gray symbol, sometimes it turns into an illusory and hazy dream.

When Sandean signed the contract of the spirit world with the Cup of God, he once lightly glanced at the dream of the gods carried in the artifact from the artifact that turned into the sun of dreams.

That is the source of the world's laws and miraculous power in the legend.

At that time, a message poured directly into his mind, letting him know the name of the imprint of that magical law in an instant.

"The Imprint of Tao's Divine Art."

He first saw a three-dimensional complicated symbol, and then the symbol broke apart and turned into a stalwart world.

It was a world of clay, ceramics and statues.


Since then, he has been thinking of always trying to find a way to rub off the power of that god's dream and integrate it into his own wisdom and power.

It's as if the goblin imprinted the magical laws into the power of his dream domain.

For so many years, he tried again and again, finally let him touch the threshold.

There was a smile on Sandean's face, and he was about to create a third-order path of wisdom and power.

Although immature, the wall has been broken by him.

Beside Sandean, a child quietly looked at the book Sanduan gave him.

There is a kind of quietness and maturity in the child that does not belong to his age.

The bone-shaft silk book that the child is holding reads "The Power of Wisdom and Power", which is a book written by Sandean himself.

Seeing the puzzled place, the child raised his head and asked Sandean.

"Master Sandean."

"Why is the power of the dream fairy called the third order."

"And the priest of the spirit world is only a second-order, isn't this the same power?"

He is the child of a priest and his name is Haru.

He was not born without the talent to be a powerful man, but the priest finally inherited his blood and entrusted him to Sandean.

Sandean was motionless, but his voice rang in the child's mind.


"Because we have borrowed the power of the law, the elves have integrated the power of the magic law imprinted in the dream of the gods into their dream realm, and only then has the power of ordinary decomposition and shaping become what we call the power of miracles. ."

"The wisdom and power that we Sanye possess can't completely imitate the power of the goblin, because the second-order power of wisdom is not transformed into the realm of dreams, but spiritual power."

"Only by finding a way to integrate the imprint of the magical laws into the spiritual power can we find the key to breaking through the third level."

"That is our own magical power to be called a third-order priest."

The child raised his head and asked him.


"Master Sandean, did you find it?"

The light in Sand'an's hand escaped and turned into a shadow with a faint fluorescent light behind him.

He shouted at the same time: "Spirit activation technique."

"Spirit of Curse Seal!"

"Come out!."

This is Sandean's biggest research result over the years, and he has created an original spiritual activation magic on the projection of the magic consciousness.

It was this magical technique that allowed him to break the threshold of the third-order wisdom and power.

He combined the imprint of the divine magic law with the spiritual power through the spiritual activation technique, and a strange creation such as the spirit of the curse appeared.

Sandean stood up and opened his eyes at the same time.

When he moved his finger, the spirit of the curse imprint floated like his other body in compliance with his control, and it flew into the air directly, ignoring gravity.

This is a spiritual body composed of spiritual power and the imprint of divine art.

It still exists even if it is far away from Sand'an's mental power control range. It can fly regardless of gravity, and it can shuttle through terrain regardless of obstacles.

And this is just the most basic strength and change.

Sandean urged the imprint in the spirit of the curse, an earth-grey imprint symbol slowly emerged, and the sand on the ground immediately burrowed into the spirit of the curse.

The spirit of the curse seal, which was originally just a spiritual body, had its own body in the blink of an eye.

Following Sandean's instructions, the body of the spirit of the curse was constantly changing.

"Stone form." The body of the spirit of the curse was condensed into a solid stone, heavy but powerful.

"Tao form." Changing it again turned into a light pottery doll, flexible but a little fragile.

"Clay form." The spirit of the curse seal turned into a clay figure. Since there is no power of a stone body nor the flexibility of a pottery body, it has powerful changes.

It can wrap Sandean to protect him, or it can turn into a lump of mud to trap others.

The continuous transformation of this body between the three, not only shows the power of the spirit body, but also shows the power of the two characters of curse and imprint.

Children have a natural yearning for this kind of doll that can be constantly changed.

It's like seeing a big toy.


"Master Sandean, can I learn this too?"

Sandean nodded: "As long as you are willing to learn, I can teach you."

"It's just that after you learn this power, you will use it cautiously."

"You can be a great person who changes the world, or you can be a mediocre person who ignores the world."

"You can't be the ones who killed your father, greedy, depraved, and evil."

When Haru heard of his father, he became different: "Master Sandean, I will never become like them."

Sandean himself cannot guarantee and predict the future, he can only plant the seeds of his own thoughts.

As for what kind of flowers will be bloomed in the end, who can predict?

He is not a god.

He took the child and left this forbidden area.

Haru is obviously a child with many problems, he is full of curiosity about everything, and he has his own ideas.

"Master Sandean."

"Why does it have to be humanoid?"

Sandean told Haru: "Because we are the most familiar with human figures and limbs, and they are also the most convenient and maneuverable and exert the greatest strength."

"In the future, you can also change your enchanted spirit into other forms, as long as you are familiar with it and can control it."

"But in any case, it is definitely the easiest to learn and control without a humanoid that is born with it."

Haru felt otherwise: "Although Sanye Ren's body is very flexible, it does not have a strong attack power ~ lightnovelpub.net~ and it is too weak."

"If I learn such a powerful spell, I must create an extremely powerful body in the future."

Sandean laughed: "If you can have your own ideas and will, you will definitely be able to do things beyond me in the future."

He took the child down and entered the apse of the Sky Temple, where a group of **** servants had already been waiting.

"The chief priest."

"Everyone is here."

Sandean's eyes changed all of a sudden, and they were extremely sharp in an instant.

But it gradually calmed down, and he took a deep breath.

"It's time to start."

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