I Am God!

Chapter 131: student

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The capital of Anhuo was renamed Anhuo City, and it was no longer a capital of the kingdom.

However, this place is still one of the most important cities of the Genil Dynasty. The complex and criss-crossed underground river centered on this place has fed the people of Shinsai from one city after another, towns, and villages.

At the same time, Genil also placed the Ice Temple here, which shows that he attaches great importance to it.

Sandean stood in the middle of the street, surrounded by people coming and going.

There were caravans dragging the trailers by, some nobles imitating priests in ornate robes, and luxury shops selling gold and silver on the roadside were installing glass and oil lamps, attracting a large group of people. Onlookers.

Almost half of the city of Anhuo was destroyed in the previous giant monster natural disasters, leaving only a piece of debris.

It is hard to imagine that a few years later, with the power of ritual being brought by Sandean, the city will regain a new brilliance.

Moreover, prosperity is more prosperous in the past.

Sandean looked up at the stone statue erected in the crossroads, which was a picture of a person blocking himself in front of a terrifying desert worm.

Student Haru asked him: "Who is that!"

Sandean's eyes were full of nostalgia: "The second generation saint-Stan Tito."

When the huge monster natural disaster occurred in the capital of Anhuo, the second-generation Saint Stan Tito saved many people. The surviving city residents and merchants cast such a statue for him to commemorate his charity.

Sandean came here because he wanted to see where Stan Tito had been.

Now that he had finished watching, he turned and walked through the crowd towards the outside of the city.

Haru chased after him: "Master Sandean, are we not going to stay here?"

Sandean shook his head: "It's not suitable here."

In the shadow of the bustling city, a small town outside the city.

It is dilapidated, barren, and wanderers everywhere.

The people who live here are the poorest at the bottom, and they can't even enter the gate of Anhuo City.

Because the entrance tax is also a high price for them.

All the prosperity in Anhuo City has nothing to do with them, and there is no trace of the power of ritual coming here.

Sandan and Haru passed through here, preparing to head to the sea from here.

It had just rained in the morning, and hungry eyes on both sides of the muddy street looked at the two people.

Haru was a little scared in the face, hiding behind Sandean.

With a loud shout: "My priest has given me food."

These people immediately swarmed like a worm, and rushed towards a certain corner of the town.

Sandean followed curiously, and saw a young man with several companions handing out a black plaster to the poor.

He immediately recognized that this was the black ointment produced by the Ice Temple. It was this thing that was left when the priests of the spirit world filtered the sea water to make a large amount of ice through the ritual.

It is made of plankton and tiny insects in the sea. Of course, the aristocratic nobles will not like this kind of food, and no one will think that this kind of food can be eaten.

Sandean knew what the essence of this kind of thing was, and knew that there was definitely no problem with eating.

Although it is as hard as a rock and very unpalatable, it is very full after a soak in the blisters.

The priest should have brought the black ointment from the Ice Temple in the city and distributed it to these people as food.

The poor people were holding things while talking to the young priest, as if everyone here was familiar with him.

"When will you become the official priest of the Ice Temple!"

"Lann! I must become the biggest man in the future!"

"Yes, to become the chief priest of the Ice Temple!"

The young man named Lan En smiled and did not speak.

After everything was over, Sandean stepped forward and asked the young man: "Are you the resident priest of this small town?"

The young man glanced at the two people, the older and the younger, and their temperament was not like a tramp.

"I am the priest here!"

"Excuse me, do you have anything to do?"

Sandean asked him: "You should be able to go to a temple in a big city. Even if you can't enter the Ice Temple in Anjo City, you can go to other prosperous places."

"How can I be a resident priest in a small town here, with a group of poor people who have no fishing grounds and no way to enter the workshop."

The young priest didn't like this man's presumption: "I like my hometown, can't you?"

Sandean: "Even if your background is poor, but your identity changes, people will change."

"The more people who make their fortunes suddenly, the more afraid they are that others will know their unbearable past. Isn't that true?"

"You should leave here."

Young priest: "Perhaps this is normal, but it makes people feel uncomfortable."

"I don't like this, at least not now."

Sandean nodded, and some priests would give up everything in the past as soon as they developed, but some still miss the life they used to live.

Some are noble, some are despicable.

Sand'an had seen a lot, and gradually understood.

No matter what the opponent is, more and more spiritual priests will change the world.

Whether he is greedy, noble, or willing to be mediocre, he will become a part of changing the world.

And it is those old priest families who stick to their own proclaims that hinder the advancement of civilization.

Knowledge will not advance because of self-preservation, the truth will only gradually become clear as knowledge spreads more and more widely.

For example, a person like a young man, if everyone like him can learn systemic knowledge of divine arts and possess advanced knowledge of spiritual priests.

He can easily change the current appearance of his hometown.

Perhaps this is what the second-generation saints really want to see.

Sandean used magical techniques to probe the young man's talent: "You are very talented. With your awakened bloodline concentration, you should have the opportunity to become a priest of the spirit world. Isn't anyone in the Ice Temple looking at you?"

Lan En spread his hands: "I want to enter the Temple of Ice to study, but I have no money."

And he hasn't said that there are some things that you can't learn even if you have money.

You also belonged to a prominent priest family, or even a specific family.

And how can Sanduan not know the doors and ways inside it, and it is this young priest that makes Sanduan completely firm in his belief in starting the academy.

"You follow me along!"

"I can teach you divine art, and I don't charge you money, and I don't need you to have any noble blood."

The boy looked at Sandean like hell: "You?"

Sandean stretched out his hand, and the dirt on the ground suddenly gathered and turned into a stone in his hand.

The simple change left the young man stunned.

"How can you use the power of miracles without drawing a ritual magic circle?"

Sandean shook his head: "This is not the power of miracles. It cannot create and create miracles on a large scale."

"This is the advanced power of wisdom and power, the existence above the priests of the spiritual world."

The young priest was a little at a loss: "What can I do with you?"

Sandean: "I don't want you to leave your hometown to enjoy the life that a priest should have."

"I will teach you how to use power. After you finish your studies in the future, you can bring hope to your hometown, and you can change everything here."

"You can bring food from the Ice Temple, but how long can this kind of thing last?"

"Your efforts like this can't change any situation."

The boy looked at the two people in front of him, a strange but powerful priest, and a ignorant and courageous child.

He suddenly ~lightnovelpub.net~ saw a slave mark on the collar of the priest's burqa.

He immediately faintly guessed who was in front of him.

Lan En's voice became a little trembling: "Who are you anyway?"

Sandean: "Who am I?"

He smiled and pointed in the direction of Anhuo City.

"Have you seen the stone statue in Anhuo City?"

"I am his student."

"You can become my student if you want."

Lan En's eyes changed completely, he knelt in front of Sandean: "I am willing to follow you, teacher!"

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